Demonbane summer 2010 release

It’s not every ero image, it’s one single ero image.
The alternative was to censor it somehow.

It’s not even a very good image. Should have just covered the whole thing with a watermark.

from the release note

unless there is only one sexually explicit CG, it should be in all of the ero CGs. The way I understand it, if the CG had mosaic in the Japanese release, then the international release will have a watermark instead of mosaic. :expressionless:

Hmm, that’s actually rather difficult wording. If they’re using ‘CG’ as a plural, you’d be right. That’s not how I read it originally but on rereading they certainly don’t say that there’s one CG Nitroplus had a particular issue with. I guess it might be all HCGs.

The issue here is that Nitroplus doesn’t want the localised version of the game or the images from it coming back to Japan and haunting them later given the legal climate, given that these uncensored CGs would not be legal to sell in that country. Whether this is a legitimate concern or not is irrelevant; it’s what Nitroplus wants and it was JAST’s choice to go with the watermark instead of mosaics. And JAST have revealed this information in advance so people can decide whether they want to buy the game or not, considering this development.

I never once thought it was only for one CG. Even if there were only one H scene they usually have different images of them meaning more than 1 CG and only having the watermark on one for cover doesn’t make sense if images float around of the others without it. If Demonbane has only one HCG I think that would be important to tell people even if it wasn’t a localization decision :lol:

I think it isn’t that bad. Make an image in paint at 800x600 then imagine the dimensions the watermark will be. Will you really be that distracted during an explicit scene by see through text? I’d imagine you’d be busy reading the text, hearing the voice acting and looking at the art.

Nah, Demonbane has a number of H scenes. Possibly a somewhat below-average number (11, but there’s a number of really short ones that might as well not count) but it makes up for it by one of them being really really long and using 29 CGs (including differentials). My assumption was that the CG they included as an example was, for whatever reason, in uncensored form so problematic Nitroplus required the watermark so that it couldn’t become a headache for them later. But, yeah, might have been my misinterpretation since I’m used to seeing ‘CG’ used as a plural like that. It does make sense now that I think about it though.

Always took it as “all the uncensored CG’s will have it”

As for the sample CG…
It’s really not that explicit that it warrants to be the single watermarked CG in the entire game.
It’s actually quite tame compared to some others.

Because the international release doesn’t have mosaics? Or do you mean you’d like the same as with the Japanese release, meaning with the mosaics? :roll:

At least you’ll be able to play Koihime until then as I noticed your post in the other thread. It will be a long couple of weeks for the rest of us, heh. I guess I could spend my time playing the Hirameki Phantom of Inferno DVD in anticipation for my second Nitro+ game :slight_smile:

I really don’t see a problem with the watermark. I do know people like to complain for the sake of complaining. I just understand why they would want to add it, so I am not upset. Obviously no watermark is needed in the original since they were following their laws and if they had a “use in Japan only” watermark it would bring troubles for all their overseas fans.

go back and read my post, I am referring to the watermark. Other ways could have been used to avoid adding the watermark on every ero image.

any way, I’m just not happy about it, it doesn’t mean I would rather get the censored version of the images instead of the watermarked ones.

That’s the point. Go and reread your post. You complained about the watermark saying that the Japanese edition doesn’t have it so why would the international one. Hence my answer: the Japanese edition doesn’t have the watermark because it has mosaics instead. So, yeah, if you want to complain using the Japanese edition as a reference, you just need to check your argument.

They require the mosaic on the Japanese version because of the local law, since this is an international release and not a local one, the mosaic is not legally required (or more accurately, not needed to bypass censorship law). The developer could have covered their legal behind by adding text to the box and/or adding a slide in the start-up sequence. Adding a watermark on every image isn’t the best option, (but IANAL). Most of MGs releases come without mosaic and without a watermark, the same apply to JAST.

again, I am just not happy about the watermark, I didn’t write that I am upset or angered by it.

That’s not the point. The point is that you used the Japanese version as an example of what to do (meaning, no watermark), which is just silly (as I pointed out) because doing as it’s done in the Japanese version equals having no watermark, sure, but having mosaics.
If your point was “I don’t like the watermark”, you should have just stated so and that’s all. It was silly from your part to use how the Japanese version is done as a comparison about how it should be done because, sure the Japanese version doesn’t have a watermark, but it has mosaics.

No other game with uncensored CG has ever used such a watermark before (to my knowledge anyway, there’s some I haven’t played yet). Nitroplus is probably not the only h-game maker out there who is uncomfortable with uncensoring the HCG, probably even some of the companies that Jast or Mangagamer works with weren’t comfortable with it. Probably some companies are too nervous about the idea and so aren’t willing to license their games. (Though Black Cyc was apparently willing … go figure)

I’m pretty sure CD-BROS wasn’t; when they opened GC they weren’t sure what to do about uncensoring and they seemed to hope it wouldn’t be necessary. Their first batch of games all came censored with special patches made avilable to add the uncensored CG. They learned real quick though: don’t do that.

Nitroplus is the only company to have gone this route. (Others might have said “no uncensoring, sorry, this is nonnegotiable” and thus negotations broke down. We wouldn’t know.) And we know from experience that this step is not actually required legally by anybody; these games have been being translated for close to 15 years at this point.

Am I a bit annoyed at this? Yeah. Do I think that it matters? Not really.

Wait, so the watermark can’t be removed? It will even be in the CG Gallery? That is ridiculous.

If they really had to do that, they could have just placed that in the title screen.

I still believe that you are missing the point of my post, let me try to simplify it for you.

why is there mosaic in the Japanese release? because of the local censorship law.
why is there a “For sale in Japan only” label on the box? to cover their legal behind

the above was enough for the Japanese release. They didn’t add a “For Japan only” or “Adult only” on each CG to make their legal cover stronger.

So why did they add the watermark on the international release? To but it simply, to cover themselves legally from the Japanese law should anyone back import the international release into the Japanese market.

The same apply to game rating and movie rating, the rating is there on the box and on the site (or digital store). You do not find the RED “18” on the left corner of the screen while playing Killzone 3, having it on the box is enough to cover their legal behind.

the above is why I am making a comparison with the Japanese release, they added the watermark to cover themselves legally. I still believe they could have achieved the same level of legal protection by adding “Not to be sold in Japan” on the box and site. If they are worried about the torrents, then they could have added a slide on the start-up sequence or a label to the welcome screen. Adding a watermark to each image that might violate the Japanese law is not the best solution to this legal problem.

any way, as I wrote before, I simply am not happy with the watermark, I didn’t write that I was upset by it. This is the same as having extra salt on my meal, I might not be happy about a meal that is a bit salty, but I can still eat it. So I am going to leave it at this.

Watermarking the HCG is dumb, but I suppose it’s not an unreasonable move. It just ignores a decade and a half of precedent. Whatever. It’s not that big a deal.

it could be worse they could be the family project additions or the xc3 edits

I can’t wait either :smiley:

Awesome! I’ve been waiting for this ever since I finished book four. Sweet!

Entering the last week of March.
Will it release this week or will we get a delay?