
My guess is Reita adolf will die because she has nowhere to go to.

And if you let that happen you are a monster. In all seriousness though, there really is no reason to NOT ally with them, as you get Denitz and her subs and can get Retia later AND you get a cost reduction for all your ships. The only benefit I can think of in not allying with them would be capturing Berlin to get its fish unit, but I highly doubt that’s a good tradeoff.

Can’t build a fish mart in Berlin, so that’s out w

Anyway, I was trying this to see if there was another way of going about things, since I didn’t see any way of getting Leetia when allying with Dokutsu. I figured this way I’d be able to take over Berlin before Dokutsu got wiped out and go from there.

From what I’ve tried so far:

  1. Ally with Dokutsu and Itarin
    { 1. Don’t manage to attack your way over to Dokutsu territory in time, not sure what the exact length is
    { { 1. Dokutsu and Itarin fall, you get to conquer the rest of the map yourself, boring ending
    { 2. Manage to attack your way over to Dokutsu territory in time
    { { 1. Conquer the rest of the map, rest of the map gets divided up between Japan and Dokutsu, Dokutsu turns on you, conquer Berlin and win
  2. Don’t ally with Dokutsu and Itarin
    { ???

EDIT: Nuts, Dokutsu got wiped out anyway, and ahead of time (turn 20 or so) too. Irritating~

I think the faster you take territory help slow down the demise of dokutsu. b/c i had like 27 turns to reach dokutsu and I was racing really fast through british lands and ignoring australia and everything else. Only had the old man stay behind for little bit to take over some lands with good income for extra cruisers/destroyers.

edit: i got the patch for 1.02 the one that allows custom admirals right? when i start a new campaign do i pick the first option or 2nd?

And how do I create custom admirals? Coz I don’t know where and how to do it.

Remember that i’m japanese illiterate xD

There’s a guide on the official website. Download the zip and it contains templates. Remember to put the directory into your SaveData directory for it to work.

EDIT: This is different. I’ve toasted Gamerika, Dokutsu is gone, Itarin is still around, Eiris has taken over the Soviet space… their ships don’t have any cold protection so it’s making things easier w

When you start a new game it is asking if you want to start with all the fish units that you have collected. Obviously unless you want a challenge the answer should be yes (which is the top option).

Yeah Mikado’s ending is pretty damn boring, I’m not sure about how it ends on Scarlett’s route as I’m heading towards that right now, and I know on the True Routes (one using Mikado’s plan and the other with Scarlett) the end sequence is substantially different.

I broke down and looked at a kouryaku- I don’t really understand the conditions for the ‘better’ Dokutsu route. It seems to imply that I need to let Dokutsu start to fall, then I’ll get a choice around turn 30 or so to save Leetia. I had Dokutsu fall on my first playthrough and never got any such choice. Do I need to get close to Dokutsu but not take out certain regions in the process? I’ll give it a shot on my next playthrough.

EDIT: I’ve been ticking away at this for most of this day, trying out different things and using up pretty much all of the save slots just on this one run, but I think I’ve worked out how it works. Seems I need to advance Donitz’s events so that she doesn’t just run away when Dokutsu is about to go down. It’s also very sensitive to how you go about invading your way through Eiris. I wouldn’t even want to risk trying to go through Gamerika/Soviet! As for Eiris, going through Suez seems to be a bad idea, as Dairoma and that Espania territory. Probably best to stay out of North Africa too until Donitz has asked to go to Dokutsu.

There is only one Dokutsu route, though if you actually conquer Berlin instead of just the territory next to it you will miss out on a lot of events. Also, clearing Donitz’s events allow you to choose between going with her to save Retia or not when Dokutsu eventually falls. Doing so will allow you to keep Donitz and eventually recruit Retia.

If I’m trying to recruit Retia then I generally stop going west after capturing Vietnam, after which I’ll use my improved tech to capture Hawaii followed by wiping out the Mongols. After that you have to choose between taking out the Soviets, Aeris or Gamerica first. The Soviets aren’t that hard really, it’s just the need to bring a cold weather ship that is irritating. I’m actually thinking of leaving the Soviets for last on my current play-through as after taking Siberia they are incredibly easy to defend against, though I imagine taking Ekatringrad last will be a royal pain. Currently I’m saving Togo’s first Maki induced invulnerability battle for taking out the Mongols last planet once they appear, though I am tempted to use him against Hawaii.

Yes, you need to hentai girls for them to stick to you, that’s a general rule on dai series and rance series.

Except I thought it wasn’t the case with Daiteikoku, since the game doesn’t show any of the usual meters that those games did… and for the most part, people don’t leave your party just because you’ve ignored them. In general this part of the game is a bit of a confusing maze for me, although I assume I’m on the right track now.

It’s up for DL sales. Well, DL sales at a place other than DMM, anyway.

Just finished my first run-through of Witcher 2 and am taking a break from Shogun 2, so now it’s back to Daiteikoku. I’ve realized the best use for Hapsburg Lady (aka Gracia) is to just put her in a sub so she can give her bonus to the rest of the fleet. Also, seeing as this is my first non-Japanization run, how many admirals do you miss out on? I know you can’t get Rasushara but who else becomes unavailable? Also, to get the True route, should I save the Soviets for last seeing as Katerin is so easy to clear?

Probably logistically the easiest, since it takes ages for the Soviet empire to open up in the first place, and since you’re not playing Dokutsu route Berlin will definitely be destroyed (I’ve tried several ways but there doesn’t seem to be any possible way of taking Berlin) so there’s no strategic advantage to seizing Soviet space. Eiris->Gamerika->Soviet just ends up being the natural progression because after wiping out Eiris Gamerika will go CORE which you usually don’t want, so it seems to be easiest to take all of Eiris except London and just wait until you get the white hole event- during that, you can take Hawaii, get the warp gate to Canada opened, take Canada, then take Washington from the Eiris side to finish Gamerika off without having to worry about the other territories. Then you can take Eiris and nothing is left to stop you from going through Soviet space.

Any idea how to find that… I forget what it was called, it was some malformed version of ‘Iskander’, that you get the help message from? It’s nowhere on the map and I haven’t been able to make it appear

Iscandar is actually a side objective in the Andromeda system. So long as you get there in time you can save the girl, and if you do her events you can get a couple of battleship strength fish. Unfortunately they can’t be carried over to a new game.

The Daiteikoku character poll has ended and I can pretty much agree with the results, though I would have preferred to see Gracia overtake Katherine.

What was the results?

Did Retia Adolf beat everyone?

On the female side, Retia (7902) won easily with 3000 more votes than Mikado, who came in second just ahead of Alfwilda (by 68 votes). Doenitz came in fourth, 1700 behind Alfilda, and was followed by Katherine who trailed her by 900.

On the mens side, Rommel (7174) took first with a 1500 vote lead over Tougou, who beat Shibigami by 600. Douglas was about 900 behind Shibigami, and Akiyama trailed him by about 1300.

For coming in first, they are going to release a music CD for Retia titled “Love Blitz”.

Thanks for telling me, and yes, I thought so!

now if alicesoft could stop being shy and let it be translated.

Hahaha, holy crap, after reading this thread, I’ve come to the realization that I play this game way, way to slow. I’ve really only cleared out the Pacific, and have been making my way to Suez, and it’s like turn 33 or so. Berlin has already fallen (I didn’t accept the alliance, looking back on that, it was stupid not to get Uboats earlier) but then again, I wanted an unrushed playthrough for my first time playing an Alicesoft game, so Unification just seemed like the way to go. Of course now, I’m the only guy that Soviet, Gamerica, and Eiris want to beat on, so fighting on at least 3 fronts almost every turn (with the occasional natural disaster/misfortune thrown in) is stretching out my fleets pretty thin.

Just as a general question, Is Daiteikoku similar to the other SRPG games Alicesoft releases? I’m really liking the mix of drama and comedy in this (fancism may be the greatest political ideology of all time, and Togo’s bad ending where he just quits and heads out for the great unknown with Maki is awesome) and while I wish I could change some aspects of the combat, overall I’ve gotta say I’m really enjoying this. (Even knowing I’m heading for a “meh” ending at best.)

Daiteikoku is fairly similar to Alicesoft’s other SRPG’s, though it lacks a true attrition mechanic that the others had (whether that’s good or bad is up to you). Also, not allying with Dokutsu is the worst choice possible to make on your first run through. It reduces ship building costs, gives you Doenitz and her subs (and lets you get more subs later), allows you to recruit arguably the best Admiral/Heroine in the game, Retia, and that prevents you from recruiting another excellent Admiral in Manstein. There are quite literally NO drawbacks to allying with Dokutsu, so not allying with them is pointless. Considering you are still so early in the game, it might be wise to restart. That way you can use what you have learned up to now to perform better early, and recruit Doenitz/Retia/Manstein.