Dark Translations

I put in a vote for MinDead Blood on their site, cheers

Ugh… I know I should just stop visiting this thread and save myself the stress… but Lord help me, for some reason I just had to make one more visit, and now I have to make one more post. Last one: I promise. I’m banning myself from this thread after this. :expressionless:

For the sake of argument, because I know OLF will jump on me faster than a starving flea on dogs: let’s just assume that “dark eroge” for the purpose of this post reply, are only violent sexfests. Just for simplicity mind you… wanna get this answered in less than 10,000 words. :wink:

Randomly off the top of my head:

  • MinDeaD BlooD (including the expansion)
  • Gore Screaming Show
  • Gun-Katana
  • Kansen 1 and 3 (skip the second title)
  • Sabae no Ou (not a sexfest; but the sex often disturbing)

They have nasty fetish and nonstop rape to the extreme: they also have deep story, outstanding character development, insanely detailed settings, and great production values to the extreme. Each is easily the equal of any “premium class” true love ero/bgame. To use an anology: just because Michael Jordan sucked at baseball, doesn’t mean he’s a pathetic athlete. Same goes for these eroge. Different sport: phenomenal specimen nonetheless.

You’re only seeing what you want to see. You’d label titles like Gyakushu, Haikyou Gakuen, Musashi, Inyou or Mayonaka wa Ware no Mono as mindless rapefest, because you’ve made yourself prejudice against them. They have constant sex, rape, and human degradation as a primary focus ¬ñ yet there’s an underlying reason for these events occurring. THAT is the story being told: that is why it’s not mindless.

Just because you don’t agree with something, doesn’t mean it has zero value. There are people who proclaim that books like The Prince, Mein Kampf, and Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong should be burned. Fools all of them: they contain POWERFUL lessons for ill AND good. Hiding them in ignorance or declaring them the source of all evil is a ridiculous notion. Not understanding or lacking experience in the material should make detractors the LEAST qualified people to declare anything about them.

You can’t insult something people enjoy ¬ñ in a thread that was for and by people who enjoy it ¬ñ to not take offense. You can’t insult Jesus, and not expect Christians to take offense. You can’t insult Abraham Lincoln and not expect abolitionists to take offense. You can’t insult dark eroge, and not expect dark erogers to take offense.

Hiding behind the, “don’t take offense to what I say,” defense is like rubbing salt in our wounds. Just change what you said, and use it in another topic… What do you think would happen if I went to Israel and said, “I don’t think the Holocaust really happened, no offense to people who think it did.” It’s rude and selfish to the extreme. Telling us to not take offense, is not an excuse to offend us. If you don’t wanna offend: don’t say anything offending. By adding a comment like that, you had to know it would upset people. Why else would you add it?

All you had to do was ask for a good dark eroge: not insult the entire genre. And there are dozens of threads that can be found, that praise dark titles all over the board.

See. This is what drives me crazy: you’re so confident that dark erogers are a minority, because dark erogers ¬ñ for all sorts of reasons ¬ñ don’t publicly congregate on the Internet in huge gatherings.

Translating good games? Why isn’t MinDeaD BlooD a good game? Why isn’t Kansen a good game? Because it’s filled with violent sex? That’s the sort of biased statements, that makes me so upset. I say Gore Screaming Show is better, that’s right I said BETTER, than FATE hollow/ataraxia. I pronounce that Sabae no Ou is BETTER than G-senjou no Maou.

If these two games you mention could so easily generate $5000+ in donations, then why are they just as slow (or not even considered) in getting fanlation? Why do even large fanlation groups that get donations, often gather less than $2000 in donations (if their public statements are believed)? If there are thousands times more gamers out there, who are so trumped in getting them ported over, why are fanlation teams delayed for months (even years) at a time because lack of people to contribute to the project? Hentai fanlation is a pale drop in the bucket, compared to non-hentai anime/manga/games. Dark ero or not.

