D3 Games: interesting possibilities

Here’s something intriguing I just found at Anime News Network. A group called D3 Games has just announced intentions to publish its games in translated form Stateside. These include “…romance games (called gyaru-ge, or girl game) as well as its Simple 2000 games.”

I looked at the publisher’s page, and from what I can tell, the untranslated games seem to include bishoujo, bishonen, reference products, and anime spinoffs. The English pages don’t say much, but there a few intriguing remarks appear - such as a game called Love Songs that is said to "…establish a new style of romantic love-story simulation game."

Nearly all of what I saw was for PS2 and other game consoles. So who knows, maybe someday there might be some worthwhile bishoujo-style games for home consoles besides the Harvest Moon series and Thousand Arms.

In any case, I’ll keep an eye on this. Hoping there’s more than filler and overly commercial stuff.

So says gekiganwing/The Taiyaki Fan.

Nice! Thanks for the info.

Lol, a female robot…

Interesting news, though. I just read on Gamespot that the U.S. subsidiary only consists of 5 people right now. So we’ll see what happens.

Finally we can have some console bishoujo games translated!

I hope they start to release their games soon!

If it’s only going to be on console, I’m going to be very disappointed.
I hate that piece of crap that is the PS2.

Originally posted by Benoit:
If it's only going to be on console, I'm going to be very disappointed.
I hate that piece of crap that is the PS2.

Err...I see. Care to elaborate? If you're into RPG's, the PS2 is the dream console, hands down. Something like 90% of RPG's worth playing are made for either PC or PS2.

Most of the games for that system are crap. It’s all about quantity, not quality.

The system itself is badly designed, and hard as hell to program for. It doesn’t even exceed the Dreamcast, which came out one year before.
It’s also not a console, but a multimedia system. When it came out, it was expensive as hell because of it, and the first models had to be all called back because they were defunct. It also took a while before DVD playback was well supported.
The system also starts breaking down and freezing games after two/three years, after which you have to buy a new one. Hardly what I would call quality, especially when you see how much it costed.

Sony is a dirty asshole. Take the Bleem! for Dreamcast case for example. Any store that would carry the Bleem! discs wouldn’t receive any more Sony products. It forced stores to do as it wanted.
That, and I hold a big grudge against them for giving the Dreamcast an unfair fight, which got Sega out of the console business.

Sure, many RPGs. But how many are worth it? How many are more than just FMV after FMV?
That makes the list much smaller…
Give me Grandia II (Dreamcast version is more stable and polished), Skies of Arcadia, Phantasy Star Online, Tales of Symphonia, etc. any day.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 10-19-2004).]

My PS2 works fine. I’ve had it for 2-3 years. My brothers’ went haywire and won’t play dual-layered dvd’s anymore, but seeing how they treat their stuff in general…I don’t know if that’s Sony’s fault. They also got it used.

You can’t really blame Sony for trying to protect their property rights…

How many PS2 RPG’s are worth it? Looks through PS2 game collection Let’s see: Xenosaga, Drakengard, Dark Cloud 2 (didn’t really like it, but I could see its appeal), Dark Alliance II, Champions of Norrath (well it’s fun with friends at least), Suikoden III, Star Ocean III, Shadow Hearts, Summoner II, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy X, Draken…I could probably go on, but I don’t have all my PS2 games with me here. Each and every one I listed was worth the money I paid for it (though I got many of them used for $15-$30).

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-19-2004).]

Interesting, it’s only for console games right?
We’ll have to see they will actually put out product or will it all be vaporware. In any case more bishoujo companies can’t be a bad thing right?

My PS2 works fine. I've had it for 2-3 years. My brothers' went haywire and won't play dual-layered dvd's anymore, but seeing how they treat their stuff in general...I don't know if that's Sony's fault. They also got it used.

This "breaking down" situation extends to people who do treat their console properly.
You can't really blame Sony for trying to protect their property rights...

Protect their property rights? There was nothing to protect.
Bleem! for Dreamcast is a PSX emulator for Dreamcast. In the end, they released Bleem! disks that would only work with one game for the best performance.
Bleem! is not your usual emulator. It also enhances the game visuals with a special technique. This was the appeal. Playing PSX games (that are bought in the store, mind you, not pirated ISOs) on your Dreamcast with better graphics.
Despite there being no legal problems, Sony decided to play dirty and threatened stores who carried the disks to deny supply of their products. Since their consoles are popular and sell well, of course every store obeyed.
Each and every one I listed was worth the money I paid for it (though I got many of them used for $15-$30).

Indeed, not worth the full price. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] Some of the games you mention aren't really RPGs, but more like movies (Xenosaga, Final Fantasy X,...), or aren't generally perceived as good RPGs by everyone (Suikoden III, Star Ocean III, Kingdom Hearts,...).

Hmm…you have odd impressions of what constitutes an RPG. Admittedly, calling Champions of Norrath an RPG in the traditional sense is somewhat of a stretch…but Xenosaga and Final Fantasy X? I’ve never heard Final Fantasy X’s “RPG-ness” questioned. As for Xenosaga…that was just an RPG/ADV combo. It’s a shame that a lot of people, even RPG-gamers, don’t appreciate thorough story-telling anymore.

I’ve found Suikoden III somewhat lacking, but Star Ocean III and Kingdom Hearts? Are you mad? Star Ocean III gets rave reviews, and Kingdom Hearts is critically-acclaimed as well as a best-seller.

I think you’re in denial, DC boy.

Final Fantasy titles generally aren’t RPG by my standards, but very few console games are. Sadly there is still a lot of term confusion around the ‘RPG’ category, especially on console, where anything that has experience and leveling-up is labeled an RPG.

In my book, it only gets to be a role-playing game if you actually get to make some DECISIONS that alter the course of the plot.

The term “action-RPG” is used now to mark off hack-and-slash that is mostly about killing stuff rather than plot, but there doesn’t seem to be a popular term for “story games” like I remember FF being, where you mostly move from cutscene to cutscene without any choice in the matter.

Of course, I haven’t been a console gamer since everybody went 3d (I hate 3d!) so my impressions may be a bit off.


PS2 has most of the good “console RPG’s”… PC has almost all the good “real” RPG’s, with XBOX getting some…

As for programming? I’ve programmed on all 3, and I personally find the PS2 the easiest to debug 'n stuff, and the GC the worst… Not overly familiar with the xbox, other than the fact that (rather obviously) you pretty much have to use visual studio, and it’s fairly unfriendly to debug.

I can vouch for the crappiness of the PS2. I got mine the day it came out in the US back in 2000. After setting it up, I didn’t move it for almost 2 years. After about a year and a half, it refused to play PS2 cd-roms (the blue-back discs). Eventually it wouldn’t play anything at all. Sony eventually acknowledged that they weren’t built well and offered a free repair service.

After about a week I got my “fixed” PS2 back. It would play PS2 DVD-ROMs again but the CD-ROMs still didn’t work. Two weeks later, it wouldn’t play the DVD-ROMs either. I then found a local store here in Buffalo NY. For $40 they rebuilt my PS2 in less then 30mins. My PS2 has worked perfectly since that day (its been over 6 months now).

Makes me wonder if Sony did anything at all when they “fixed” it…

Now my Sega systems on the other hand still work perfectly. Including my old clunky Sega CD model 2. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if my Sega Saturn outlives me.

I don’t know about some people PS2s, but I got one of the first ones out and it lasted me serveral years of hard RPG use unfortunatly it died recently, on the same day Star Ocean came out. I play my PS2 far more than my XBox(still not sure why I bought it since I don’t care for fps or sports games). I believe that the PS2 has some the best Survival horror games on the market(Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series).

Let’s put this discussion about ‘PS2’s RPGs are wether or not good’ aside for a while.

The main question here remains: Are the Bishoujo Games for PS2 from D3 really good? Do we can to expect the translation of PS2-BGames from other companies too, like for instance ALCHEMIST, who released games like PRINCESS HOLIDAY, OPERATION SANCTUARY, WIND and BALDR FORCE EXE for PS2?

Hmm...you have odd impressions of what constitutes an RPG. Admittedly, calling Champions of Norrath an RPG in the traditional sense is somewhat of a stretch...but Xenosaga and Final Fantasy X? I've never heard Final Fantasy X's "RPG-ness" questioned.

I've heard it questioned a lot. It's almost cutscene after cutscene. Xenosage was also criticised for its many cutscenes that interrupted actual gameplay.
It's a shame that a lot of people, even RPG-gamers, don't appreciate thorough story-telling anymore.

Story-telling doesn't mean showing a bunch of cutscenes in an RPG. It should be about playing a role while following a certain story. The role-playing aspect also extends to actual gameplay, and that's what many RPGs nowadays lack. Since the arrival of 3D, they are more and more focusing on eye candy.
but Star Ocean III and Kingdom Hearts? Are you mad? Star Ocean III gets rave reviews, and Kingdom Hearts is critically-acclaimed as well as a best-seller.

