Dark Translations

Just to stop it filling up the ‘Twincest is Best’ thread, perhaps a thread for ‘Dark Translations’ is in order.

Mindead Blood reached it’s mark today ( Thank Baldo for pointing it out ).

‘Double Phase - The Asou Twins’ will probably be finished this weekend, according to Nephrinn.

That post is in the correct thread, the current twincest craze is direct consequence of Narg’s work, can’t you see :lol: ?

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … game=10761

Call me psychic or paranoid, but I’ve got this nagging feel that somehow Narg is behind this too :? :stuck_out_tongue:

Even though I have nothing against lolicon, I find this game quite disturbing from a moral point of view. It seems too “extreme”, in lack of better terms. Anyway, I’ll surely won’t be telling people what they can or can’t play.

I’m really happy that Mindead Blood hit the 500$ mark. That’s a title I’ve been wanting to play for quite some time (Narg’s reviews are usually more than enough to stimulate my curiosity :mrgreen: ). Hopefully, we’ll see Gore Screaming Show and the Kansen saga translated in the next year or so. I need some good dark eroge from time to time :twisted: , and they’re hard to find on the western market.

Because it sucks ass dude, no story, no character development and like nonstop rape is awful. Just IMO, no offense if people like that stuff.

No worries. I think that most saccharine “happily ever after” bgames are pure crap: predictable carbon copy plotlines that hundreds of other titles share, deus ex mechanica love that never fails to come true, and ridiculous girls who change suddenly want to lose their virginity to some guy they’ve only known a few weeks (and in some cases a mere few days).

Give me enslavement, yandere, and mindless rapefests any day. Twincest only makes it best. Gets right to the point, without the hassle of beating around the bush. If I do have to suffer through 40 hours of reading, make it something dark, twisted and violent so I don’t fall asleep from boredom or get cavities from the sweetness.

We need more dark titles, and while I’m not completely sold on this fanlation group, at least there’s a team that agrees with me. I can find a dozen of “lovey-lovey” projects all over the place: as if we need more of them. MangaGamer gets my money for their evil releases ¬ñ crappy or not - simply because I’m feeling neglected.

We get one “violent eroge” specialist, and the political correctness starts oozing. It’s no more a moral problem than John Rambo killing soldiers because they’re Evil Communist¬ô, or innocent bystanders are killed by the dozens in a random spy movie, because James Bond has to make these sacrifices For The Greater Good¬©. So what if a game treats women like meatbags? There are entire movie series that treat communities like slaughter animals: Texas Chainsaw Massacre anyone? It’s call fictional entertainment: and there’s a lot of us who find it VERY entertaining.

Pointless sex. Mindless violence. Random carnal gratification. Give me of this: not less. If I want more goodie-goodie love with a Time Cherished Plot®, I can always switch to the Disney Channel.

Tentacle Rape Beasts have feelings too ya know. It’s not their fault humans are so flimsy. :frowning:

This doesn’t seem really convincing. Horror stories, or stories involving violence and gore, can be as good as any other one. It’s the storytelling quality that makes the difference, not the theme. The fact that we haven’t seen any good dark eroge translated in English doesn’t mean that they don’t exist at all.

thanks Narg for the funniest post I’ve read in a long time (no really, thanks :mrgreen: ).

any way, a new law was passed in the UK (under Think of the Children banner) that criminalise fantasies out of fear that they are the breeding grounds for real crimes. The law doesn’t cover anime yet, but considering that an adjacent law is being modified (not law yet) to cover anime (loli), chances are, Dark Titles will be illegal in the UK soon enough any way. (note, fantasies in porn, hollowed blood fantasies do NOT breed crimes… from the point of view of the government). Look up “extreme porn” for details on the law, by the way this law came into effect last week, so non-anime extreme porn can land you in prison plus your name added to the sex offenders register (if I understand the law correctly).

@unkind, even if you do not go for dark titles, their existence adds verity and money to the market, lets leave it at that shall we?

