Demonbane summer 2010 release

now for that you need to check your local laws
all is pretty loli but not completely flat-cheasted

Is it too late to get the boxed edition with the artbook? Is that pre-order only or what?

Btw, how do you preorder on rightstuff (do you like pay full price at first and then wait till it comes out? or does it work like gamestop aka. deposit down then pay the rest etc.)

until it goes gold you can pre-order and get all the wtuff

It works like Amazon: you only have to pay anything when the item actually ships.

Online retailers don’t have to worry about deposits for pre-orders as much since, compared brick & mortar retailers, they don’t have to worry about running out of stocking space.

I’m kinda in the question-asking field like the guy who posted here earlier, just sitting in a different boat.

I’m planning to pre-order the game through Jlist, as I almost got enough Store Credit there.
(Lack a couple of dollars for shipping and I don’t have a CC. Shame they can’t accept PP for it…)
So yeah, can’t actually PO before I have that, as it’s instant payment when it comes to credit.

They will ship the game with the artbook and everything as well, correct?
(And free tissues if they feel like it, haha)

It would also be cool to know if the box isn’t too revealing when it comes down to the adult content.
Though as far as I am aware, they’ve never checked any of my boxes coming from Japan.
But the US might be a different story, due people in Europe most likely ordering more stuff from there.

On the other hand, the next time brick and mortar retailers decide to order conservatively based on stocking space will be the first time.

Online retailers don’t need you to pay up front because they’ve already got your credit card and that puppy IS getting charged barring some customer service incident. Both online and physical retailers desire preorders because it gives them accurate counts of the money they need to spend on product, not the space they’ve got for it. The cash you pay up front for physical retailers is necessary to ensure that the buyer feels obligated to actually return to that retailer to buy the merchandise. In the absence of such a policy, buyers would put in preorders at half a dozen locations and go to whomever calls them ten minutes ahead of the others. For online retailers, every preorder is automatically a sale unless you do something drastic like cancel the CC you used to preorder before said item ships, or contact customer service explicitly to cancel.

What exactly are you talking about? I haven’t seen anything on a preorder bonus on PP, JAST USA, or NItro+ USA

JAST wouldn’t sell a game that’d get a US customer in trouble. Besides, as long as it’s a game and not standalone images, you’re protected by the Miller Test–as long as the fictional work has “serious literary, artistic or social value”, they can’t touch you. And in any case, none of the characters (that I can tell) are portrayed as children.

Just to make things clear, it’s “serious literary, artistic, political or social value.”

Well I’m pretty sure Demonbane is at least of “serious” artistic and literary value.

Quote from JastUSA Demonbane page:

"“At our panel at Anime Expo in July we announced that Deus Machina Demonbane would see release in summer 2010. The summer is now over, so we’re here to provide an update on the project. First and foremost, we’d like to reassure fans and preorder customers that the game is still scheduled for release in the near future. The translation is complete, the manual/artbook insert and special DVD box are complete, and the cases have been printed and are ready to go!”

Hence, my question, is it too late for me to get the artbook insert thing etc.

when is your big guesses on when we get the game

I actually don’t care one bit, it’ll probably be around in the near future, but it’s not something I’m frantic about. That said, I am really looking forwards to it, and I’ve been somewhat restraining myself from reading to much about it (which has been a struggle in itself ), just as an attempt to not spoil it to much for myself. But if it’s out prior or after Christmas that’s something I couldn’t be to bothered thinking about. :roll:

If it were up to JAST, I’d say they’d have it out by Christmas for sure. As it’s not, there’s no saying. Whenever Nitro+ gets around to it, basically. I’d wager that’ll happen within 6 months.

May still be a while since isn’t Nitro+ also working on that Phantom of Inferno rerelease? Wouldn’t really blame them for putting Demonbane on the backburner for that considering Phantom’s one of their most famous titles.

if anyone wants to see the anime it is being added to crunchyroll … e-macademi

I was wondering if that was related, like an attempt at cross promotion. Maybe Nitroplus would like to see the anime licensed someday.

Well, I’ll definitely wait to play the game first. Sort of like always reading the book before seeing the movie adaption.

Hi. I am new to this forum. I just happened to join here because of this game. Yeah I heard VN engine change caused delay in launch. Does Nitro+ want to test new engine with Demonbane US launch? BTW, I am a Demonbane expert though haven’t played the first game, but read the 3 novels that are based on one of the routes from the game. Don’t worry. I won’t give any spoiler. Not sure whether JAST will release Kishinhishou because you need to read the first prequel novel to understand the content of that game. I am working on translation though i am not an expert, but being lazy about nowaday. :P(But I will start working on it again someday). Does JAST have plan to publish the prequel novels as well?
As for reworking on Kishinhisou with h content, I doubt that. In their 10th anniversary magazine, Nitro+ announced that they are working on the third Demonbane game.

jast might release on jlist but that is about it

JAST doesn’t typically work on titles that aren’t 18+, so it’s doubtful they’ll ever localize Kishin Houkou. They don’t work on novels at all, though it’s possible they might sell the Japanese versions on J-List.