Darth Vader's first Padawan

If so, take also note that Narg…

…probably played this :shock: :twisted: :wink: :

http://www.elf-game.co.jp/net_shop/soft … ki2_1.html

Personally, I’m a connoisseur, not a consumer: TO USE :mrgreen: -not TO CONSUME :shock: - your girls it’s the best for your self-gratification, but it’s just my opinion :stuck_out_tongue: .

Uuuuuuu, nice game, hehehe…

Now I got to get my hands on it.

Narg, in the universe of Star Wars, such a “Sith” wouldn’t last long. It would be too easy for any Force user with the tiniest of skill with Suggestion or Command to make any of your harem think they are doing YOUR will when they set all the escape pods on your cruiser to launch and then set the reactors to irrevokable self-destruction— and if your assassin did it while you were “entertaining” and then jumped aboard the last shuttle out, you’d find yourself doing a good imitation of a star— for a few seconds. IIRC, this is one of the ways a Sith harem lord was killed in Star Wars EU from a long time ago, back when the emperor was still around and making sure he didn’t have any competition to disturb his well-running empire. Perhaps Sith Lord Narg could indeed develop some conditioning treatment to protect his highly trained sweets from such easy misleading— but the easiest way is to just use and train Force sensitive people. Of course, any Force sensitive person under the care of such treatments from Lord Narg would probably become a signficant Sith themselves— arranging for the failure and deaths of their competition so that they could get more of their Master’s time, slowly winnowing down his pets until the only ones left serve not the Master, but themself. Not to mention, eventually paralyzing and emptying the Master so that he can be kept as the most beloved possession in their own private treasury. Sure, she’d bring you a new toy or three for you to enjoy, but there’d be no question she was in charge, and Narg would be just a weak, broken echo of what he once was. Many a Sith Lord has fallen to that fate under their suddenly ambitious “fully broken” apprentices. Heck, that’s a Sith love story. Remember, the only thing more fleeting than life is power.

Now, outside Star Wars universe, I have no complaints with your scenario. It is, indeed, a perfect dark eroge scenario. It is also an excellent start for a light side adventure— beating the dark masochistic overlord, redeeming the dark stained longest members of the harem, breaking the spell on the newer members. Or not— those can often turn into a training scenario for the hero to become the new overlord. The girls are so accustomed to their lifestyle, and they can be oh so sweetly seductive, especially after they’ve been “rescued” and their former master has been killed/defeated. Indeed, there is often a girl hidden in the oldest members that is the true master— going through and “recruiting” new lords until she can find just the right one that can truly put her back into her place.

It definitely looks like the kind of game I wouldn’t play, however the music for that video is good. Who is it and what’s the song title?

Heh… I had this conversation with someone once, about something else though… not Sith.

I openly admit I’m no Star Wars expert: just a window shopper so to speak. However from what smatterings I’ve gone through (mostly the KotOR games, the movies, and an odd novel or two) - I’ve never noticed much of a “concrete stone” of what works and what doesn’t. How Darth Bane handles his affairs, is a lot different from how Darth Revan does it, and way different from Emperor Palpatine… who himself changes mode of operandi, depending if its the movie or Dark Horse version.

Essentially each writer adds his own definitions of what a Sith/Jedi/The Force can or cannot do. Case in point: there’s a new Skywalker in the Dark Horse comics, who’s doing things that no Jedi or Sith has done before. The new video game, The Force Unleashed, COMPLETELY breaks all conventions we’ve seen in the movies. Basically writers invent new stuff all the time, subject to approval of what Lucas and his minions admit as canon. One of things that prevents me from becoming too intimate with Star Wars, is the entire spirit that it’s a pissing contest to outdo stuff that came before (the easiest example being the Death Star, Sun Crusher, Mass Shadow Generator, etc ¬ñ but it applies to far more).

In the Star Wars universe, no Sith could ever win, as they are ultimately fated to fail (be it a few days or several decades), because the Almighty God who runs Creation (essentially the Lucas estate) would never allow it to happen. The entire limitations and powers of The Force are not a mathematical equation that’s unbending and never changing. It’s a writer’s thematic, subject to the telling of the story. Basically what I’m getting at: Star Wars is not immutable. It changes more than the waves in the ocean. Case in point: the upcoming CG Star Wars cartoon is already modifying an entire library of stuff.

