Devil May Cry 5

Rumor mill is starting on the DMC5 project. Been following Hiroyuki Kobayashi around. No I’m not stalking… well okay… maybe a little. :stuck_out_tongue:

He established the official time line for DMC not too long ago: 3, 1, 4, 2… the surprise being that #2 is actually considered canon. Does that mean DMC5 will reveal what happened when Dante drove into hell after making Lucia want to carry his child (get in line babe, there are two others before ya)? Or maybe it will continue with Nero in the spotlight, and reveal more about his connection with Virgil?

Man… so much story for a mindless slash and shoot, eh?

Will it ever end?

This kind of games, after the first episode, are only “more of the same”. I just hope sooner or later software houses will learn to let them rest in peace.

What!? No way!!!

DMC3 and DMC4 kicked ass. Granted the music in DMC4 was kinda lame… but the game itself was pure win. DMC4 sold over 2 million units this year, and gets rave reviews all around.

Moar DMC plz!!! 8)

Besides… Nero plays different from Dante. The game from his prospective, is a lot different from the 'old school veteran. It wasn’t the “same thing” again. I mean it’s the DMC universe, so obviously the basic mechanics are going to remain… but as far as fighting style goes, Nero and Dante are two sides of a coin.

Well, I’m not saying that the DMC series sucks. Just that they’re bad imitations of the original DMC for PS2. That was an awesome game.

And of course, not only DMC is going down this route. Just to remain in the action genre, I fear the same fate for God of War. Again, the first one was incredible, an absolute masterpiece, featuring a final boss combat from which every game should learn something from. Then came God of War II, still good, even though not quite as good as the first one.

I mean, if you really want to develop your characters and move forward their story, you better do it well. A clear example of this is Half-life. They took their time for the sequel, and they came up with a revolutionary game (everybody loves the gravity gun :mrgreen: ) of such quality that none of the fps that came after managed to even put up a good fight (with the possible exception of Bioshock). That’s the way things should work. Too bad good games become pretty quickly only money-maker machines.

I’m afraid I have to disagree to a degree. I mean Pokemon is the same thing over and over again: but I love it for doing that. Super Mario Brothers are basically the same thing over and over again. Same goes for Zelda. Castlevania is another. Hell… even Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Tales of ______, and Star Ocean are the same thing. So forth and so on. It’s whenever a game tries to be too different, that I start hating. Castlevania going 3D… or Actraiser ditching the simulator mode for the sequel.

Also I think DMC2 is the worst DMC - I mean it’s still gold and all - but compared to the other DMC it’s lacking. DMC4 is the best IMHO - since it adds Nero being badass in a new class - and the mode for Dante is just the DMC3 version without limitations (cause Dante is the most BAMF on Earth).

Well, regarding Final Fantasy, they did try to innovate their product. We always have an rpg, but there are always differences. For example, FFVII had the Materia systema, FFVIII the Junction system, and so on. And they were, well, pretty radical changes. Not to mention that FFXI was actually a MMORPG, and FFXII something completely different. In fact, I know lot of people that hated FFXII, for the one and only reason that they tried to change something.

I guess some people are fine with “more of the same”. I understand that. However, I’m not one of them 8)

It really is a question of degree, depending on the case, as to how much you should change. Take the Thief series. Aside from story and a few minor changes, the first and second games are pretty much the same. It was a good thing. However, when they made the third game, they made some major changes (many of which, in my opinion, were because they made it for both Xbox and PC, instead of PC only). So major, in fact, that many original fans of the series refuse to accept it as part of the series. Another factor to consider is where changes are made. Let’s use the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy for this example. While changes to the combat system from the first to the second game were, from what I can tell, generally applauded, many found the abrupt change in the prince’s personality to be out of place.

Agreed, I don’t mind if they keep using the same names/series provided they don’t deviate too far from what it originally was that attracted me to the series, for example fallout3 or that 3d mega-man they released early on for the playstation.

The original creator of DMC has been working with SEGA on an action title called Bayonetta.

Official Site

Hideki Kamiya claims it will redefine everything that we learned in DMC, as how DMC redefined everything we learned in Resident Evil. Big promise. Let’s hope this lives up to it. The woman is an Angel Hunter by the way. Although seeing what we learned in DMC, angels are demons anyways (since real angels evidently don’t even manifest on Earth). Probably also done that way, so CAPCOM doesn’t get angry: Dante being THE Devil Hunter. Everyone knows Devil Hunter Yoko was just a fluke. :stuck_out_tongue:

I played DMC3 and DMC4. Both were awesome, DMC4 was a bit more awesome. I would be really exited but I don’t think my laptop would support DMC5(it didnt play DMC3) :frowning:

In case anyone hasn’t heard the news, DMC5 was outsourced by CAPCOM to a British game company. Confirms those rumors that the original creator, left on unfriendly terms (and why he made Bayonetta). :frowning:

In other news: [url=]perfect use of Royal Guard in DMC3 final battle[/url] (probably the most epic battle of twincide ever). 8)

Also Dante has been hinted to be appearing in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 - finally!!!

(can see his outline next to the wrist of Chris, drawing his sword)

It would seem the creator isn’t fond of doujinshi for his works: … doujinshi/

He should serve them with C&D’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I find it kinda amusing that he didn’t stop all the Dante and Virgil twincest. :o

I find the comment pretty interesting, especially since I stumble across a lot of porn, just because it is based on a series/stuff I like

Here’s what they revealed at TGS for the next DMC.

Though seriously, why make another game where Dante isn’t our main hero? :evil: I can understand Nero, but… The only other possibility is this is Dante’s new look, and I pray to God that’s not the case.

That is the new Dante. It’s a reboot designed specifically for the American market. Here’s the official teaser trailer:

The original Dante design was considered… “too bishonen” or something retarded like that. So they picked Edward Cullen as a new template. :roll: However fan outcry on both sides of the ocean has begun, and it’s not pretty. CAPCOM may change gears. Remember that in DMC4, Dante was never supposed to be playable, but the fans when into havoc mode until CAPCOM relented.

Some back story on the situation: Hideki Kamiya is the original creator of DMC. He left CAPCOM under some not too nice terms (creative differences is the politically correct term). That’s why Bayonetta? was released under SEGA. Kamiya has stated that Bayonetta is the “spiritual” successor to DMC and strongly hinted that elements in the game, would have been in a DMC5 if he were in charge: Bayonetta is DMC5 in new skin.

DMC5 is getting rebooted with all sorts of changes, because the original idea man and his team are working for someone else. If you want the “real” DMC experience, gotta play Bayonetta. :expressionless:

On a side note: it’s stupid development plans like these, that really make me question that “Western influence” is saving the console industry. Dante is too bishonen… sheesh… as if that was a problem for him being the badass everyone loved.

So this will likely be the action game equivalent of the American Godzilla movie. How nice.

Though if Capcom no longer has the license to use the original Dante’s image, then how’d they get him to be in the upcoming Capcom vs. Marvel 3?

Capcom owns Dante and all DMC material, as well as everything else Hideki Kamiya made for them. Usually when your work for a corporation, what you develop, belongs to the company… not to the person. That’s actually one of several reasons why he left. For example Shigeru Miyamoto and Gunpei Yokoi invented Mario, but neither own him. He completely belongs to Nintendo. It’s also why in a recent interview, when asked if Bayonetta and Dante would costar together in a future game, Kamiya said, “that’s up to Capcom.”

Capcom isn’t using the old Dante design, because the outsource company and the USA branch choose to remake him from scratch.

The guys working on the reboot explain themselves: … -interview

and this is my reaction: … re=related

Looks like at least the storyline we all knew won’t be retconned: … y-no-more/

Maybe fan outcry is helping