Many hentai gamers feel guilty or hide the fact that they like hentai games (Hell… even non-hentai bgamers), because mainstream society labels them as deviants and losers. Well guess what? Dark erogers are forced to feel MORE guilty or hide DEEPER that they like dark eroge, because THEIR OWN KIND (i.e. fellow erogers) blacklist them ¬ñ and in some countries, their own government is trying (or has already) to criminalize playing them. That’s why it has a smaller voice ¬ñ it has NOTHING to do with us lacking numbers. Why else do companies keep cranking out dark eroge? Because it earns a profit. Why else do great scriptwriters and talented artists produce them? Because they make outsanding stories. There are MANY of us: there are dozens of guro and vore image boards, across dozens of languages.

I proudly voice my support for the Darkside, because there are so many of us who don’t. Someone needs to stick up for us… because the misconceptions and slander keep spreading, and spreading, and spreading.

…and now Narg will leave his soapbox and not make more speeches here, because he feels his poor horse has died. Besides… I’d rather be smothered in twincest and violence… and I hear a dozen or two titles calling my name.

tl;dr? :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Dark games getting translated, it looks like someone started on Gore Screaming Show:


It doesn’t look like it started very long ago, so there isn’t much done, there looking for hackers and translators.

According to the history page…
the last time that was updated was ‘23 June 2008’

Alright narg, i’m not one to argue on forums. That was a good post, to recap:

  1. my bad for insluting dark eroge even though it wasn’t my intention, I shouldn’t post nonsensical things like no offense after i cause offense intentionally.

  2. should of just asked for good dark eroge which i didn’t think existed

  3. great comic


I’ve been an avid supporter of Dark Translations since day one. I still post there and I can say from first hand knowledge that Nephrinn is practically a god among men. There’s a misunderstanding about Dark Translations… it’s NOT a team project. It’s entirely done by him. He had help on the website and recently hired a proofreader, but otherwise, line for line, word for word, its all translated by him and he gets the job done faster than certain hentai companies I know (ahem).

His first attempt at Asagi 1, proofreading-wise, was a nightmare and I was a skeptic at first, but now that he’s had more experience, his skills are about as professional as you’ll get for a fan-translation.

What’s more, he helps me with my Japanese and literally checks the forum every 2 hours, if not less, lol. I’ve posted messages at 4am and he still respondes - the guy is a beast. I don’t know how he does it because he’s a college student and if you can believe it, he’s never taken a Japanese course. Everything he learned was self-taught. He’s been an inspiration to me because I too like Dark eroge titles, I’m a college student, and I have never taken a Japanese course. It’s almost chilling his similarities to me, with the exception his Japanese is much better than mine, so I’ve been ferociously devoted to taking my Japanese even further ever since I met him.

:lol: One of the greatest quotes on this forum in a LONG time. Go Narg! :lol:

YMK. It is one of the very darkest games currently published by Peach Princess. People just don’t call it that though because the hero and his chosen blessed one do manage to escape through the rabbit hole to a (possibly) better future. Just consider, on two separate paths of the story, you try to kill a girl. Indeed, most posters have admitted that they were cheering and screaming encouragement when Aeka and the hero are choking Aeka’s bully to death. That includes the light siders.

Dark games don’t have to be simple rapeathons. It’s more in what they deal with— the dark side of humanity. Story heavy “dark” games are always going to be better than any story heavy “light” games, because a dark game is going to be a tragedy or a tragedy averted (it’s happy ending— the heros beating the dark, including the dark within).

Want another good dark game? Bible Black. Critical Point also has some plot lines that are fairly dark— compared to the normal “marshmellow love story” PP publishes.

edit: I originally posted the wrong name in a spoiler block, hence Kimuzukashii MEIJI’s correction to me. I am only correcting this in this post because one fellow poster seemed to think there was a real path with the wrongly named character, so I"m making it ultra clear what I meant here for future forum users. And if you REALLY want to know what I put, it was Aya and the hero are choking Aya’s bully to death. Sorry about the confusion!

YMK as in Yume Miru Kusuri? I didn’t know the game was so violent. From the intro, it looked like a light hearted game. There’s no way… I think your definition of dark must be eschewed or something :P. Can someone else vouche for this being a dark title? If this really is a dark title, then I know what I’m playing next :smiley:

Edit: And yea I can vouche for Bible Black. It almost had an eerie similarity to the anime “Death Note” because it’s about two young students who both discover some dark magic and get slowly corrupted by it (although, in Bible Black it depends what ending you’re going for). Plus they both involve books :P. Defending my reason further would be spoilers, so I’ll just leave it at that 8).