I have no doubt that if I sat down long enough and poured through the material, I could easily make “Sith Lord Narg” work within the context of Star Wars, because there’s so much that allows it to be so. Until KotOR2, there was no such thing as a “Wound in the Force” ¬ñ and I’ve seen endless forum debates, were Star Wars fans have complained it destroys everything that was established previously (and why its not really referred on too much outside of KotOR2). Yet its now canon. Same goes for inventing a new “technique” that allows “Stockholm Syndrome Sith” or some such nonsense. Naturally there are ground rules for introducing new ideas or slightly bending an old one ¬ñ you’ll never see Smurfs or Superman suddenly appear on Corellia ¬ñ but Star Wars “philosophy and science” is a lot like the Bible: different people can interpret it different ways without really being right or wrong. So long as the spirit is maintained, you’re still in the clear.

Hell… there are people who claim George Lucas can’t properly write his own Universe. Which is impossible, as he eloquently put it himself (although not in these exact words): “his vision is the only REAL vision - everyone else is just along for the ride.” Like the original topic of this thread, Vader’s (or Anakin Skywalker if you prefer) first Padawan ¬ñ which nothing in the movie, novels, comics, or video games ever mentioned… because Lucas kinda just pulled it outta his butt. Hence everything has to change again. :stuck_out_tongue:

Many people have often suggested I’m a jedi. But if I was truly Sith, I’d never tell— too many light siders around here. :wink:

I am but a traveller. I’ve travelled the paths of the brightest Light, and the paths of deep Darkness. I’ve swum across the icy, black Abyssal sea. I’ve walked through the Bright Lands. I’ve been the hunter and the hunted, the stalker and the stalked. I’ve been lucky enough to learn during my travells. The Abyssal sea taught me to how to gather strength and warmth from my surroundings. The Bright Lands taught me how to guard my life force and expend it only on that which truly matters the most, as in those brightest of places, everything alive tries to suck your very lifeforce out. I’ve learned that stalking is certainly more fun than being stalked.

Well, now we get to the heart of the issue.

What is good? Self-sacrifice. That’s the very heart of what we consider is good. Why? Because we, all of us, are Evil. It is easy to prove— Evil is nothing more than a entity being selfish. We say it is evil for someone to shove a couple of M50s up a small cat or dogs behind and set them off. Why? They are inflicting pain for their own gratification— for their own selfishness. They wish to experience something. The cat or dog certainly doesn’t. We say that when a mother or father goes hungry so that their children can eat more that night, that is Good. Why? Because the mother or father are making a sacrifice— they are resisting their own selfish desires for the benefit of others.

Of course, at its root, the parents are still being selfish— they want their children to grow up and be as strong and healthy as they can be, and that requires feeding them. That’s just their own biological impulses. But we humans, with our large brains and its inherit cognitive capabilities, can overcome our impulses. When you do that, that is being Good. But we are what we are— we are all selfish beings. We are Evil beings with occasional bouts of Goodness. That is what it is to be human.

Our greatest stories are those of sacrifice for others. Why? Because that is the extraordinary— indeed, it is unthinkable to the vast majority of humans that are alive, have lived, or even will ever live (and still be truly human). Why? Because we are living beings. Our bodies have a simple, basic mind. They want to stay alive, fed, and in pleasant physical conditions. This is a powerful, shaping force on our outlook— most humans will avoid being outside those conditions if they have the ability to stay within them. We will let other humans suffer, just so we ourselves will not have to. Look at human history. You’ll give to your neighbor if they are in need, but would you sacrifice 75% of everything you ever make to take care of 10 people around the world that you do not know? Of course not. Isn’t that truly Evil? We allow others to suffer, when we have the power to stop it. But it would be such a bother to do so, it would require us to actually do something, and most likely, it would affect how we live from then on in a negative way. This is, in fact, much more Evil than most story villians. And we do it, certainly almost all of us, every single day of our lives. Congratulations— we are all the darkest, hardcore evil.