I may be wrong about Star Ocean III, since I've only heard one negative opinion on it. But Kingdom Hearts is a love it or hate it game. Many like it a lot, and many shudder at the Disney characters and general atmosphere. It depends on your taste.
The term "action-RPG" is used now to mark off hack-and-slash that is mostly about killing stuff rather than plot

Just don't blame PSO for being hack 'n slash. It's great for actual role-playing, and it has a great plot which is explained through various quests and the actions of the NPCs. It's the next level. I can link you to my script site devoted to PSO to prove it. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]
PS2 has most of the good "console RPG's"... PC has almost all the good "real" RPG's, with XBOX getting some...

Hey! What about GameCube?
Phantasy Star Online series, Lost Kingdoms (seemed decent), Skies of Arcadia Legends, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, The Legend of Zelda series, Mega Man X: Command Mission (mostly for battle, plot doesn't seem too good). Also, soon a new Fire Emblem.
Now my Sega systems on the other hand still work perfectly. Including my old clunky Sega CD model 2. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if my Sega Saturn outlives me.

All my Sega systems, Game Boy, and Neo Geo Pocket Color also still work perfectly. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
And being a console gamer, I use them a lot each.
I believe that the PS2 has some the best Survival horror games on the market(Silent Hill and Fatal Frame series).

Try Resident Evil Zero and Eternal Darkness on GameCube. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Let's put this discussion about 'PS2's RPGs are wether or not good' aside for a while.

Infidel! You think to stop the tide of off-topicness?! We shall never submit! [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img]

Story-telling doesn't mean showing a bunch of cutscenes in an RPG. It should be about playing a role while following a certain story. The role-playing aspect also extends to actual gameplay, and that's what many RPGs nowadays lack. Since the arrival of 3D, they are more and more focusing on eye candy.

Bah. People are always ranting about the "good old days" when story and gameplay were valued above all else. You know what I think? The "good old days" weren't that great; people just have selective memories. Gameplay wasn't necessarily "good"; it was just simplistic. If you equate the two, then good for you. I've played a lot of the "classic" SNES games, and I admit they can be fun. But in scope, variation, and complexity they fall far short of modern games. Let's face it: old RPG's are mostly stale carbon-copies of each other. There wasn't any innovation, just the same tired cliches over and over. The same could be said of modern games, but I think developers nowadays at least make the effort to stray from the well-beaten path once in while.

What's this about an RPG not being an RPG if it's linear? Huh? Well damn, if that's true, then RPG's hardly even existed until 1997! I don't remember making any world-altering choices in FF6. A linear plot without much in the way of decision-making story-wise describes just about every Japanese RPG ever made. An RPG is a game that features character development (both gameplay-wise and personality-wise) and a well-developed story. Roleplaying doesn't mean that the character has to be a "living" extension of yourself. It's equally valid that you project yourself into the character, and you become him, rather than the other way around.

BTW, you RPG retrogamers should check out the newest title from Working Designs. It's called Growlanser, and it's actually a collection of 2 games for the standard price of $50. Good story, branches like crazy based on decisions you the player make, and features graphics that would make even PS1 games look like eyecandy. I think the title would suit your tastes quite nicely [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] (I know I'm getting it). Here's the site: http://www.workingdesigns.com/

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 10-21-2004).]

Hey! What about GameCube?
Phantasy Star Online series, Lost Kingdoms (seemed decent), Skies of Arcadia Legends, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, The Legend of Zelda series, Mega Man X: Command Mission (mostly for battle, plot doesn’t seem too good). Also, soon a new Fire Emblem.

PSO: on just about every platform DC/XBOX (with… gasp actual online); LK: a card game? You’re kidding, right?; SoAL: played on DC; Tales: coming to a PS2 near you. Baten Kaitos: Another card game? Hello? thought we were talking RPG’s… Zelda… Not an RPG… Great action/adventure title, but not an RPG… Megaman? LOL…

Didn’t hear about the Fire Emblem, thought that series was for GBA?


What's this about an RPG not being an RPG if it's linear? Huh? Well damn, if that's true, then RPG's hardly even existed until 1997!

... which is why older game reviews used to carefully mark games as 'CRPG's, because they were NOT rpgs! Dragon Warrior is NOT a role-playing game!

(Yes, I played and beat that on the NES way back when. Thou hast defeated the Dragonlord, blah blah blah.)