Demonbane summer 2010 release

For what it’s worth, Wikipedia claims:

Sounds like a legit origin.

the game play like most hentai game out adv nothing special
i hope it goes gold by monday

I’m going to have to disagree. I think Raidy or Downhill Night had releases prior to golden master. I may be wrong though. I’m expecting it to be out in october if anything. But there is still hope for the 20th or 28th of this month. At the very least I think it will be shipped by the end of october.

Also Downhill Night Blaze is almost assuredly going to be released by the end of this year. It’s been listed as such for quite some time now and they will probably want to have something to release in december…mangagamer will probably have da capo II or if so they need something to contend with. Not to mention holidays is one of the best times to sell things because some people do buy games as gifts for people.

Again though time will tell with all of these issues.

Just out of curiosity, since that just seems weird to me. Do people actually get virtual novels as presents around Christmas? Would definitely make a interesting chrismas-tree if that was the case, which also makes me wonder what else should be beneath it :roll:

That’s how it works with the rest of the video games industry, at least.

I for one have never received an eroge for Christmas, although I’ve given someone a non-ero VN for Christmas once.

I’ve had thoughts of giving the gift of eroge. I’ve just been too embarrassed to do so. If I did I wouldn’t give a game that I haven’t played. If it had a lot of tentacle stuff or some other more hardcore fetish it could scare them off. I think the only safe ones for a beginner would be a standard drama.

it HAS tentacle rape but only if you get bad ends

Ran across this interesting Straight Dope column: … er-records

Apparently, the very first mastering process used wax master copies that wore out, necessitating re-recording the master periodically (which of course really means it’s not quite the same performance over time). The first true mass-production process did indeed involve literal gold as an actual component to manufacture the master copies:

This predates any Apple computer technology by a considerable margin. And I’m skeptical Apple ever had any software mastered using literal gold components. I’d be willing to bet this is the ultimate origin of the term “gold master”, even if the term isn’t used much outside the software industry anymore.

an update
"At our panel at Anime Expo in July we announced that Deus Machina Demonbane would see release in summer 2010. The summer is now over, so we’re here to provide an update on the project. First and foremost, we’d like to reassure fans and preorder customers that the game is still scheduled for release in the near future. The translation is complete, the manual/artbook insert and special DVD box are complete, and the cases have been printed and are ready to go!

The final sticking point relates to the conversion and insertion of the text, which requires working with a new game engine that Nitroplus developed in-house to future proof their game lineup. This part of the process is in the hands of the capable, thorough, and very busy folks at Nitroplus ¬ñ they’re moving offices in a month along with their packed game release and event schedule, so as a result work on the Demonbane conversion has been delayed.

Demonbane is still center in our sights on both sides of the production process, and we’re confident that the final product will be worth the wait. We appreciate your patience as we continue to shepherd this exciting and indeed epic title to completion. Further updates will be available on this site as well as at Nitroplus USA as development enters the finishing stage."
that explains things

they could also have tried to used the same fucked engine for steins gate on the english version of demonbane

It sounds like Nitroplus is really hoping this does well, and is taking the time and effort to make a new game engine that will make insertion of text a simple process for future titles. I really hope the game does well enough such that their work isn’t wasted.

But it also sounds like if it isn’t done before Nitroplus moves, it probably won’t be done for at least another month and a half. And even if they do, it still has to go gold. Realistically we’re looking at late October at the earliest; my best guess is somewhere in Nov-Dec.

And I agree about the engine: they’ll probably want to get an engine that’s as generically useful as possible, since they plan on getting more than just Demonbane out. (Assuming Demonbane sells gangbusters, which - knock on wood - seems likely.) If they just hacked something together for Demonbane specifically, they’d run the risk of having to repeat the process with any other games they wanted to release. Getting an engine that could be useful for more than just one game takes more time in the short run, but can be much better long term.

I’m just happy that JastUSA has issued a statement about the reason for the delay. The reasons are exactly what I expected, but having it officially verified puts my mind a bit more at ease. No more dreaming up wild scenarios of what could possibly be going wrong! :lol:

I’m proceeding on the assumption that English titles aren’t their priority.

I read this as “Nitroplus has developed a new game engine that they plan to use in future (Japanese) releases. Since Demonbane had to be retooled anyway for Windows 7 compatibility and other reasons, they decided the US release of Demonbane will use this engine as well.” Building on this assumption, it would make sense that one of the features of the engine is compatibility with multilingual input–if you’re going to design a new engine, might as well build in features that could prove useful in the future.

That talk about “future proofing” the engine sure sounds like you’re right on that account. So yes, since Nitroplus is planning on going multilingual, they’d want to bake that into their new engine once and for all.

But that also means the delay is likely to be longer rather than shorter; this is the new engine for everything, so my guess would be it gets finalized shortly before the first Japanese release to use the new engine ships. (As someone with some experience in software development, the engine is likely to have significant issues going thru the entire dev cycle.)

But after the text is inserted into the new engine, then Jast USA has to run a test cycle on the end result (just to make sure everything works OK). That would take some more time.

my guess is the steins gate engine
that has had lots of problems might be the engine they are talking about

dumb question but will i still get the “manual/artbook insert and special DVD box” if i order from

you should unless they take it out of the box

Sorry, RightStuf customers only get a coaster wrapped in spare newspaper.

That’s only if you order from RightStuff !

another dumb question

is this game legal in every states?