That’s just foreplay and sex games. If your partner is into the power thing, then you let her have her way, and you both have fun. Or if you are into that thing, your partner gives in to your kink, and you both have fun. It isn’t corrupt. Corrupt is joining the police force just like your father and older brother, and once there, they start to teach you how the yakuza pay your department to look the other way so long as they aren’t out killing each other too often, or how you can pull over pretty women for various traffic violations and get a free handjob or blowjob, or how when something bad happens and you think you know who did it, you take that suspect into some back room in the jail, and you and 5 other cops beat a confession out of them. That’s corruption. But your partner teaching you the fun of domination and bondage play? Please, get serious.

All love is obsessed. That’s the nature of love. We like to say and think that love is selfless, but it isn’t. All love is selfish. It’s just that our selfishness will often drive us to do what is normally against our own self interests. The difference between between being a stalker— and being a thoughtful protective lover— is merely whether the girl loves you back. If she doesn’t love you, it’s stalking. If she does, it’s the sweetest thing, how you will look in on her and make sure she’s doing alright and people are treating her well.

Sounds perfectly human to me. Seriously. Actually, the fact that you don’t like to hurt animals, that says you are probably a step up from most humans.

The sad fact is that you are not likely to become a serial killer. Why? You love animals. Serial killers do not see a difference between humans and animals. They are the same to the serial killer. Seriously. Most serial killers start off, enjoying torturing and killing animals, and later move on to doing it to a bigger animal as they themselves get bigger— and of course, that bigger animal is humans.

Now, you make it sould like you have a problem with depression. Is it just the low side, no high side (no manic to go with it, or is it what is now called bi-polar)? Or is it that you are unstable because you bounce between the extremes, but don’t have the middle where most people spend their time? I mean no insult, but you do know there are many kinds of drugs, and some may be helpful in rounding out your emotional range, or helping boost you our of the low side. I’ve had many friends with similar issues, and most were able to find the correct pharmaceutical supplements to help round out there day to day emotional life (which usually makes them fairly stable). Some don’t like how it takes away their artistic inspirations, but you know, you can be inspired and miserable or you can be someone that doesn’t embarass themselves around friend and family and can live like the rest of us drones. :wink:

People say that like its a bad thing. Most of 4chan is actually quite nice. And even the parts that aren’t, well, hey— they are fun.

You are human. Your self description dwelled a bit on your darker or lower states, which I’ve left my comments in about. But overall, well— honestly, you are just human. I’ve dated a couple of ladies with your traits. Sometime, they were evil, sometimes they weren’t. Just like the rest of us.

Well, Narg, you’ve put your finger on it— SW is an Epic Heroic universe. As a consequence, evil only happens to set up a condition to allow good to win, and win in a very big way.

That’s also why so much of Star Wars is so inconsistant. It’s only the story being told that matters. It doesn’t matter what came before. It doesn’t matter what stories they want to tell afterward— only the story being told now actually matters. That’s why the universe itself changes from story to story.

Now, if SW had a eroge side, then yes, you could have thousands of Harem Master Jedi and Harem Master Siths. After all, in an eroge setting, Jedis would scew all sorts of things— it would help others feel better, and they’d then treat others nicer. Basic tenant of good— self-sacrifice for others. Jedi females would probably spend more time out of their clothes then in it— and would probably use their own Jedi powers to “hide” from the sight of lesser beings, so they wouldn’t be obliged to help relax all those tense males constantly. Indeed, in a true eroge world, most Sith would just be female Jedi, who have gotten tired of always being on their backs and rebelled against the order, to do what THEY want (the selfish, evil things!)

Well honestly… I don’t think Jedi would, even in an ero reality. Unless we’re talking about a REALLY subversive universe, the darkest dark eroge still treat the erotic happenings as unusual and deviant behavior - and more often than not, when its supernatural, there’s an opposite faction that combats against it (normally the Church or something). So Jedi would still remain wholesome, because Jedi are fundamentally based off celibate warrior monks anyways. :stuck_out_tongue:

On a side note… something you wrote earlier kinda sloshes in my head…

These “murderous intent” types work surprisingly well in dark harems, and it really isn’t much of an issue. It’s how you manage the “collective spirit” of the harem in seeing itself as a single entity, rather than individual parts - one person harming someone else within the group, has the same psychological feeling as cutting off your own arm. You have to instill that the task of pruning and weeding is entirely left to the Master. Also, competition for affection is one of the first things you stamp out after collecting your slaves together: there’s a few exercises in “cooperative suffering” you have to run. The entire “alpha female” mentality in a harem, is detrimental to its continual health when members wield individual power (for example eroge that have a demonic or vampire type setting). In essence, the Master is the alpha female AND the alpha male.