Seems your memory is playing tricks on you Darkstar. Aya is the little sister. Aeka is the girl you are thinking about. The only way you would be choking Aya’s bully is if you were choking yourself. :stuck_out_tongue:

YMK is very, very dark. But it fools you, since it is marketed as much lighter fluff. It has three plot lines in it (one per available heroine), and each story deals with some very deep dark stuff. Go check out the YMK threads, where people are drooling over it.

Kimuzukashii MEIJI is right. I typed the wrong name. I’m so embarassed. :oops:

Eh, YMK didn’t seem that dark, i own it and it’s definately lighter than F/SN, though i’ve only played the mizuki route (which seems like it would be the darkest route?) (also, what a pain in the ass it was to get the happy ending) But if that’s considered a dark game cool.

See how dark it is? It’s so dark, people think it’s light. :wink: Deep dark story? People don’t even recognize it, as long as you slap in some silly scenes or give it a “happy ending”— even out of the blue (which YMK does on at least one plot line, IMHO).

Unkind, in YMK, you played the line where you got drugged, kidnapped, and manipulated into killing Mizuki (by Mizuki) and only the heaviest of plot armor stops you from killing her, or both of you dieing in the attempt. She (nicely) dominates you, manipulates you, and uses you for her own entertainment and personal suicide device. She’s an empty little twit, who can’t stand her own shallow, empty life, who dislikes it so much she is willing to do anything to change it, regardless of what it does to others (like, leave you hanging for killing her). Maybe you need to re-examine what you think is dark? You sound like a twilighter, at a minimum. Go back and play the other two story lines in YMK— saving Aeka’s story/plot for last. Then think about the game— and how it’s the endings and epilogues (often ass-pulled, again, in my opinion) leave you with that feeling the game “really isn’t dark”.

Compare YMK to the more common fare on the English eroge menu. YMK offers: Deep dark story? Check. Dark subjects? Check. VERY serious events? Check. Multiple acts of violence? Check. Attempted: Murder? Check. Suicide? Check. Rape? Check. Exactly what is YMK missing from being “Dark”? Tentacle Rape Monsters randomly attacking male and female NPCS in the background? Werewolf/Vampire crossbreeds having a blood orgy in every other room? It is a very dark game— but its that darkness that gives the game its depth. Compare it to light side offerings like: Bazooka Cafe, Target: Pheromone, Do You Like Horny Bunnies?, Kango Shicyauzo - I’m Gonna Nurse You, Come See Me Tonight, Let’s Meow Meow, Snow Drow, or Tokimeki Check-In! (just to name a few)

Not all dark games are just beating down people and breaking them spiritually, then physically. Just like not all light games are ren’ai tales or simple comedic sex romps.

Sorry for the double post, but this had me laughing when I read it:

From: http://otakuism.com/bbs/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=5258

Light sider top game, where the protagonist rapes someone? I really wonder how “light” is light… or is it just a matter of how the game ends determines if it is viewed as dark or light?

Here is a question— what shade is Jeweled Knight Crusaders? The good guys win in the end. The good guys are CLEARLY good guys, and the bad guys are CLEARLY evil. But there are multiple violent beat downs and even more multiple rapes through out it. You save the planet, AIR, on the winning paths. But your character is a “crude” physical type that enjoys using his superior physical blessings to get what he wants (he does street fighting to earn pocket money and pass the time when he’s bored, and is the best in the city at it, of course), And, this being eroge, he’s not above giving a gal the “old fashioned hello” for offending him, beating him fight (or a battle of wits), him beating her (often), waking up with morning wood, or saying hello. A very light setting (Magical girls battling evil to save the world, a true love story (3 out of 5 paths), a growing romance story (all paths)) with a very simple protagonist whose only point in life is to have all the sex he can, and laughs at anyone that says “no” while he uses them (women, children, small puppies).

Personally, I find it a light game, because so MANY of the light games uses the ole “Well, you raped it so it loves you now” crutch to get the characters into an established sexual relationship. In fact, JKC has very high production values (some of the highest). It was the main character being such a major jackass and the fact that one of the girls in the story is VERY loli in graphics that kept the game from being more popular (on the forums). Those two little details caused a bit of an uproar on the forums when the game was first released, although I think the community got over it.

