Demonbane Discussion (spoilers)

Talk about the story here~ Use spoiler tags though, and it would be nice if you include what chapter you are on.

Chapter 1

[spoiler]This game took me by surprise. lol First off Leica’s voice/attitude is pretty awesome. I was expecting a typical sounding priest/nun. But, she’s brilliant. Although, I still think she’s a bit heavy…

Al Azif is ANNOYING! Seriously… lol But, she’s growing on me. Reminds me of how I was really annoyed with Haru in G-Senjou until I really got attached to her.

btw I thought Doctor West was going to be a good guy. I WAS VERY WRONG, and EW lol. But love the guitar and bike.[/spoiler]
Chapter 2

Master Therion is damn evil. I did not expect her to get hurt so fast like that. Love the game’s direction so far. The random events are hillarious. PICK UP AL AZIF AND RUNQ!!!
She just wants to mow everyone down, those mundane humans! I hope she ends up seeing humans in a different light after spending time with Kurou.

Chapter 3

[spoiler]Once again, I love the little side story parts. Disappointed about the lack of voices, but it is still a really fun story.
WTF THOUGH, the first H-scene with Alta Nacha… lol… . . . . That first picture was a bit frightening of him and his dick… Seriously wtf! lol
Still, she looked pretty awesome.

BUT OMG LOL . Poor Al… That was too much… >< lol… I did not see that cuming… …
Oh and… those poor coppers… what misfortune… I had to laugh though… ha.g…g…h.a…a. kikk lol! flying through the air…[/spoiler]

anyways QUESTION : What is a temple cum throne room? Sounds odd…

I have her as my avatar here and on the MTF since 2006. I claimed her first~

You may be the greatest and most devoted sorcerer… but this time she fell on me! >:D

I guess the real question is… who has the golden master? That would be the original right? … Gimme… oh wait
The first got lost in transit right? … I wonder who snatched her…

btw did they ever make a limited edition Grimoire edition for Demonbane? That would have been nice…

I don’t believe there was ever a limited edition release of Demonbane. I like to think that Nitroplus is above petty cash grabs like that (they’re not, but I like to think that)

Glad about what started at end of Chapter 2 -

Kurou stopped using grimoire and instead started saying Al for her name. I did comment saying he called her different things in the presence of another character, but it probably, as I hinted at, was too early to state. I am happy with that turn, I wanted him to treat her nicer.

How many chapters are there anyways? The first two seemed really short.

I just finished my first run through (had the day off) and if I remember correctly there are twelve chapters and then the ending sequence. Now that was on Al’s route so I don’t know if it’s the same for the other routes. On a side note, this game needed a hell of a lot more of Elsa.

I am on Leica route.
Is the way to go.

I’m not using a guide, so I bet I’d get a bad ending the first few times. I feel the choices I’ve done so far were very Leica leaning. I intend to get all endings, so I don’t mind the order I get them in. I just feel I’d likely get a Leica ending if not a bad ending trying to get a Leica ending.

Edit -

I’m amazed at how fast some people finished it. I am not saying it is boring - I get really sleepy whenever I read for fun. I never get sleepy when I have to read something to learn to do something, it is just during my hobby things. I think it is just out of habit from reading before bed. I’m going to try and finish it today. Decided to not wait for voices anymore as in seeing the next text instead of waiting for the sound to finish the last message.

(Chapter 5 or so?):

Playing Phantom’s theme when Elsa was out in the town was really awesome to me, Phantom of Inferno is my all round favorite game and all.

I believe 6 [spoiler relating to olf] -

I speculated that one of his avatars spoiled me. I thought maybe Ruri does wear stripes when I saw it and she does.

Over all patterns -

[spoiler]I got pretty annoyed by how many times a chill up the spine was used in this game. I assume the original worded it that way.

If someone told me it was so episodic I wouldn’t have been all that excited about it.

I am not a fan of the designs. I like them over all, just think they should draw them wearing certain thicker clothings or any at all.[/spoiler]

Nope. I’m on chapter 14 of Al’s route, which I believe is right before the ending.

And god, the dicks in this game are so huge I just felt like I was doing something wrong during Al’s sex scene. Poor Al.

Al happy end → Al normal end → Al bad end → different game is the way to go for me. :lol: I don’t bother getting all character routes nowadays. Too tiring.

Meh, that was just a shot in the dark. I knew there was a chapter 12, I just couldn’t remember if there were any after that.

I’m actually in the same boat right now. After finishing Al’s route it’s hard to imagine either of the other characters routes even coming close in terms of endings. Kind of hard to beat them becoming the Elder Gods
I also stand by my previous assertion that this game needed more Elsa.