Narg, Narg, Narg… don’t you know that the only difference between Good characters and Evil characters is how much they talk (and whine for good guys) before they do what they want to do anyways? There is no real difference between Good characters and Evil characters, other than the amount of time it takes them to rationalize destroying an entire race of intelligent, feeling beings (good: it’s a race of vampires that keep feeding on the elves, who the world needs to protect it from extradimensional demons that only elf magic can harm), or forcibly make a maiden conceive (good: to fulfill some prophecy to save the world, for instance), or in destroying 10 universes full of thinking, feeling life (good: to save 100 universe).

In an eroge SW, most Jedi knights and masters would all have harems of some size. All those rescued females (and impressionable males!) build up. To reject someone is evil— you aren’t putting up with them (making the self-sacrifice of your own sanity and comfort and time). Plus, many of the harem would just be wantabee Jedi apprentices. Let’s face it— if Peppe Longstalkings is constantly stalking you, wanting to be useful in any way to you and become your apprentice (Padawan is just silly, but ok, that’s what the light side uses to make its own “culture”), it is just easier to let her be an official hanger-on— safer for everyone that way. Who knows? Maybe she’ll prove useful for more then getting the droids to make a meal eventually.

No subversion necessary. Power attracts leeches and those that enjoy being around power. Jedi are no different in that. Jedi are powerful, so they have the same problems any powerful people have. And they aren’t based on priest warriors— they are based on samuri. Most samuri were definately not celibate. Look at the universe— they even fill the role of samuri— they are lords of all of life in the galaxy, dispensing justice as they see fit. Someone mauling a cute boy you like? Chop off his arm with a light-saber, then buy the sexxy bishie boy a couple more drinks. Beautiful, sexxy assassin just killed your Council appointed padawan? Use your command and domination to make her strip naked and swear loyalty to you, and then take her as your own new padawan.

And the Dark side of the force— it is very good at seperating the wolves from the sheep, even while cloaking them to continue to appear as a sheep. It is the side of the shark, the basket fish, and the stone fish. It is the side of the stalking tiger, the pursuing wolves, the hunting orca. You might think your little kitten of a slave is still small and cute and thinks only of you and the rest of the harem’s pleasure, but her strength and power is growing, as are her own new desires. Soon, she will be a fully developed jaguar, ready to paralyze you and enjoy her new strength and indulge her desires as fully as she wants. The pleasures and pain you inflict are nothing to what the Dark side of the Force in her has been showing her. What can you offer her compared to the feeling of draining the very life essence out of others, of that warm, dark ambrosia flowing into that darkest pit in her spirit, warming her mind, body, and spirit as she has never been warmed before? What can you do to frighten her, when the Darkside has linked her mind with that of the black acid dragons of telesith 9, a species who live ONLY in the force, and who kill by entering their victims mind and literally scaring them to death? What pain can you inflict on someone who has the darkside flowing through them, making them feel only pleasure? How can you be connected to that source of pleasure, when it blacks out their awareness of whats around them, and fills their mind with images of them being the master, with you being chopped up in parts, and those parts are being used under her own dark powers to pleasure her exactly as she wants when she wants it?

The Darkside will always trump a villian in SW, as it is the ultimate source of evil in SW. All bad things happen because of it. No matter how small or how big. That’s just part of the SW universe. Heck, in SW, many villianeses started out as dedicated little pets in a harem— but as they delved deeper and deeper into that existence, the Darkside started to flow through them more and more, and soon, well— suddenly, their master was nothing but their absolutely controlled mindless living zombie, and the others were— well, mostly paint on the walls of her now too small home. The whole universe beckons— so many in the universe need to be trained to serve her… so many new desires to indulge and fulfill.

