Demonbane summer 2010 release

i made mine a long while ago

can’t wait…
Been a long time coming, but we’ll finally see what Nitro+USA is made of :smiley:

i am wondering all the stuff they are giving us
“We will be posting here shortly with detailed notes on the release, including the package contents, localization decisions, content and crediting, DRM, and more. Stay tuned for detailed information on what to expect with the deluxe first pressing edition of the game!”

I wonder what is going to befall Demonbane this time to prevent its release? Surely something is going to happen … let’s see, the duplication plant could go under? Sure, let’s go with that.

After all, nothing gold can stay.


Is it technically in gold status when they start shipping out the game? If not, then of course nothing stays gold. Never seen that before, thanks.

I hope it turns out to be an early March release rather than a later. I think I’ve seen people say that it usually takes 2 weeks after gold, am I misremembering?

Eroge is supposed to be released on the last Friday of a month (i.o.w. March 25) but JAST tends to buck that particular tradition.

Looks like Demonbane is coming in Match, cant wait

Awesome, tho, its been so long now I can’t remember if I already preordered or not, I guess imma check tis thread for my older post.

And, Called it! XD

edit: yup checked I already preordered it few months ago lol.

No, gold status means they have the final game ready and it’s about to be sent to the factory for printing. So we’re still a few weeks away from the game actually shipping.

Usually that’s true. However sometimes it’s taken longer. Jast is a minor customer of the replication plants, and sometimes big orders end up pushing things like Jast to the side for awhile. There was one time it took more than a month, I believe.

release notes

Sounds good to me.

Not that bugged by the watermark tbh.
At least we get it uncensored!

Text thing…
Does that mean we get to see that Removal-line or not?

Only got a PC and Laptop, though the latter is acting strange lately.
We’ll see how that goes.

Either way, can’t wait!

It’s still in the game, they’re just pointing out that it’s not actually any kind of censorship on their part and is in fact a joke from the original. Couldn’t care less about the watermark, if that’s all they have to do to get the game uncensored then I see no reason not to compromise on it.

I was a little questionable about the watermark at first… but then I realized: although Demonbane’s textbox seems to move around there’s a decent chance it will partially cover up the watermark or at least keep it should keep it from being distracting~assuming the watermark is always in the same spot.

Just imagine if the watermarks were on the face or the parts (Though the latter would be a new type of censoring).
Though they’re staying in the little corner afaik, so all is good with the world.

Like a kind of pornographic Laughing Man? That would be kind of funny …

I thought some people would hate the watermark, but it seems to be a good compromise. I don’t mind it. Actually, it is a little distracting after I checked again, then again I can’t see much of the scene. Still it is good compared to censorship. That scene they used to show the example of the watermark, is that a Ruri scene? It doesn’t look like her wear. Does Leica have something like that underneath?

I don’t mind it being mid or late March if they say so. I would have been upset, over nothing really, if they said March and it was at the end. I feel more secure with knowing an estimate.

Edit -
I just noticed we still don’t have the download section. I guess we have a rough time limit on that seeing as how it should be released before the game. I wonder what we’ll get.

Wallpapers are my main guess.
Maybe screensavers, the usual stuff.

I’d love a “Desktop Pet” of Al Azif though.

Haha, that would be nice. I would also like sounds for the computer. Like the extras in the premium Ever 17 just with Demonbane characters saying the system is starting. I am not familiar with whether or not Nitroplus has released those kind of sounds, I just think it would just be nice. Wallpapers and openings feel too common place now.

I for one am not happy about the watermark, all other releases came without any type of watermark, why should this one have it? It is not even a copyright watermark! The Japanese release doesn’t come with a watermark saying “For use in Japan only”, there is only a label on the box and nothing in the images. Why didn’t the same thing apply for the international release?

Put a label on the box, add clear text to the welcome screen and even insert a slide to the start up sequence. Adding a watermark to every ero image is not the only solution nor is it the best.