Delurking... new here

Originally posted by dexter:
I think it's strange that almost all the games with very good stories are translated by G-Collections !!! Why doesn't Peach Princess translate more games that have great stories ??? [img][/img] I think that is the most important part of a game !!! [img][/img]

Hey, hey, PP's games aren't THAT bad, mind you. Besides PP have only got Crowd and Will (and not even all the labels of Will, but only two of them) working with them, so getting the good stuff isn't THAT easily.

Originally posted by dexter:
I think it's strange that almost all the games with very good stories are translated by G-Collections !!! Why doesn't Peach Princess translate more games that have great stories ??? [img][/img] I think that is the most important part of a game !!! [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by dexter (edited 11-04-2003).]

Further they are all the DO (Digital Object)games, and I am not sure if G-Collections has any direct tie to them, but it also seems to be a lot of their games too that are recent hits. I guess DO has great writers working for them recently.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Further they are all the DO (Digital Object)games, and I am not sure if G-Collections has any direct tie to them, but it also seems to be a lot of their games too that are recent hits. I guess DO has great writers working for them recently.

I don't think most of us are sure of what their ties are, if any. But G-Collections to me seems to have a better working relationship with the Japanese companies they're working with than PeaPri does. (Hey, just my opinion, you can disagree with me... [img][/img] )

Hmm, I wouldn't mind a few more D.O. titles. Some of them look interesting. I'd rather pass on the Sensei series personally though, but I have a feeling Sensei 3 will be translated sometime next year.

Originally posted by ekylo:
I don't think most of us are sure of what their ties are, if any. But G-Collections to me seems to have a better working relationship with the Japanese companies they're working with than PeaPri does. (Hey, just my opinion, you can disagree with me... [img][/img] )

Hmm, I wouldn't mind a few more D.O. titles. Some of them look interesting. I'd rather pass on the Sensei series personally though, but I have a feeling Sensei 3 will be translated sometime next year.

I agree with passing on the Sensei series, but more along the lines of Kana and Crescendo would be wonderful to see released.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Hey, hey, PP's games aren't THAT bad, mind you. Besides PP have only got Crowd and Will (and not even all the labels of Will, but only two of them) working with them, so getting the good stuff isn't THAT easily.

Sorry , I didn't mean they are bad , but I think there is room for improvement , if you know what I mean !!!! [img][/img] Maybe you're right about how getting the good stuff is not easy !!!! but I feel that if G-collections could do it why not PP too !!! [img][/img]

Originally posted by dexter:
Sorry , I didn't mean they are bad , but I think there is room for improvement , if you know what I mean !!!! [img][/img] Maybe you're right about how getting the good stuff is not easy !!!! but I feel that if G-collections could do it why not PP too !!! [img][/img]

It might not be they cannot but they do not have the same base stories to work from, I mean think of it this way, if you are a publishing company translating the works of Shakespeare and Chaucer, that is a lot different then translating the works of someone, even if they are a good writer, that writes for newspaper.

Point is, and I mean no comparison between the games G-collections gets translated and Peach Princess does, but if you are working from different styles to begin with the same process will still give you different results.

I hope that all made sense, I am thinking too much like a sociologist at moment, my apologies.

I don’t think you can really make a comparison… personally… I mean it’s like comparing apples to oranges, both are good in their own way.

Also, the general trend of Bishoujo games, at least based on my understanding, has overall gotten better over the years. As the fan base grows, so does the kinds and quality of games (stories). PP did just release Brave Soul, that’s a first for the English Bishoujo Gaming market. They will also be releasing LMM and it looks like Slave Bazaar is also a future release and apparently all of these are considered good if not great games…

I would predict that over the next 5 years (especially since and if the DVD-games like Phantom of Inferno continue to be released in stores like your going to see many more continued excellent quality games…

That’s my half penny worth hehe.

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
I don't think you can really make a comparison... personally... I mean it's like comparing apples to oranges, both are good in their own way.

That's my half penny worth hehe. [img][/img]

What is Slave Bazzar?

I just hope that the trend of DVD games changes slightly allowing for saving to the hard drive somehow and not the password thing. There are long gaps between passwords and if you screw up, the DVD gets stuck or something else happens you are forced to start over from the front of the password options. I like the DVD games but perfer the good old fashion harddrive games.

As for comparing them, it is not to me so much apples to oranges as Red Delicious to Macintosh Apples, two of the same family different branch, you are right each is good in it's own way, but to carry my analogy a little further, a writer for the London Times could be considered the best newspaper writer in the world, but never be in the same league as Shakespeare. Point being you can be the best in your style and still have others that surpass you and make you look bad in comparison. Could be what people, not me personally, but people see with the difference in story plots in the games released by these companies.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-04-2003).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
What is Slave Bazzar?

I'm not quite sure to be honest, but what I've read in other threads, it seems people are looking forward to it... Apparently it still has a ways to go (as in a few years???) before it's released though.


I just hope that the trend of DVD games changes slightly allowing for saving to the hard drive somehow and not the password thing.

I agree totally... The password thing on Phantom is part of what decreased from my enjoyment of it... It'll be interesting to see if these future DVD-Anime-Play games include the password feature or not...


Point being you can be the best in your style and still have others that surpass you and make you look bad in comparison. Could be what people, not me personally, but people see with the difference in story plots in the games released by these companies.

This is true.. very true...


Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
I agree totally... The password thing on Phantom is part of what decreased from my enjoyment of it... It'll be interesting to see if these future DVD-Anime-Play games include the password feature or not...

Another fear, is the company that produces a lot of these games for DVD seems to have sporadic e-mail and has not updated their sight since June or July in terms of news. Additionally, all games still show release dates of Q4 of this year, I hope that does not bode ill omens for the future of those games in general.

Slave Bazaar was one of the batch of titles announced, er, way back in 2001. Historical fiction, based sometime in the 17th century I believe. Sort of an adventure game with sim meters. That’s all I can remember right now. I’ve been more focused on LMM and it’s been a long time since I looked at the demo…

Originally posted by ekylo:
Slave Bazaar was one of the batch of titles announced, er, way back in 2001. Historical fiction, based sometime in the 17th century I believe. Sort of an adventure game with sim meters. That's all I can remember right now. I've been more focused on LMM and it's been a long time since I looked at the demo...

Both actually sound interesting and the more good games the better is the general rule I think we can all agree on with these games.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Another fear, is the company that produces a lot of these games for DVD seems to have sporadic e-mail and has not updated their sight since June or July in terms of news. Additionally, all games still show release dates of Q4 of this year, I hope that does not bode ill omens for the future of those games in general.

All it really means is they haven't got enough staff to have a dedicated webpage guy, whose job it is to run around and pester people saying 'gimme stuff for the webpage update, dammit!'. This could either mean they don't have their act together enough to even update the page, or they're busybusybusy.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Both actually sound interesting and the more good games the better is the general rule I think we can all agree on with these games.

Most of us here on the board really really want to play both of these games. I don't even like BSDM games, and I'm looking forward to Slave Bazaar. As for Little My Maid...well...the artwork is gorgeous, and...umm...the artwork's gorgeous. And it looks to be quite the complicated game, with a pretty romantic story.

Little My Maid is also infamous around here, as 'Kumiko' said that it, and Tokimeki Checkin!, were their two flagship titles. Tokimeki Checkin!'s been out for years now (god, I sound like an old fart), and preordering for LMM has been open since waaaay before then.

The status of Little My Maid is in large part responsible for Peach Princess' new attitude of 'let's NOT tip our hand way too fricking early'.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Most of us here on the board really really want to play both of these games. I don't even like BSDM games, and I'm looking forward to Slave Bazaar. As for Little My Maid...well...the artwork is gorgeous, and...umm...the artwork's gorgeous. And it looks to be quite the complicated game, with a pretty romantic story.

Little My Maid is also infamous around here, as 'Kumiko' said that it, and Tokimeki Checkin!, were their two flagship titles. Tokimeki Checkin!'s been out for years now (god, I sound like an old fart), and preordering for LMM has been open since waaaay before then.

The status of Little My Maid is in large part responsible for Peach Princess' new attitude of 'let's NOT tip our hand way too fricking early'.

I am not typically a BSDM fan either, but as to the second idea and in defense of Peach Princess, how can they be sure what is or is not too early. Clearly they thought they were informing people close to the release date, I mean do they wait until it has gone gold master and even then their can be unforeseen delays. Or is that the point and it is all guess work as to when to inform?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I am not typically a BSDM fan either, but as to the second idea and in defense of Peach Princess, how can they be sure what is or is not too early. Clearly they thought they were informing people close to the release date, I mean do they wait until it has gone gold master and even then their can be unforeseen delays. Or is that the point and it is all guess work as to when to inform?

Oh, it's totally understandable...except that they kept announcing new titles, when they were behind on the ones they were already agreeing to do. There was a large batch of various games that were announced after their initial group of announcements. Then much later, they 'un-announced' several of the games and concentrated on a few at a time.

But now we're getting into board politics, and why 'Kumiko' left, and other fairly off-topic minutae. In short, yes, it has taken far longer than anyone - Peach Princess included - had thought.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Oh, it's totally understandable...except that they kept announcing new titles, when they were behind on the ones they were already agreeing to do. There was a large batch of various games that were announced after their initial group of announcements. Then much later, they 'un-announced' several of the games and concentrated on a few at a time.

But now we're getting into board politics, and why 'Kumiko' left, and other fairly off-topic minutae. In short, yes, it has taken far longer than anyone - Peach Princess included - had thought.

Ah okay, always avoid politics in mixed company never leads to anything but arguments I have found. Anyway, I cannot believe, well actually I guess I can, people took this so hard.

What then is the general idea of the next two announced games are they the BSDM theme or no?

Originally posted by woodelf:
Mind you XChange/1 and XChange/2 turned out rather well. I expect since LMM was already translated I expect they thought they could get it out early.

You know thinking about it, that is probably what happened, they were told they had a translated copy ready to be handed to them and released with a few actually good translations as examples, Peach Princess was fooled, got the game, ran it themselves and wondered who conned them into getting a translation without looking at it first.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Slave Bazaar was one of the batch of titles announced, er, way back in 2001. Historical fiction, based sometime in the 17th century I believe. Sort of an adventure game with sim meters. That's all I can remember right now. I've been more focused on LMM and it's been a long time since I looked at the demo...

What makes me wonder is: should PeaPri still try to release Slave Bazaar or skip it and instead go for Dorei Ichiba: Reinassance?

I just hope that the trend of DVD games changes slightly allowing for saving to the hard drive somehow and not the password thing.

Originally posted by ScorpioMysterica:
I agree totally... The password thing on Phantom is part of what decreased from my enjoyment of it... It'll be interesting to see if these future DVD-Anime-Play games include the password feature or not...

Err, you know that you are talking about DVD-Player-games, right?
Well, the feature that you want will probably not be implemented until the first DVD-player with a harddrive is going to be released.

... and the PS2 with harddrive doesn't count in that matter either.