As was said, it is a storyteller’s universe, where only the story matters. If it is the right kind of story, Sith Lord Narg will have a very long and successful life, and train many, many, many during it. But if it isn’t— well, Narg might find himself in all sorts of less dignified positions— or imitating a star, or well, the amount of endings for a fallen Sith Lord is more numberous then I could ever list here.

http://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero … ?game=2787
http://www.animenfo.com/animetitle,1513 … _ke_n.html

An “Old Glory” game from Elf (now available in DVD, DVDPG and anime versions, but the song comes from here) that well exemplifies the pointless waste of limited resources coming with the unbridled delusions ranted in this thread :wink: :lol: .
The real master is the shadow behind the light, the Unseen Master whose slaves do not realize (by brainwashing, deception, misguided innocence or whatever) their own subservient status 8) :twisted: .
Besides, I like to collect and improve things, why waste your assets on useless fancies? Just leave Narg, Darkstar and the master of Kawarazaki House in their exalted dreams, me I get results instead :oops: :stuck_out_tongue: .

Heh, Darkstar, I see you’ve been researching the Macdonald Triad, hehehe, wonder why…
You should understand that not all serial killers had them though…
Not like I want to be one, however temping it is to slay all who oppose me…

Hahaha, oh yes. Let me tell you a little story, and to everyone else who reads this.
I was, if I remember correctly, ten years old when this happened.

Me and my mother were at a train station waiting for our train. It was about time so we went out to the tracks. My mother was takeing me to a hospital for a check-up. So we’re waiting in the rain, when they announced that our train will arrive in two minutes. Then came a guy with two huge suitcases groaning like a dog under the weight of the bastards. It was raining like crazy so puddles were everywhere and everything was wet. I’m just standing there, holding my mothers hand when the screaming began. Of course he sliped and fell on the track, the train incoming. He was a few meters away so I didn’t see anything just the blood splattered everywhere. My mother fainted immediately, people were sobbing, rain, thunder, and you could faintly hear a screaming ambulance on its way. I cant really remember what the guy looked like, just the fact that he was cut in two, and that he was still alive. And that in the most incredably pathetic voice I’ve ever heard, he was begging the people to help him. And you know what I saw? What the people did?
Nothing, I saw couples holding each other the boy cowering his girlfriends eyes, people runing away, crying people. But no one went to him. Everyone was peroccupied with whineing how terrible it was. No one went to help him.

The ambulance arrived, a doctor went to the man, of course he couldn’t be saved. So the doc just held his hand while he bleeded to death, crying like a baby. Police came, led the people away, my mother was taken to the hosptal instead of me. Last thing I remember of the scene was the doctor argueing with a cop. The cop asked that couldn’t the doc do “anything” for the man. I barely understood then but now I know he was asking that couldn’t the doc put the man out of his misery. The doc repiled that he could have been fired for it if he did. I was siting for about an hour in the stations waiting hall, soaking wet, laughing one time on the doctor, crying on the saddnes of the whole scene at the other.
Ahh, my father arrived, took me home, I was absent from school for a week.
Later I could hear the others telling their tales, how horrible it was to see the accident.
Yeah, it was really terrible to stand and watch. Nobody said anything to the man, not even a doctor. The only human voice he heard was his own crying.

It was a fun day full of education. And a really great story full of sacrifice.
My hatred for humanity stems for this incident.

Oh my, it seem I wasn’t clear enough… Ummm how should I put this?

I recomend getting your hands on the manga called Mai-chan’s Daily Life by Waita Uziga. Now we have an endless orgy of suffering, blood, death and cruelty.
Now imagine one of the patron getting an extreme liking to Mai and buys her for his/her own sick amusement. Now over time we see that the master has become completely obsessed with her, taking the torture banzai to the extreme, daily. Now imagine that one day she has a minor, petty request, like… um… a pet, the master gives it to her, probably he/she is suprised, the fact of the affection he/she has for Mai that becomes evident. Now lets imagine the scenario where a third party tries to take her away from the master. The master uses all his/hers resources, contacts, EVERYTHING to keep her. Finally the conflict ends and when the the master sucsessfully warded of the usurper. Now to fight for a mere slave, however expenisve, would be completely illogical, and a waste. The master has to face it, he/she loves Mai. The master embraces to fact and contiunes the endless torture and rape of his/her most beloved servant, but should anything pose a threath to her, the master would even put his/her life on the line in order to keep her.

Can you see the pattern?
THATS corrupt love.

Well yeah, but theres a difference in “oh shit, she dumped me… crap” and getting a gun and putting twelve pounds of lead into the girls lover.

Hahaha, I liked that. Yeah I’ve been prescribed a few weak antidepressants in the past, but I never used them… somehow the offer of happiness form a pill doesn’t amuse me. Plus I have enough medication already, so I really dont want to streach the limits of my pathetic constitution. And to tell the truth, I kind of like embarassing myself, or other people :smiley:

That was a pathetic attempt at a joke. I fail in godly propotions.

Wow, that was surprisingly sweet. If you want to you can date me… though I’m male, does that bother you? :lol:

(Side note: Writing this post took me an hour, I’m wasted)

Nero, hey, it’s just things I’ve picked up over the years. That, and the fact that at one point, the state considered me at risk. Oh, and I should mention that I was married to a woman that is supposed to have gone on and actually became a serial killer after we split up for the final time. That’s according to her and a few different law enforcement agents that have spoken with me about her and our life together.

What can I say? Other then, I’m serious. Most men have a talent for finding babes. Me? I’ve always had a talent for finding the insane bitches (you can put me in a room with 99 of the nicest women, and 1 insane female, and I’ll find and befriend the insane one without effort). And of being able to be friends, or least not prey, of the other dangerous animals walking around in the skin of a two-leg. These days, I’m much too soft to survive such things. If I bumped into my younger self, he’d chop me up and drop me off in a woodchipper for crossing him, and I wouldn’t suvive 5 minutes where he used to tread without a worry. But then, I’m older, and living a much softer lifestyle (by my choice and considerable work).

People that aren’t “classic” serial kilers can, of course, become multiple murderers. For instance— mafia enforcers. Your outlook on life may be affected due to your career so that you are much more willing to kill people than before you started it, but you didn’t start killing for your own pleasure and inner emotional needs. Unlike most of the classics killers.

In your corrupt love example, you are talking about a 2 year old’s obession with his property/toys— not corrupt love. Let me think— corrupt love would be falling in love with someone who becomes your partner, and after moving off to carry on your lives together, she gets involved in the drug scene, pisses off some drug dealers, forcing you to have to kill their drug dealers, dispose of those bodies in bits to the local dog kennels and lakes, take their cash to pay off the loans she’s ran up with the local loan sharks (so you won’t have to kill them for hurting her as an example to others), not to mention having to choose to kill the men she claimed “raped” her (when she ran off and exchanged sex for more drugs from them), or just kill them because they hit her up for sex using crappy drugs (causing all sorts of problems for her) — covering her stealing to feed her habit, deciding what to do with the pimp that would hand over enough drugs to keep her in a stupor when she wasn’t working her ass on the streets, and all other sorts of fun things. That’s a huge fall for someone that used to be the protector of the innocent and the weak.

Real love requires sacrifice. It is easy to lock someone up and keep them safe and sound and looked after. It’s much more difficult to let them go on their own out into society. Ask any parent that loves their child. Ask any lovers who have to split up because their goals in life take them in different directions, or they are just too diametrically opposed to each others way of life and philosohy of living.

Not really. How we react to that is purely a matter of who we are. Most people will recognize that the person/object they love doesn’t love them, and they let it go. Some people don’t (or won’t) recognize it. We call that difference “maturity”, because a 2 year old human won’t let go, but a 6 year old might, and we expect a 20 year old should.

I’m sorry to hear you’ve taken the general powerlessness of people in the face of an unfolding tragedy in such a fashion. I can understand your feelings, but the humanitarian in me wonders— how many people could possibly know what to do? You stood there just as they did. You were old enough you could have wandered over and held his hand before the doctors/paramedics showed up. You didn’t. Why not? Because you didn’t think about it at the time? What would you do now, if such a thing happened again? It is not surprising that people just stood around in those circumstances— they probably never thought about it before it happened. That’s why we train people— so that when something beyond their brains ability to comprehend or absord happens, they will react and start doing something, rather than stand around or panic. Fire fighters, paramedics, doctors, police officers, soldiers, sailors, astronauts — doesn’t matter. Training is what gets people going. Consider the boy scouts that were out camping recently and had a tornado roll right over their campsite. Because they had been trained in first aid and in helping during a crisis, they did what they were trained to do. Triage, first aid, CPR, search and rescue… Compare that to any other summer camp where something similar has happened. People that survive the big storm are standing around with their thumbs up their asses, the ones not in shock of it all are trying to figure out what they should do to help their friends and fellow campers.

You know, it is a very difficult thing for most people to kill another human. Heck, it’s difficult for most people to kill a bird, a cat, a dog, or even a fish. Most of us westerners never have to kill our own meals, nor cut them up and prepare them. That makes a big difference. But even the majority of western people that are regular large game hunters (deer, bear) have issues killing another human being, no matter what the circumstances are. Most of us are hardwired to avoid intentionally doing it. That’s why modern militaries spend time teaching people how to be killers. With a crowd like that around, not even the most humanitarian first responders, who see such horrible tragedies continually in their careers, could do anything. Too much a risk of them being prosecuted for it. In a hospital, where it’s just a few instruments monitoring the suffering patient? Sure, it’s much easier to decide to give them a painfree exit under some pretext of pain management (or other “acceptable” excuse). It is just regretable that we are not enlightened enough to be allowed to have the legal right to choose to leave this life with as much dignity and as free of pain as possible— but so many people will demand the same thing be done for the animals we keep for our own amusement and pleasure (our pets) and for the animals we raise for food and/or their skin/fur.

Anti-depressents don’t offer happiness. Oh, sometimes they’ll imply it, but what they are meant to do is just keep you out of the deep valleys of shadow and darkness. Some do that by making people “up” or excited all the time. Most just prevent the deep funks. And since every human being is unique, it’s difficult to know which will work for an individual without trying out a variety. To complicate it even further, every human changes as they age, so what used to work can lose its effectiveness. Bleah. We have so far to go to understand the keeping and maintenance of the human brain.

If you like, I can always print out a new “collar” and shift over to Father Darkstar, the Jedi minister, to listen to your troubles and give you the universe’s forgiveness. Honestly, the universe is very tolerant and is quite willing to turn a blind eye on the livings’ antics— so long as the living aren’t trying to break the laws of physics. :smiley:

As for dating — well, I’ve got a good partner right now. And we are not looking to add in a third— at least, not on a serious basis. But thanks for the offer. :wink:

Wow… thats kind of scary… Better luck next time. (This may sound blunt but I mean it)

That sucks. Try going for a boy, if he turns out insane than you know your really fucked. :lol:
I think I know what’s the feeling like, while I’m not really the one for bondig and all that stuff but I had a few girlfriends that made me think I was Hitler in my previous life.

And I still think that I should have done that…
No one said that I wasn’t the same as the others, I was just standing there amazed on the whole scene looking from the dying man to the bystanders.
I could say that I was just a little kid, but it wouldn’t matter, and your right…
Ahhh, but it doesn’t really mean anything… just one death in the daily thousands and in the end no one really cares…

Uhh… I divided by zero once…

Shame :lol:

Well, obviously it does mean something. It means a lot to you. It might not mean anything to anyone else, but that’s ok. It’s only important what it means to you in your life. We are each our own universe, and the only thing that matters in that universe is what matters to us.

The thing about life is that we don’t get to reload and take the other path. Instead, all we can do is learn from what happened, and if we don’t like that sort of path, change it when we get into a similar situation in the future.

I don’t believe you. If you had done that, the universe would be destroyed, or you’d have become god. :slight_smile:

New Imperial recruiting posters reveal that women dig the Dark Side.

Also, Vader is starting a new series of Sith porn videos.

I thought the Leia in the middle of the top row looked familiar. Turns out I’ve seen her before, here:


Yes, it’s a fan site dedicated to pictures of women wearing Leia’s slave outfit. Just click on the ‘fans in costume’ link on the navigation bar.

LOL. Hot Star Wars fans.

The circle is now complete: Slave Girl Ahsoka