I’ll take one of these stories any day, as long as women are not treated as meatbags (although if by meatbags we mean killing them, then I am fine with that :twisted: ).

Dark or Light, Love or Death, I don’t care so long as it has a plot and good character development. I’ll pass on the mindless, loli, and/or raped meat bags though.

Now that MinDeaD BlooD has reached it’s commissions, iv made a thread for the expansion/fan disk.

Judging by Dalburnan’s new avatar, I’d say he’s coming around to Narg’s way of thinking… :smiley: :twisted: :wink: :mrgreen: Me likey.

Normally, given the tone of your post Narg, I wouldn’t respond since you seem to be trolling for a response from light siders. To an extent, I’m still not responding. However, when I saw this,

I just had to show you something in return.

Well, a lot of what Narg is complaining about does bug me about games. Light Side does have its share of lame tropes. JRPGs, for example, all seem to channel The Plotline, and this is not really a compliment.

But come on. The Dark Side isn’t immune to this either. Tentacle Rape Monsters can only be dark and edgy for so long before they become … banal.

Heh… I’m not trolling per se… It’s just that every time there’s a good pro-dark thread, there pops up a comment like: “These eroge are disgusting. I don’t know how people can like immoral stuff like that. No offense to people who like it.” Then it usually continues on, protesting against having more dark eroge available: directly or indirectly (i.e. I’d never buy something like that… I’d pass if they release that… etc). They play the morality card. Or it’s freakish card. Or it’s demeaning to women card. Etc, etc, etc.

Seriously. If you don’t like dark eroge, then don’t post anti-dark eroge comments in a dark eroge thread. It’s no different than if someone who dislikes SEGA games went to a pro-SEGA board and said: " SEGA never make good games. I’ll never understand why people pay for SEGA stuff. No offense to people buy SEGA games."

It’s one thing to be constructive, but totally another to “poison the well” or “steal thunder” from a topic. I don’t mean people should lie that they like something they don’t… but if you don’t like the material a topic is tailored for people who like it, please stop posting negative comments about the genre.

There’s a lot - and I mean a LOT of eroge genre I hate. But I don’t go posting that all of the “Z Eroge” sucks because it does _______, _______, and _______. I’ll post that certain titles are not worth the time or money, and stick to the merits and failings of that specific title - but to generalize that an entire style of entertainment is “shitty, bad, pointless, or evil” is just as ridiculous as claiming all Americans like football, hunting, and D-cup blondes. Or to simply rule that an eroge is terrible because it’s all about extreme lolicon sex, when in fact it might be a GOOD extreme lolicon sexfest, is misleading and somewhat selfish.

You don’t like it, that’s fine: no one is going to force you to like it. There’s a dozen threads that are about what eroge you prefer or hate. Post that you hate dark eroge there. Please keep anti-dark eroge comments, out of a pro-dark eroge thread. Just as how people should keep anti-magic girl comments out of a pro-magic girl thread, anti-loli comment out of pro-loli thread, anti-twincest comments out of a pro-twincest thread, etc, etc, etc.

It’s okay to sincerely ask why people like a certain genre… but not if you insult it a few sentence before or after.

Basically what I’m getting at: You already know how difficult it is for us to get eroge accepted into the mainstream. Yet here are people doing to dark eroge, that “non-hentai followers” do to eroge as a whole. Essentially it’s being blacklisted, by a group of people who are already blacklisted. What the heck is up with that? It’s an oppressed people, oppressing more of their own.

Who could possibly be anti-twincest! :lol: :lol:

Actually it’s not new, it’s one of my old ones I used to cycle through, I just got the itch to use it again.(As for Narg’s way of thinking, I’ve always agreed, you can’t spell twins without win.)

Seriously though Narg, don’t sweat it… You’re more than aware, I’m sure, that these sorts of comments happen often with damn near everything. Some people just feel their opinions are more important than everyone else, that their way is the only way, and everyone who doesn’t follow like a sheep is wrong.

Disregard them, outright ignore them, or laugh at them. Life is easier, and the blood pressure’s lower.

I can agree with that. By now I think you know that I’m not one to do what you just mentioned. In fact, there really aren’t that many things I see as being black and white. (Which probably explains why when it comes to politics, I’m best described as a centrist with slight libertarian leanings, as well as why I have such issues with Abrahamic religions for the most part.)
Basically, I think the only real battlefield between light and dark siders is in the fight over what gets translated and brought over to the English market. Other than that, all that really exists is pointless penis measuring contests (so to speak) that boil down to two camps of eroge players shouting, “My genre is better than your genre!” back and forth to each other. Personally, I feel no need to participate in such activities, as I have much better uses of my time.

On a side note, did anyone even bother watching the video I linked to in my previous post?

Ok ok ok the Harry Potter twins don’t count as we all know by now :twisted:

I wont’ quote the whole thing for spam’s sake~ he wants a day off.

I didn’t even know it was a link till you said something, then I tried to watch it, but yet again more crap that I can’t get in canada :lol: (or outside the states for this matter) I tried [not very hard] to find it on google but no luck :frowning:
and i’m a huge robot chicken fan, That’s gotta be a new one since i’ve seen all the older ones, which makes me happy :smiley:

As for the Light side VS dark side i think i tend to lean more on the light, but I totally have some dark side in me so I like to see stuff from both worlds to be honest 8)

but yeah, I agree with Narg and Kimuzukashii, I"m not the only gamer out there, so there should totally be some diversity~ :wink:
may the force be with you dark and light side alike! -waits for someone to finally turn him to one side-

Amen to that, brother. :mrgreen: As for Narg’s post just above, I think I’ll go and necromance some old loli threads with comments about how repulsive loli stuff is. :stuck_out_tongue: :twisted: (actually I’m quite the opposite, I like loli stuff - a lot :smiley: ok let the flames commence, I’m a big boy and I can take it)

But seriously, Narg does have a point. There’s a reason why I have the post count I do even though I joined this bbs back in '02. If I don’t have something constructive to add to the conversation, I just STFU. Some people just have to let the whole world know their opinion on everything, but I’m just not one of those.

Alright, I said earlier dark eroge games suck ass, that’s honestly because i’ve never played a good one, so I question their existence at this point, if anyone can suggest me a single dark game that isn’t some nasty fetish or nonstop rape i’m all ears. Only things I dislike are constant sex (i’m not pathetic enough to play a game for it’s sex only), rape, and human degradation. Violence, cruelty etc are fine, as long as the entire thing isn’t focused on torture or something.

Anyways, i’m not on a crusade against dark games or people that like them. As I said earlier, no offense to people that like this stuff. I’m sure not everybody likes yuri anime, I love it, and I don’t expect everybody to.

The reason I posted earlier that I hated the genre wasn’t only because I’ve never played a good dark eroge. But I think to myself, what if dark translations were translating good games, like, hollow/ataraxia or G-senjou no Maou. If he was like, I need 5000 dollars to translate this, that shit would be paid in full in like 2 weeks (at least f/ha), judging by how fast these random dark themed games that like 5-20 people know about get commissioned. Honestly I’m just jealous that there’s someone doing this for the type of games I dislike rather than the games i’d prefer be translated. :frowning: lol. Carry on, my dark brethren.

Well, after Asagi 2 and Shion are finished, work will begin on MinDead Blood, and THAT Unkind, is one of the best of the dark genre. Sure it has a large amount of ero scenes some featuring the stuff you don’t like, but it’s got a very well told story that should make up for it.

On a side note, the games Dark Translations just have to have a dark themed story, not just when it comes to the ero content. So in other words, games like G Senjou no Maou and Dies irae would be acceptable as they count as dark in about the same way Tsukihime and Fate/Stay Night do.

Of course, I’m currently hoping that following MinDead, the Kansen games and more Black Cyc games will be next :twisted: