Demonbane summer 2010 release

Just curious, does release of Catacylsm affect eroge market? If so, that affects JAST announcement?

that depends who here plays who
i don’t

I am more of diversity type(Though not that ranged. or wide.) I do play, but I also try to enjoy eroge. (though haven’t played many.)

I wouldn’t expect mainstream releases to have a huge impact on eroge sales. Even for players that play both (like me), people buy them for different reasons.

The major factor here is Nitro+'s schedule. A release isn’t happening til they finish the work on their end.

they effect disc printing of discs that is why princess waltz took so long after going gold and that will effect the demonbane release if it goes gold anytime some

The problem is, if you’re waiting for Nitroplus’ schedule to be free, you’re going to be waiting quite a while. Axanael is right round the corner and Nitroplus is a small enough company to probably be using most of their staff for it. Then after that you’ve got Sonicomi. They’re a reasonably productive company, given their small size.

Logically they should be obliged to spend some portion of time on the localised products, but it’s difficult to tell because of course we can’t see the contract.

That’s the cause of the delay, after all … And I can’t say I blame Nitroplus, either. I’d be doing the same thing in their position. Peter has big hopes for Demonbane and all, but honestly, if it sells five thousand copies, I’ll be impressed. I dunno what it’s Japanese sales figures were, but I’d expect a lot higher.

Wasn’t Nitro+ also remaking Phantom of Inferno for the PS3 and/or 360?

when do you’ll think we will get the gold announcement my guess is by christmas

I’d guess it will go gold in mid-to-late January by the earliest. For the game to go gold by Christmas they’d pretty much have to have gotten it back from Nitroplus by now so Jast can do its final checking.

Honestly, my money’s on next year’s con season at the earliest

shingo said it probably won’t be that late
unless nitro+ seriously fucked something up
jast could have got the game with english text and uncensored cg’s added and they haven’t told us yet

The last update on the Demonbane site (with the picture graphic) said when it got past the Nitroplus Engine step, they’d let us know.

It also says Nitro+ is reviewing the script to make sure it fits their vision of their game… (I just now read the Nitro+USA update from Nov)
If it’s true they have almost daily exchanges between JastUSA/Nitro+USA and Nitro+ then I have no qualms with waiting to ensure a flawless release :smiley:
[patches suck… even if they are usually expected nowadays!]

I normally don’t preorder stuff coz I prefer to click and buy now and get the stuff immediately xD

However I just went ahead and preordered one of demonbane. I put it off for like few months by now lol.

i pre-ordered mine months ago

I preordered mine more than a year ago, when it was first announced on here.

I preorder stuff a bit under a month before it comes out, generally. This is because I normally get about 4-5 items per shipment to save on shipping. I won’t preorder something if I don’t know the exact day it’s going to come out and are reasonably sure it won’t be delayed, because if it’s delayed, all my stuff is delayed and I can’t have that happening.

i just hope we don’t have to wait for much more that a month or 2

Indeed. Summer is a bit over now. :smiley: