Darth Vader and Yoda are in Soul Calibur IV


That’s awesome!!!

Is it?

It’s the exact opposite of totally awesome in my opinion.

No way! This better not be some graphic joke; I’m definately getting this. Oh wait, it’s not gonna be on the Wii…

It’s gonna be on the Xbox 360 and PS3 from what I hear.

Holy Mother of God. :confused:

Oh well… I hear Amy is gonna be a fully designed character in this, so I’ll just have a daddy obsessed loli-vampire beat the snot out of a Sith Lord and Jedi Master.

Nothing could be more insulting than that.

w00t LOLI in SOUL CALIBER!!! Walks to Gamestop and preorder’s this game


Is this a joke…or…WTF…

If it isn’t, I’m definately in.

We’ve been anticipating this games arrival even before we learned of this…
Now we’re wanting it even more…!
Waiting impatiently…

To be honest, this dose not really excite me all that much. I like Star Wars and all, but I’m no fanboy. As far as guest appearances go, if I could have my way I’d like to see KOS-MOS and T-elos.

Now the news of the possibility of Amy returning dose interest me, I loved SC3 and she was one of my favorite female characters.

Oh, and Narg;

you’re gonna have to explain this one to me, because I so did not get this impression from Amy.

If you go to the Japanese SC3 site, it has an entry on Amy:


Hints rather heavily, that she wants Ralph as more than a daddy. :wink:
She’s dressed in a goth outfit… and at oldest she’s a tween (at least by SC3).

Combine that with Ralph’s own entry in SC3, which given his base of operations, outfit, and the description of his curse - vampire (or at least a variation of it).

http://namco-ch.net/ps2_soulcalibur3/ch … aphael.php

Amy shares his curse. Thus she’s a daddy obsessed loli-vampire. :lol:

In SC4, Ralph has the “Dracula look” more than ever. Amy’s new appearance is still unknown.

This is rather important, because in Ralph’s bad ending she’s cured of the curse. In Ralph’s good ending, she’s still a vampire. Of course it’s likely neither of his endings are canon, but the possibility exists that Amy is cured. Waiting to see if that’s so. Ralph wouldn’t want to infect a cured Amy (he loves her too much)… a cured Amy, would want to be infected by Ralph (she loves him too much). Ah… ain’t love grand. :mrgreen:

After reading your post Narg, I went and did some Googling and I manage to find a detailed profile in English at Wiki on both Amy and Raphael. Now things make allot more sense. I had no idea that Amy was Ralph’s foster daughter. Well, I’m crossing my fingers I hope that Amy dose indeed return. :smiley:

In case you didn’t know: Cervantes and Ivy are also a father-daughter relationship… although there’s clearly no love between them.

Namco of America downplayed the English translation, when it came to Amy’s not-so-innocent thoughts concerning Raphael. It is thus-so-far an unrequited love, as Ralph has only shown signs of loving Amy as a daughter… and to be honest, I doubt it will ever be more than that to him. Amy has always been too shy and unemotional to reveal them, but she always strikes me as one of those “psycho bitches” if she ever reached a breaking point. Say… if someone killed Ralph right before her eyes. Not gonna be a pretty picture, I tell ya.

Just like Ralph, Amy has never been treated kindly before, until they met each other. However being waaaaay younger and less wiser in the world as Ralph (plus going through puberty), her devotion is more intense than his. Amy shows most of this by merely following him around without question, only speaking to Ralph (to everyone else, she only gives her name at best), and mimicking everything Ralph does (learning how to fence from him).

The pair are my favorite Soul Calibur characters, because everything about them is now gothic and deliciously dark. :twisted:

Tira is my next liked, since she’s positively insane and self destructive as hell. Gotta love a girl like that. :smiley:

Zasalamel would be a distant third… I think his motivations are pretty lame though.

Amy is confirmed as a full character in SC4. Narg is happy. :mrgreen:


She’s still loli, she’s still goth, it appears she’s still vampire, and its pretty obvious she’s still wants her daddy. :twisted:

So Wow!!! drools and bows to Amy

Ahaha! Raphael: EPIC FACEPALM!

LOL! I knew I saw that outfit from somewhere before… :lol:

Raphael is really Alucard! Seriously Namco… infringe much? :roll:

Anyone else playing this game? It’s only a highend version of SC3, so the game doesn’t really offer something different from its predecessors: but this is SOULCALIBUR for God’s sake!!!

I love the current Amy and Raphael back story. Although Raphael didn’t get his good ending in SC3, the bad ending never happened either, so Amy is still a vampire. Amy loves him so much, she’s left the safety of a castle and unholy army to find him (thus disobeying an order he gave), because she can’t no longer bear to be absent from his side. Raphael has gone so obsessive insane in making Amy happy, and trying to take over the world for her sake, he doesn’t realize that Amy is happy merely basking in his presence. Can you say tragedy in the making? It doesn’t matter which of them dies, if the other lives, they will go murderously insane and burn the world to ashes in the name of vengeance. Woot!

While the quality of music in SC as gone down since the second title, it’s still some of the best damn stuff around. I love the sweeping orchestral melodies. The new remix (and live performance) of Path of Destiny is simply breathtaking with the choral doing the “ahhhhh” thing. Still, the brass is a bit too loud for my tastes… they kinda drown out everything…

Ok Im seriously pissed right now. :evil: :evil: :x :x :x when I heard that SC4 would feature Darth Vader and Yoda would make guest appearances I was ecstatic . A couple of months ago I saw Yoda on the X360 box , later I see DV on the PS3 box. Two guest characters from the same universe on different platforms :evil: . Sony or Namco better fucking fix this with a download. I thought only eroge studios pulled this kind of shit . :x

Unfotunately I have to wait til the weekend to pick this up ; ;

Getting the PS3 Version, more than likely the other characters will be downloadable through XBox Live & PSN.