
So I was getting ready to finally attack London, when suddenly in North Africa…Space Yokozuna appeared. What…the…hell. Guy has max HP, max radar, max lasers and max cannons. I managed to do over 6k damage in one turn, but seriously. The only way I can see beating him is with a mass of Type 99 carriers, but I don’t have enough high command admirals to use that many. Back to the drawing board I guess.

Edit: Scratch that, just sold about all my ships and was able to kill him. Your reward? You get him as a ship, with his ridiculous HP intact. Unfortunately his other stats have all gone to crap and his command cost is 540. What a ripoff.

I didn’t find him as hard as some of the other big monsters. He doesn’t have that bullshit ‘attack all’ skill so it’s not too bad. I destroyed him after conquering every region so I didn’t really have much else to do.

True, but the attack all skill can be avoided with subs and generally the ones using it aren’t strong enough to kill someone with 4 big barriers so you can tank it pretty easily, but because he was two one shot kill attacks per turn you’re pretty much pigeonholed into using carriers against him. It’d be fine if it was a dozen turns later, you know, AFTER I’d finished killing off Aeris and Gamerica, but noooooo he has to show up now.

well suck it up and let him win that territory, I’ve had situations where disaster is too powerful for my ships situationed at docks which was also supposed to be protecting against the invasions of my enemies, So what do I do? That’s right, invade the enemy on impulse.

Fortunately the enemy I counter invaded was british so it was easier than it would’ve been.

Its rather amusing because, one thing I never do is invade the enemy on impulse but hey, disasters make me do this for the first time xD

Well, I ended up having to bail out that time around but the next time he showed up he got obliterated without getting a shot off. Currently I’ve finished off Aeris and have only Washington and the Aztecs left. I’m actually thinking of giving Yokozuna to Retia so she can tank against Roosevelt,having -900 damage against everything but cannons is ridiculous.

They’ve released a second patch that adds a bunch of new features, including scouting before you attack as well as more events/ships/characters. You can also use the fish units in your fish tank right at the start of the game. If that includes Washa’s guppy then early game is going to be a cake walk.

The patch doesn’t support save file from previous version, so I will install it after I finish my first round. Seems like people are busying with those homemade admirals right now.

The custom admirals are fun, but I wish there was more customisation. Being able to set the command points, custom battle cries etc. would have been nice.

Voices would have been nice, but changing command points would make it easy to create even more unbalanced admirals. As of now the only guarannteed weakness of a custom admiral is their command points.

It’s not that huge a weakness, really- since you can do things like have +200% HP and +200% damage slots (with lv10) - if they wanted to avoid unbalanced custom admirals, a better way would have been to allow a certain amount of ‘points’ of customisation- it might require 1 point for each % of, say, lasers… and 2 points for each % of all damage etc. but you’d be able to get some extra points with negative damage / hp slots.

But yeah, as it stands, being able to put in custom admirals by grabbing graphics of a character out of another game is damn cool and it doesn’t bother me that much that they didn’t take the customisation further.

Just finished Dokutsu route both possible ways (conquering Berlin and letting events play out) and I have to say…I HATE Himmler. Also, Hapsburg Lady as a clear bonus is all well and good, but with only 360 command and only one open slot, she kind of sucks. Whatever, time to go for Scarlett’s route before hitting up the True End.

True, but even then they will likely only be able to kill at most two enemies a turn, and late game it’s not absurd to have normal generals like Togo and Retia doing the same thing without overpowered stats. The cap on command prevents you from having someone with the final version of the Yamato along with a carrier, a cannon ship and a defensive ship which would likely result in wiping out entire enemy fleets in one round, two if you didn’t buff up their attack and instead went for HP.

You have your 2 custom admirals capable of taking out 3 enemies each easily enough if you make use of the right fish and space animals, which isn’t a game breaker but is still pretty helpful. I’m probably going to try this on my next playthrough.

I can’t seem to ally with Dokutsu at the start and get any outcome other than Dokutsu being finished off, which is annoying. I can’t get through Eiris fast enough. Soviet Union isn’t too bad at the start but you get shut out for far too many turns and it takes a while before you can invade them in the first place. Gamerika also shuts you out for a time, although it’s not as long and you can attack immediately, but they’re a bit tough and while Hawaii isn’t too hard to take early on going past that is a bit tough. I’m not sure what else I can really try.

To start the Dokutsu route you have to acquire a territory next to any of Dokutsu’s territories. In my case it triggered when I took North Africa on turn 28. It helps to go with Mikado’s conversion plan as it gives you access to other admirals, most notably in the early game is Rasushara. It’s also important to use Denitz, as she is especially useful in taking out Nelson due to his barriers. The toughest spot to get through is probably Arabia, as you simply cannot do it unless you have access to the barrier battleship/big barrier. However you have to keep a good number of people back as when you take Arabia the Mongols will show up and you need to eliminate them in two turns at most or they will power up too much. Also, going after Hawaii is probably not a safe bet if you want to go on the Dokutsu route, as the amount of resources needed for that fight aren’t worth it. One last thing, after you eliminate China, on your next attack Togo will have Maki and thus be invincible. It’s best to use this invincibility when trying to Mogol, as Rance is a serious pain in the ass. If you need more help let me know as I’ve got most of the mechanics/tactics down.

I’ve had the Mongols showing up on taking Hawaii, it was horrible. They didn’t appear at all on my first playthrough so maybe this is after a clear or something? The conversion plan I used on the first play- I assumed it would actually slow me down, but you’re probably right.

As far as Arabia goes, I’ll give it a shot, although that’s a fair bit of Eiris to clean through. I’ll give it a go now. Thankfully, with Otonashi Ayana and Kirishima Yui in my fleet it should be a piece of cake. I don’t care if it’s cheating~

Blowing your way through arabia is perfectly doable. Just focus on killing just enough fleets for 8 stars then assaulting the planet. I’m not on mikado project.

I’m currently in progress of two routes, a normal one or true idk but other route is definitely the reita one. Arabia’s hard but Suez canal is really easy.

Yegods if daiteikoku was in english i would be able to play this so much better. LIke making even more killy fleets xD So many support ships which purpose I don’t understand.

As for first route, only british is left to be eliminated before it ends. As for dokutsu route, i definitely recommend assaulting them via british lands much more easier unless you feel like suffering through ridiculous bad weather + ubar nazi tier ships shooting at you. Which at this point i would be convinced that you’re a possible masochist. I tried assaulting them via usa, worst decision ever i gave up and went through british lands instead.

The Mongols only show up if you take either Arabia or Hawaii by turn 30. Them showing up is the only way to trigger the second warp gate event which allows you to invade Gamerica through Canada, and thus avoid the Core revolt.

After everything got split up between me and Dokutsu I actually ended up going through Russia to get them. What’s more I only had 8 admirals in that fleet, and two of them were Yubari and Giga Macro. THAT was hard. The problem was the weather in the south (70% damage reduction to odd leveled admirals), as most of my admirals down there were at odd levels. As for ship abilities, the only ones that are really critical are the weather related ones, submarines and the defensive ships (barrier, anti air and anti missile). A nice tactic to use is to equip one admiral with only defensive ships (and a weather ship if you have bad weather) and have the other admirals with full sub fleets.

Currently attacking Gamerika through two paths on the West and one on the East now, since I can’t take more of Eiris currently (Dokutsu in the way and I can’t move my admirals through their space), the Soviets are not at war with me so I can’t do anything about them and I’ve taken everything else.

Yeah, I’m having a much easier time this time, probably because I understand the mechanics better now. The first time I found Eiris to be the hardest part of the game because after Eiris everything was easy-- CORE was a pushover etc.

In practice I only find myself using antiair/barrier/jamming, anti-cold (dust isn’t really worth it) and anti-submarine. Most of the really cool skills only appear on enemy ships.

Admiral skills are interesting, although I’m still trying to grasp how many of them work as the descriptions are so unhelpful. ??, for example: I put it on one of my custom admirals, but I’m not seeing much effect out of it and nothing that approaches the description.

Hadn’t thought of this. I’ve not been using submarines at all really, apart from the admirals that you get with them anyway. Typically I just liberally pepper my admirals with defensive ships just to fill space in the command gap (since 99 times out of 100 I run out of command before I run out of ship slots) and I typically have something good to throw against the enemy fleets. Scouting really helps with this- I still save every round but I don’t load anywhere near as much.

When I went onto the Dokutsu route the Soviets never even went to war with me, they got taken out by Dokutsu first. As long as you allied with Dokutsu and Italia you should be on Dokutsu route already, and they will take out both Aeris and the Soviets for you, as well as Gamerica if you wait (cause Retia is just that awesome).

I believe the reason that’s not working for you is because it’s an ability that only your ninja has. I’ve never used him before but I believe if you choose to have him help you on defense for a turn he likely arrives as an invincible defender (it is a cheat after all). So I can only assume that that ability would only activate for him, not a custom admiral.

The advantage of using subs is that there are no defenses against cannons, and so long as your enemy doesn’t have anti-sub ships and you have a strong admiral on defense then you are going to cause some serious damage. Towards the end of my first play-through I gave Retia Yokozuna and the space germ unit and she was more or less invulnerable (well over 9999 HP). She ended up being my tank versus President Roose when I attacked Washington, she didn’t kill anything but the two subs commanders with her slaughtered everything. One thing I realized, Tanaka and Bradley are excellent sub commanders due to their stat “bonuses”.

Only time I ever used a weather ship is for soviet winter.

And I got a minimum of one antidefensive ship per fleet, u gotta do it anyways for enemies being a bish to you. pouring out like 1200 beam damage to 600 beam damage at the point of where i am xD If you want a antibeam cruiser, u gotta use that antibeam battleship at least once in the battle, it reduces beam damage by 300 while antibeam cruiser reduces damage by 600.

As for subs, I barely even use them. Only got one fleet of them because i have spectacular bad luck in sending them against enemies who apparently can detect them somehow. Wish i can read japanese xD

So i do things the hard way and obliterate them with surface warships.

Has ur old man died or not yet? Coz if he did, u should rejoice cuz the nurse u get is way better. And if she get much as a mere scratch on her paintjob of the battleship, she get really po’d. Plus she got higher command limit. I have her fly two battleships with a destroyer group plus one huge swarm of bugs. It help her be really fast + deal alot of damage immediately, possibly knocking out one admiral fleet completely before it gets to fire back.

And that -70% damage, bah, just plow through with the main character, he boosts ur damage output by 20%. so it means at best, 50% damage reduction.

And yeah, territory with dokutsu will be split up, I won’t mind it but what i mind is the fact that you lose peace in the systems u get. = no income! RAGE!

Oh and they’ll start attacking u after 3 turns :slight_smile:

Finished off Dokutsu. I guess I’ll try not allying with them next time and see how things turn out.