Did you ever thought how well

… the makers of our translated bishoujo games are ranked on Japan?

This very interesting discution started in my Renai Game’s Group by OLF.

Subject: [renai_games] Makers Which Games Are Released In The Us: their score at Eroscape

davepy and I were browsing at Eroscape to discuss about “Clover
” and how well-ranked it was (80.9 for 225 votes). So we started
talking about other games and…
In a nutshell, we came to wonder about how well were ranked the
various games which were (recently) ported in the US (and their makers).
SO, for people who can read Japanese (and want to have fun ), here
follow the links to the various brands (warning: the site isn’t adult
but has sometimes pics for the cover of the game so there may be some

* D.O.
average score = 83.
* ZyX
* AngelSmile
* Sekilala
* Yamikumo-Communications
* Mercure
* Sweet Basil
* Guilty

As expected, only D.O. is a good (to excellent; cf. “Kazokei”)
gamemaker, with high scores (for their romance games and foremost thanks
to “Kazokei” [the only game with a score in the 90+ in all the games
ince 1995 in Eroscape database]), though ZyX and AngelSmile have average
scores (60+ is average, 70+ is good, 80+ is excellent and there’s no
90+; most renowned brands are in the 70+ [Leaf is 76, ALICESOFT is 73,
F&C is 71, Key is 82, minori is 73, age is 81, Giga is 73, Nekoneko Soft
is 75, elf is 73, etc.]).
Of course, it’s not absolute (you may all know how those scores were
obtained), but it’s fun to read. XD

So, what you guys think? We need to ask for more D.O. games or what?

If you want to see the entire thread, check here

[This message has been edited by Peter Gilis (edited 12-03-2004).]

I’ve trashed Crescendo translations in my review…

I just thought it was a given that the makers of Kana and Crescendo, probably the two most recommended games on this board, must make the best games.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-03-2004).]

Yeah. And considerating the fact KAZOKEI is more highly ranked and loved by fans than CRESCENDO or even KANA in Japan (and they have a LOT more bgames to play and compare ), it makes me wonder how good this game can be.

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
it makes me wonder how good this game can be.

Olf should be able to give you a reliable answer to that question, because he already has that game.

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 12-03-2004).]

If this game will be translated, let’s hope they’re not going to do he same translation mistake they did with Crescendo and Kana…

Well, considering how he’s always plugging Kazoku Keikoku on MegaTokyo, he must like it quite a lot.

Eh…now that I take a good look, D.O. also did Sensei 2, as well as the infamous D.O.R. The quality of their games seems to vary a bit, eh?

D.O. may vary, but GC translations are always at the same level… low…

Frankly IMHO it’s a pity CD Bros decided to give them license. Ah well, one more reason to learn japanese…

Give it a rest Italicus. Let’s see…one, two, that’s THREE times you’ve decided to bash GC in a single topic, for no other reason than spite, and without contributing in any way to the discussion. It’s kind of funny that you didn’t voice a problem with their translations until V-mate came along, no? I don’t like the current situation either, but you don’t see me bashing GC indiscriminately.

So just keep your biased comments to yourself, and everyone will be the happier. As it is now, you’re just being a troll. No one likes a troll.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-03-2004).]

It would help your arguement if you would actually list what your problem is with G-coll’s translation. We all know you don’t like G-coll because of virtual mate but we aren’t talking about that now.

I kinda wonder how they got the ratings for the publishers myself. Though I always take ratings with a grain of salt as alot of it has to do with personal perferences.

I’ve had a problem with GC’s translations since day one.

* There are times when a character will go on a long speech that gets translated something reeeeally short

* Sometimes, now, I can actually pick out what they’re actually saying, and it doesn’t match the translation at all

* Then there are the times when someone says something, but there’s no text box, and they just … leave it untranslated.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I've had a problem with GC's translations since day one.

* There are times when a character will go on a long speech that gets translated something reeeeally short

* Sometimes, now, I can actually pick out what they're actually saying, and it doesn't match the translation at all

* Then there are the times when someone says something, but there's no text box, and they just ... leave it untranslated.

This, I can respect.

Originally posted by Italicus:
Frankly IMHO it's a pity CD Bros decided to give them license.

This...is trolling.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-03-2004).]

Oh, I didn’t mean to say that Italicus wasn’t trolling. He is. But there IS room to complain about some of the things GC has done in their translations.

Calm down, guys!

First, i expressed my opinions about their translations level. Nandemonai pointed most of my disliked issues out in his post, and i warned in my review all of the purchasers 'bout them - “fate un pÚ di censura mentale”, i wrote…

Second, since it’s a game created in Japan it would be nice if they at least tried to respect japanese culture, a thing they did not ( the 50$ issue, remeber anyone? A punch in a eye )… At this point even Tokimeki, as a friend told me on a forum, is better on this front, because PP took at least the effort to place an explicative file 'bout japanese ryokan inside the game.

So, when i bash GC on this, i have my reasons. You may like it or not, but i pretend respect for my opinions on the matter. V-Mate is another and totally different issue. So stop call me a troll. And remember, “Truth hurts ten tousand times more then swords”.

So, if really are ranked that high in Japan, the G-Coll with their transaltion level isn’t giving them the right value. I can understand adaptations and translations are not at the original level, but frankly they have exagerated. Remember Crescendo? In the library? Kaho Nagira calling Ryo Sasaki?
The voice :“Sasaki-kuuun!!!” - the text “Ryo.”

Italicus, if you want to bash about that, do it in my protest thread on G-Collections’ BBS.

A promise is a promise. I’ll never come back to G-Coll, despite i’ve heard many people think i posted here using alias ID. Let them believe whatever they want.
Now back to the topic…
Peter Gillis, the link doesn’t work… I use Mozilla Firefox. Or is the site down?

EDIT Eh eh how stupid of me… i just noticed i must sign to enter, LOL!!!

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 12-04-2004).]

He kind of vowed never to post there again.

@Italicus: If you don’t want to be called a troll, then don’t act like one. I’m sure you know what I mean by that. People will respect you opinions if you explain them calmly like you did in your last post, but posting ‘I hate G-collections’ everywhere isn’t going to earn you points with anyone.

I actually agree with what you and others have said, to some extent. But then I’m used to watch anime fan-subs, so I’m used to a more “faithful” style of translation. Keep in mind PP and GC’s current target market though. There’s a lot of people out there that play these games for a quick fix, and know nothing about Japanese culture or anime…nor do they care to learn. They don’t want to read lengthy out of context explanations just to understand what’s going on, and they don’t want to be forced to figure out what the hell this -kun, -san, -sama deal is all about. For them, changing that to “Ryo” is just an expected part of the translation. In the end, it’s just a different translation style. Some people may not like it, but it’s hardly wrong.

You bring up the $50 issue. I take it you mean how American translation companies force the Japanese prices down to $50 instead of $70-$80? Actually, I’m all for that. I can say with certainty that I wouldn’t pay $80 for a b-game unless it was something like Kimi Ga Nozumu Eien. Even then I’d be hesitant. I’d refuse to pay that much even for most RPG’s. Also, forcing the prices down is a standard part of localization for the gaming industry in general. If they didn’t do that, the games simply wouldn’t sell. The Japanese game makers would hardly benefit from that, now would they?

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:

You bring up the $50 issue. I take it you mean how American translation companies force the Japanese prices down to $50 instead of $70-$80? Actually, I'm all for that. I can say with certainty that I wouldn't pay $80 for a b-game unless it was something like Kimi Ga Nozumu Eien. Even then I'd be hesitant. I'd refuse to pay that much even for most RPG's. Also, forcing the prices down is a standard part of localization for the gaming industry in general. If they didn't do that, the games simply wouldn't sell. The Japanese game makers would hardly benefit from that, now would they?

[img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Now, who's talking about trolling? [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] Don't take my wrong steps you too...

[img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] Obviously you didn't understand. I was referring to the 50$ issue in Crescendo. To Yuka Otowa doing enjo kyousai for 50 bucks. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] To put 80000 yen instead of 50$ was too much for them, i suppose... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Anyway, Peter, where's the list you talked ont the top of this topic?

[This message has been edited by Italicus (edited 12-04-2004).]

No matter what you said, Italicus, you did come back once to say that you were proposed an article about V-Mate.