Demonbane summer 2010 release

The whole time I hoped they didn’t follow tradition in releasing on the last Friday of the month. It would really suck now if they do that tradition even when it was noted they don’t really follow it anyways and they already gave hints to early April if not late March.

This is how I see it: if they release it tomorrow there is a good chance you’ll have the game in your hands before the end of the month if you live in North America. If they release it Tuesday there is still a chance to have it before the month is over especially if you live close to the distribution point. After that you can just rest and accept having it in April. No use stressing over it.

Oh wow, they could make an announcement on April 1st. :lol:

Well, it depends what you mean by “release”. If it just means that they’ve started mailing the copies, then it could happen this week. (It could happen whenever the replicator gets the discs back to Peter’s warehouse.) But if it means when people actually have copies in their hands and are playing the game, unlikely to happen by the end of March. Even if they announce “now shipping!” tomorrow, few people will still probably have copies this week.

At least the game will be out before A Dance with Dragons. Although now that I’ve tempted fate by saying that, I guess we can look forward to delays? I mean, Duke Nukem Forever just got delayed again … that is not a good omen. (Not unexpected. But still not a good omen.)

Yeah, I had a real hopeful delivery speed in mind. On another note there seems to be a couple of people pressing JAST on Saya no Uta when I researched what JASTUSA twitter was responding to on the latest tweet ~6+ minutes ago from writing this. I don’t have a Twitter account and it was just luck that I saw that Tweet so fast, but is Saya no Uta that good for people to be asking where it is on the possible week eve of Demonbane? I’d imagine they’d be asking where Demonbane is.

Some of the more in the loop members here mentioned something about Saya no Uta that makes it unlikely to ever come even if Demonbane does well, so I find it strange that they’d reply with what they did. Because of the things I’ve heard here about Saya I’d assume if Demonbane does well Jingai Makyou would still be the next game even if Saya is fully translated not that I know much about either game.

Saya no Uta was a really well written Lovecraftian-styled VN, that’s why customers (myself included) would really like to see it licenced. The big sticking point, however, is the main character is more or less a loli. While you could just bump up her age in the translation all of her artwork still portrays a very small framed female with little sexual development, think Jade from Jewel Knights: Crusaders.

Back to Demonbane, guess we might dip into April afterall.

Wanna guess what the big sticking point really is? Everyone has already played it : D. Most people would rather have Jast release not fan-translated titles/forced translations for fan translators.

I haven’t played it yet. :stuck_out_tongue: I understand where you are coming from though. Hopefully JAST doesn’t go making this a common practice otherwise people won’t bother.

Wouldn’t mind owning an English physical copy of Saya though.
But it’s low on the list of Nitro+ games I want to see licensed now.
I think the Steins;Gate manga is quite interesting, so it’d be cool if the VN was localized for example.

As for what release date I meant, I meant when they’re shipping out Demonbane.
I already know I’ll get it somewhere in April because I’m in Europe.
Minimum shipping time would be a week.

Ah, sorry.

I haven’t played Saya either and I am certain I will never play it. Ideally I’d want to see Steins; Gate especially now that it is on the PC. After they announced Aselia and way after their partnership with Nitro+ I feel it could be possible. Although I know very little about Saya I feel those tweeters should call for Steins; Gate if not nagging them about where Demonbane is.

Well, it seems like the series is more 5pb than Nitroplus anyways, so even having a succesful partnership with N+ might not imply that either C;H or S;G is coming anytime soon. I would certainly hope that they would be able to work something out if N+ VNs sell well though. Although if 5pb does come along, I might start by asking for the revamped Ever17.

I know it is probably an estimate on rightstuf’s side, but they predict March 30th for Demonbane’s release. I hope it happens.

any one got shipping emails yet
there is still one more day of march if not
then we get the internet acts stupid day

Nothing here. Rightstuf is just listing as “More arriving soon”, but the order status reads as “On order from manufacturer”. I’m assuming there is nothing today, but we still have tomorrow I guess…

I’m sure JAST’s twitter would be saying something is released when they got it. We might be waiting into next week. However, we might even wait another year! :smiley:

You might be on to something.

i tweeted them about that my guess is the disc printing is taking longer than they thought this has happen before from gold to getting your copies can take up to 2 months i think was the longest
my other guess is they are busy rebuild the peach princess site

JAST has always been utterly horrible at guessing release dates, so it doesn’t really surprise me. It should be mandatory to tack on a year when they announce the release date of a new game they just licensed. As for release dates for games that have gone master, they should tack on an extra month to what they think it is.

I doubt any one will be playing it this weekend, so everyone is better off making other plans.

the only time they get release dates right is when they get close to convention season my guess is my girlfriend is president, downhill night blaze, Aselia and maybe yumina and something else will be ready by like july

Yumina I wouldnt expect for another year.

I’ll bet another 2-3 years, same for Eien no Aselia and School Days, and for those I think I’m being optimistic

It didn’t take 2-3 years to MAKE Eien no Aselia or School Days. Don’t be ridiculous.

Demonbane translation project started in March 2008, Jast license negotiation started in July 2009 and today is April 2011 and it still ain’t out… His claims aren’t unfounded.