Do I hear Kurukuru Fanatic from Chien? I guess not :smiley:

Well, it’s all a matter of definitions, for one thing. Furthermore, there isn’t really a ‘line’ between dark and light games. It’s more like a spectrum. I mean, I consider utsuges to be fairly dark - I mean, of course they are. They’re meant to make you feel BAD. Nobody can really read Yukiuta’s Setsuna normal end and come off saying it’s a light game. There’s also stuff like Swan Song that contains rape (but only on bad/normal endings), but doesn’t really glorify it or make it that ‘pornographic’ unlike e.g. Black Cyc works, or even things like Ayakashibito. Ayakashibito and Bullet Butlers, as examples, are another good point - both games have a number of rape scenes, but neither are generally considered to be dark.

If, for the sake of argument, we have to classify everything as a ‘light’ or ‘dark’ game I’d probably move the threshold somewhat far, and require both utsuge elements as well as insult/rape. The protagonist doesn’t have to be the perpetrator, but it would help. Some examples of games that are somewhat close in terms of content, but on different sides of the dark/light scale: (note that all these are fairly dark games, however)

11eyes - Light
3days - Dark

Swan Song - Light
Noel - Dark

Carnival - Light
Abandoner - Dark

Saihate no Ima - Light
Forest - Dark (very, very borderline)

Darkest light game - Dies Irae, I guess (lolz pun… although it’s not actually the darkest game by Light, I’d consider Paradise Lost and Kurenai to both be dark games)
Lightest dark game - Hmmm… Shizuku or something like that.

EDIT: A good way of showing that the utsuge requirement is necessary (in fact, the rape and utsuge elements must be linked) is the Rance games. Rance, the protagonist, does a pretty decent amount of raping in his journeys; however, as the games are almost utterly lacking in any sort of utsuge elements, I’d never even consider them to be dark.

If utsuges are meant to be dark then is it safe to say Suika is a dark game? I mean, there’s at least one death in each of its every chapter. But then people wouldn’t hate dark games that much, would they? :smiley:

And i should mention the dark doujin game that is insanely popular out there, that is, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (yep, Ryukishi07’s masterpiece)

Edit: Oh, and Narg gave me a false alarm when he mentioned something about magic girl back in the previous post. Shame on me :stuck_out_tongue:

Suika isn’t an utsuge*. Death doesn’t make a game an utsuge. Key’s games ALL contain death, but the only utsuge they’ve made is MOON.**

Also, I wouldn’t consider Higurashi a dark game either. I consider it to be a murder mystery, basically. Somewhat a horror, but horrors aren’t necessarily dark either IMO.

*Suika is a nakige (crying game) with some depressive elements. Oh, and I think it’s the best thing MangaGamer has, by far. Haven’t played their version (if it’s even out yet)–I don’t really want to know what the translation’s done to it, plus I’ve already got it =p

**Rape? Check. Insult/humiliation? Check. Death? Check. Depressing elements? CHECK.

Firstly, shake hands for that “it’s the best thing MangaGamer has, by far” :lol:

Second, i’d rather like them to fix that horrible text font. Oh the pain, the pain!

Third, it’s funny how Higurashi is still seen as dark by many. And err… I’ve heard G-Senjou no Maou being a dark game, no comment on that.

Fourth, since when was MOON. a Key game? It was released in the pre-Key era if i remember.

Basically, it’s a Key game in all but name. All the familiar staff etc. ONE is the same. I therefore count both as Key games.
Dousei is not =P

… and anything claiming to be ‘light’ that pulls that sort of crap probably goes onto my BANlist, to be spoken of in swear words. The merest description of JKC was enough to ensure I was never going anywhere near it, except possibly to set it on fire.

If you’re going to go all rape-happy, do it in a dark game where that’s the fetish. It’s irresponsible for a writer to mingle rape and positive relationships in a way that might lead some idiot to believe this is realistically acceptable.

(I am aware through rumor that apparently a good number of otome games involve “I love you so much I had to rape you and then apologise to you! Let’s get married!” plots for at least some of the male characters, and yes, that creeps me out too.)

I claim neither the light side nor the dark side, I fall on the side of decent writing and plot, plz.