Cute Knight Kingdom

The latest in my series of vaguely-Princess-Maker inspired games is released! And I can say ‘vaguely’ now, because if you look, it’s pretty different… No longer are you standing in one room staring at the walls all the time, but walking around chatting people up JRPG-style. Also, the ‘jobs’ themselves are a little more active, and you can make choices about how hard to push yourself for success.

There are dozens of endings, spells to collect, recipes to cook and craft, various marriage options and secret character paths to find, and even a pair of twins. But, as I am evil, you cannot twincest them. You can only get an ending with one twin at a time. Unless you can organise enough customers to ask for an ending with both twins, and then I will write one and add it as a free update. :slight_smile:

(now, back to my evil schemes and the otome game I’m working on…)

Roughly how is the game proportioned between the story and sim elements? I’m not super interested in the latter but I’d be willing to go through a bit of the latter to get at the former, especially if the sim elements are fun.

EDIT: I had a play of the demo and it doesn’t seem too bad. I’ll give it more of a look later when I’ve got time. Question though; would I be able to move my saved character from the demo to the full game?

It’s all intermingled, you’ll often have events with characters after completing a job, and other times a new chat topic will unlock after your stats get high enough or you’ve done some other task.

Yes, but you’ll have to manually copy your saves from the demo subdirectory to the one for the full game. Which shouldn’t be difficult unless you’re using Vista and it’s hiding the directories from you to be ‘helpful’.

haha im gonna try the demo :smiley:

As I’ll be getting this, I will demand such! No one should be screwed out of twins!

Now this is what I have been expecting from gaming companies. I’ll download the demo soon.

About the ending, will there be a harem ending available?

No harems at the moment, no.

I’m expecting that, given time, people will come up with things they think really should be endings. The most obvious to me are the both-twins ending and marrying the boy who is not currently marriageable because he has a girlfriend, but there may be others. I’ll collect the requests that are either most popular or most cool in my eyes. :slight_smile:

I think I liked the original Cute Knight better. You move way too slowly in this version and the graphics are very cheesy compared to the original. (it doesn’t really look like something that is worth $20 for a DL) If you could fix this in a remake, then I would definitely consider buying this.

Stuff I would like in an updated version:

-Yuri endings (unless it’s already there)
-Yandere: I know this is a kid’s game, but you could still add an ending that’s a little dark. :stuck_out_tongue:
-Some weird, out of nowhere conclusion: The cute knight getting a sex change; finding out at the end that everything is a dream; ending where you join the Hanako games staff; etc. :wink:

I am a huge fan of Fatal Hearts though. That’s probably the best OE visual novel I’ve ever played. You need to make more games like that. :smiley:

Ehhh, I think you have been struck blind if you think my horrible drawn-by-me-in-paint-shop scribbles and flat red bars from the first game are better graphics than professional watercolors. :slight_smile: Tastes vary, of course, and people like diferent things. I was going for an illustrated children’s storybook feeling when I hired people for this game, rather than an epic anime fantasy. But there’s probably about as much chance of a new graphics remake of this as there is of one for Family Project. (OTOH if you hang around my forums, I run contests and discounts occasionally.)

There is at least one ending with another girl; saying more would be spoilers.
There is a Bad Ending, but I don’t think you can call it yandere. But unless you play it you won’t find out!

I do have another visual novel in the development queue, but they take time!

I just replayed both Cute Knights demos to confirm, and I really do like the original’s graphics better. Some of the expressions in the original were a little weird (like the drawing on the right in this screen:, but I liked most of the original’s graphics. The new Cute Knights just looks too… Americanized to me. (I know this is an English game, but still :P) There are three different styles going on in the product page (, while I think it should stick to only one. (preferably, something closer to the cute graphics in the original) My biggest problem is how tedious it is to move around now. What made the original so addicting (I replayed the demo multiple times!) was that you could move where you want quickly. I like the feature of being able to manually control your character, but it gets too tedious. It would be a lot better if I could change the speed of how fast I walk by double clicking or going into the settings.
I really still need to order the original Cute Knights when money becomes less of a problem…

Props for the GxG ending though. I want it more now. You should add a gay male character(s) in the new VN. (even if they are just side characters) That would be interesting to see.

I’ll have to try for various endings; i know my friend might be more inclined if there are more joke endings or bad endings as well as some new good ones.

I agree with that. I love endings in visual novels where you can suddenly end the game for making a really stupid choice and then end up with a weird ending. Maybe some of these editions could be added into a Cute Knight Kingdom Deluxe.

Art consistency is always a problem for me, as I like to make somewhat ambitious games and I have very limited budget, so I always end up having to get multiple artists to get things done on time and not costing me tens of thousands. :slight_smile:

I may implement a speed option at some point, but remember, if you go faster, the monsters will go faster too… for many people that could get quite awkward to control!

(And there are gay male side characters in CKK… as far as the VN goes, I’m not saying!)

It’s mostly a problem for me when walking around in a town or “safe zone”. I don’t care about the speed as much when traveling across the map since there is less reason to relax. (that’s not to say that I don’t think a speed update should still be incorporated into the map though)

Now, it’s looking more interesting. Maybe I’ll pick it up once there is a sale and a speed option is in place. :wink:

Vote for both twins ending.

Vote for marry boyfriend ending.

Vote for marry boyfriend and his girlfriend.:slight_smile:

is their a lesbian ending in CKK? or a genderswap (+ gf) ending?

Yes. You are VERY evil for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

I could just flood your mailbox from multiple google, hotmail, yahoo, and whatever else free email I can find. Compulsive obsession for twincest will do that. :wink:

Just think how many more games papilon would sell if she included twincest in every title. I’m sure Narg would suddenly became a huge fan of Hanako Games. :lol:

Just finished playing the demo, it is quite cool (although I had to redraw my perspective about the game, my mind was full of Brave Soul back then), still I agree with Insanity about the graphic ‘too Americanized’ :). I am considering of purchasing the title but first, how large is the game? I need to calculate internet expense. Thank you for the enlightenment.

Papillon should just draw everything in paint for CK3 like she did for the first game. It would look a lot better and save tons of money. :smiley: