
I want to know if JAST will be carrying that game from Alicesoft.


For people that’ can’t be arsed to use proxies.

http://miscgamer.com/2011/01/01/aliceso … travaganza

I would say ‘no’. Daiteikoku is the reason AliceSoft blocked their website to overseas users. They won’t be in a hurry to localise it.

They might put it up on J-List, which would probably be a decent idea, but that would require people to actually request it there. Regardless, I’ll definitely be getting this.

Wow, this looks pretty interesting. Too bad it’s waaaay over my head at the moment.

Serious? Can’t speak for Daiteikoku but the level of text in Daiakuji and Daibanchou is somewhere between first and third grade and I hardly see this turning into something particularly serious or detailed by comparison. Assuming every eroge that comes out to be Albatross Koukairoku or France Shoujo is going to stunt your learning. You have to start SOMEWHERE and something like Daiteikoku would be as good a somewhere as any really (although you still might want to go a bit easier, but still, it’s freaking AliceSoft! You could probably read it today).

My vocabulary is quite small. Of course, you’re right, if I never push it then it’s never going to go anywhere. However, the sheer length of this one would be a bit much, I think.

Well you’d certainly be getting your moneys worth then. Besides, with this you’d at least have the gameplay to mix things up. Plus, can you really resist the fuhrer? I highly doubt it, all hail fancism!

Although Daiteikoku is probably going to be very long, with significantly more text than a standard full price AVG, you won’t see most of that text on a single playthrough. If the text/gameplay balance is anything like their previous region conquest games, the text should also be heavy on dialogue, and in hundreds of bite sized portions with very few extended passages, which should make it relatively easy to read. It’ll still be more difficult to read/have a wider range of vocab than say Mizuiro and other ultra-generic eroges, but Daiteikoku should be a lot more fun.

Daiteikoku’s rlly great, been busy playing it.

Its their loss seriously. The people who thinks its not worth it.

I heard it sucked

Then I had loss explain it to me,and it sounds awful!

It’s taking a bit of a bashing, that’s for sure.

I’ll wait until I play it myself to pass judgment. Still looking forward to it.

I figured there would be raging after it came out, with the way Alicesoft was talking a lot of people got overly hyped for it. I’ll wait until my copy arrives and then I’ll decide whether the raging was valid or not.

How the heck does it suck?

Sure I can’t read japanese but frak its awesome. It matched my every exceptions and hopes. XD

People who rage prolly is stuck in some fights.

Some fights is really hard to beat unless u build some counter ships. Then U have a reasonable shot at success but success isn’t guaranteed. You have to learn how to fight and position well.

And they’re probably getting attacked on too many fronts at once. Seal them off as quickly as you can at reasonable rate.

Sure I can’t read the story whatsoever. Can’t read japanese but so far, its been awesome. Blasted China and almost done with Soviet.

And oh no kidding, there’s plenty of text. But also plenty of english too. Which’s weird coz don’t alicesoft hate the west? xD

Hard to tell, but the most common complaints seem to be:

  • Map is too linear, severely restricting how you can expand across the map. Limited replayability
  • No way of retreating from an attack you initiated- if you attack a territory, you must take that territory or it’s game over. This is pretty ‘unfair’ as the enemy can attack you as much as it wants with limited consequences. (This doesn’t sound too much of a problem to me, because I’d probably reload after a failed attack anyway, but it seems a little harsh)
  • Lots of unvoiced scenes (although surely it’s not less voiced than Daibanchou, so I dunno why this is so much of an issue)
  • Lots of H scenes without any CGs
  • Lots of NTR and rape scenes (I don’t personally care about this sort of thing, but some people do mind)
  • Limited number of unique/interesting characters compared to other Dai**** games / Kichikuou/Sengoku Rance etc.
  • Too short

Most of the complaints seem to be more centred around the scenario/story/characters etc. than the actual gameplay. I’m not sure how this can really have a story worse than Daibanchou though so it doesn’t make a great deal of sense to me. I’ll wait and see, I guess.

  • you have ur choice of foes in order whatever u wanna kill. China, Soviet, Usa, Britain. Doesn’t matter.
    -You can retreat from disasters. There’s taht xD I’ve done that when I inadvertently attacked a bunch that’s really too powerful for me to take down yet. And, you can just save before attacking, whoops enemy too powerful? order the assault troops to attack the planet to force a game over for a quick return to strategy map.
    -You can retreat during Defensive battles, i’ve used this function several times during early in the game but that’s pretty much it. AI attack fleets is really weak, but they can spam it like something fierce Only really bad when Disasters happen with numberous factions attacking u at same time XD
    -H scenes without any cgs well, minor girls didn’t have any H scenes sure, there’s three of them in my faction, dunno their name but their hair colors is grey, black, and brownish. Two longs and one short. But that’s about it so far, all major girls that i spent some time on has indeed h scene with cgs.
    -Alicesoft produces bunch of ntr and rape if they don’t like they can whine but there nothing they can do about it, I like alicesoft xD
    -Limited number of unique characters? Personally there’s quite alot. This complaint isn’t valid.
    -Too short? Don’t know for sure, only time will tell if it has free for all or not. I’m at 111 turns and only faction i finished off is China, while Soviet still got three systems left.

Personally i see a way to make daiteikoku even more better but that’ll require bigger map. And the map’s already big enough surprisingly.

Additionally from what other friends i have playing daiteikoku too, there’s multiple paths as well that would determine what u get or not.

I’m on the one which lets me have nazi girls join me. I’m enjoying Reita Adolf’s company xD but, I think i ran out of events to do with her.
Ok, people must’ve gotten used to sengoku rance’s system where ur preferred heroine will have a generic liner to say to you when u pay her a visit while characters in daiteikoku would get removed from event list.

Meh. Don’t really bother me oh well due to my inability to read japanese.
And lots of unvoiced scenes? shrugs Dunno, i’m deaf.

Honestly from what i’ve seen so far… there seems to be no consequences for losing a entire fleet of yours as long as u win or even lose. Just send them to a shipyard and they’ll be repaired.

How fast it repairs depends on the quality of shipyard you sent it to.

Due to that, even generic commanders is really valuable, they let you fight on multiple war fronts. Yes, you see taht admiral with -48% in all slots? Doesnt matter. He’ll be really handy when you reach Tier 3 tech tahts when ships start having enough hp for the generics to use them well.

Yes it’s bit linear, but what you want the enemy to do? Roll over your whole army at the start with powerful aircraft carriers from gamerica?

There’s options of signing an temporary Nap and stuff.

Just got my copy last week. Still in my first round and just finished attacking Canada.
Personally, I am satisfied with the game so far. I like the story. It talks about how different people are fighting for their “ideal” worlds. Our main character is also fighting for a better world for his own daughter. What a good daddy.
The game system is all right. I use “print screen” a lot before I launch an attack. My biggest complaint is that the enemy never launch big attacks.
Nobodies were expecting a full voiced game from Alicesoft right, did you?

I’ve been doing that too actually! Print screen, then dragging the admiral icons around and making marks on the image based on what works and what doesn’t.

Huh, that’s a good idea actually. I’ve just been typing in the enemies stats into Notepad before reloading.

Got mine last week as well, but my initial plans went to hell with the Mongols. After that I switched up and took out the Soviets before moving on to Aeris. I just saved Washa, the girl from Iscandar (love this refrence). As of now I’d probably score it in the mid to low 80’s. Personally I think they should have added a scouting option instead of needing to reload so much due to unexpected enemy fleet compositions. My favorite characters right now would probably be…Retia as an easy #1 followed by a Matsuri and Arubiruda (cannot think of how to properly romanize that one). I’ll have more thoughts once I’ve actually finished this run through.

Matsuri is awesome with her +40% airforce
Alwilda’s ship is a downgraded version of generation 3 main battleship, with her +40% laser is pretty useful.
(Alwilda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Awilda)
There are also several admirals great for general use in my opinion, like the guy from Vietnam (360 command point) or the guy from Malaysian Tiger (repair skill).
I haven’t decided on my favorite character yet. I will get a PVC of Mikado if they ever make one, and Maki is a great daughter.

I figured she was based off someone, just didn’t feel like spending the time to figure out who, and with katakana names like that if you don’t know who it’s supposed to be it can become a real pain to translate it. Also Maki would be great if her voice wasn’t so damn grating. As for general use, Retia and Rommel are good in all purpose roles, Manstein and Zhukov are beasts, Halsey is great with carriers (although her command could be higher), and Bradley is good if you give her subs. Also, my character list is subject to change, but I highly doubt anyone will be dethroning Retia ever.

Also, killing Eazauna was incredibly satisfying, especially because he did no damage against my tank.