That scene is one of the longest single H scenes in eroge. It’s nearly as long as the infamous scenes from Clover Point and Aster. I think Gen got into it a bit too much w

I have to disagree here, really-- I know there’s lots of eroge where there’s one route and after that you might as well uninstall it, but Demonbane isn’t one of those. Too bad there’s so much of a distance between branches that you have to replay a good deal of the game to enjoy the whole thing >_>

Each route kinda interact each other.
I agree that for starter, people should start from Leica then Ruri then Al.
As for lack of Elsa route, I am going to translate the third prequel novel where she briefly shows up. I know it is just short showing, but better than nothing.
I hope you guys get to prequel novels as well.

I’m like, almost at the end. I didn’t do it in the apparently good order, however. Restart time? Bleh.

The talk about magic drew me in at the start. I just don’t think I like reading these kind of action things. A lot of the battles could have been reduced to Demonbane was getting its ass kicked then it used X attack.

Just not for me I suppose.

Yeah that’s pretty much been my problem. I want to try and start Ruri and Leica’s routes but having to go through so much of the “common” route is just draining me of interest. Especially because a lot of the areas that you can’t skip are almost identical to what they are in the other routes minus one or two differences.

I kind of want a Nya route… ><

btw again, does anyone know a temple “cum” throne room is? They mention it each time they go to that place.

You can try Al’s bad route for that.

BTW, when will we get to prequel novel discussion?

Which is why I always do the best/my favorite character’s route first if possible. That way I don’t have to drudge through a not as enjoyable second playthrough to get what I wanted in the first place.

'cept you don’t know what the best route is in advance and you can’t tell that from the outset because, going into an eroge, you don’t know the heroine yet.

Can’t speak for you, but I know which one I enjoyed the most, and it wasn’t Al’s. She’s still my favourite character but she didn’t have the best story.

I don’t know about you, but I can usually tell which girl I’d like most before going into an eroge. Even if I’m wrong, I can usually tell before I branch off. And if I’m on my favorite character’s route, I usually consider that the best. Yes, I may turn out to like the other characters when I’m far in their route, but the whole point is for me to reduce drudging through large portions of the game focusing on a character I don’t like at that moment.

It’s the way I play eroge nowadays, and it works for me. There are exceptions of course, but that’s generally how I approach them.

But my whole point is that you don’t know in advance whether it’s going to be the best route, because the best route doesn’t always match the best character. There’s a number of reasons why this can happen; in my experience, largely because of the involvement of multiple writers, which you can’t always tell in advance because these ‘sub-writers’ aren’t always credited. Now, sub-writers are commonly used even in great eroge for things like H scenes that tend to be pretty numbing things for the actual writer to write (sca-ji doesn’t seem a huge fan of them!), but sometimes they’re used for entire routes.

Take the recently-released Aiyoku no Eustia. Fione’s a pretty good character- she’s pretty, she’s voiced by a great new seiyuu and you find out both pretty early on and into her chapter that her personality and character are pretty great. So you play the game, play to her route and after seeing her ending, which was --awful–, you uninstall the game, give it 40% on EGS and write an angry email to the scenario writer. Oops. You’ve just been stung by the all-too-common case where a scenario writer (or a sub- I’m starting to suspect the sub) apparently doesn’t regard a character with the same reverence you do.

Then there’s things like Natsuyume Nagisa and some Nekonekosoft games (as well as other things where a large number of writers is simply how the studio works) where the game characters were designed by the project lead and original artist but the routes then split up between writers - and surprise surprise, different writers have different levels of skill. You get cases where characters you’d normally dismiss (Hijiri from Natsuyume Nagisa, token loli with horrible token loli personality) get the best routes in the game and great characters get let down. Anyone that’s still a fan of Circus has been dealing with this for years.

But, once again, how do you know? If you’re going into an eroge based on the idea that you’re going to enjoy it (which is probably most of the time, although not all of the time, since I’m playing 2009±era Abel Software games at the moment, hoo boy >_>) you generally don’t want to read detailed reviews on the game beforehand- exceptions, of course, when detailed reviews are what caused you to get the game in the first place, but I’m assuming most of the time we’re flying blind, how do you know exactly what the scenario writers were thinking when they wrote the game? Being able to design good characters and being able to design good stories are very related skills, but they aren’t precisely linked and you’re making a very big assumption on going in if you think that only one character route will be worth playing.

EDIT: This may take a minute or two, but could you go through May 27’s releases and tell me which routes are worth playing in advance? This will be a great reflective exercise on the merits to this approach when we get around to playing those games~