Do You Like (DE)Mosaiced Games?

A little question to all…

First of all, we need to know the difference: Mosaiced games are not censored!
Real censored games don’t have ANY nude or sex scenes… so they can be labeled age 13 up to 17.
If you played, remember any Adult bishojo game ported to domestic console. All the adult scenes (sex or nude) had been cutted off or redrawed to show semi-nude.

In Japan they have laws who forbide adult (18+) Bishojo games or animes to show genitals, that’s why they put mosaics in it.

In other countries like USA, we don’t care, since it’s labeled for adults (age 18+).

But the problem is: many of us want to see genitals in our adults games. In other words, we want De-mosaiced adult bishojo games.

To de-mosaic a Bishojo game all the CGs with adults scenes must to be redrawed… so first of all the originals illustrators needs to be contacted again, to redraw all the CGs. In second, the programmers needs to re-codificate all the game to put the redrawed CGs. It’s a very hard, delayed and extensive work… far worse than simply translate a game.

Because of this, just a fews companies are willing to try release their Bishojo games in American market.

So my question is: Do we really need our Bishojo games to be De-mosaiced? What do you guys think?

I’ll speak up here, with what might be a rare POV but we’ll have to see: I really don’t mind the mosaic censorship at all.

I also don’t like the excessively hardcore sex scenes, preferring things a bit softer. I was irritated that Tokimeki Check-In’s CG room only let you view the sex scene CGs, not the ecchi ones. I don’t even mind the way that in some (older?) games, the male genitals are totally invisible.

I wouldn’t quite say I prefer the mosaic censorship, but I really don’t mind it at all. I’d FAR rather have more games translated and left mosaiced, than fewer games with the de-mosaicing effort.

How many other people share bits of this point of view, I wonder?

Perhaps you might be interested in this older thread?

I think the ignoniminy of ‘mosaiced’ usually is equated with ‘censored’, so it’s a bad image and no one particularly cares for ‘censored’ material. You know the big hubbub that went around with Kite being censored? That thing was still ridiculously hardcore even without the censored material, but no fan really wants to touch it.

Originally posted by chronoluminaire:
I'll speak up here, with what might be a rare POV but we'll have to see: [b]I really don't mind the mosaic censorship at all.

I also don't like the excessively hardcore sex scenes, preferring things a bit softer. I was irritated that Tokimeki Check-In's CG room only let you view the sex scene CGs, not the ecchi ones. I don't even mind the way that in some (older?) games, the male genitals are totally invisible.

I wouldn't quite say I *prefer* the mosaic censorship, but I really don't mind it at all. I'd FAR rather have more games translated and left mosaiced, than fewer games with the de-mosaicing effort.

How many other people share bits of this point of view, I wonder?[/b]

My words precisely.

I'm a softcore bishojo gamer too, so i tend to dislike hardcore themes. And i don't mind with mosaics too.

In the fact, some Bishojo game artists have a very artistic way to hide genitals. For instance, the artists from Elf-Co and F&C. I simply can't to imagine any of their games with redrawed CGs to show genitals.

I agree with you two - mosaics don’t bother me at all anymore, really, and I also prefer softer titles (well, you knew THAT from my virulent disdain of XC1…)

I do kind of mind the cloaked penis stylistic convention.

i know i’ve stated this before, but i really don’t care one way or the other about mosaics…if i have to choose, i prefer mosaics because it is less expense and less work for the companies releasing the english versions, meaning more games with less cost

yep i agree with phoenix, less work… more games, heh

I ordered the the Critical Point Special Ed. because it was uncensored (and cheaper). Most of the time I actually prefer the mosaics.

“His last thought is wry, Not bad for a dead man.” Moon Knight vol.1, #1 (1980)


In the fact, some Bishojo game artists have a very artistic way to hide genitals. For instance, the artists from Elf-Co and F&C.

Those anime girls are called barbie dolls. ^_^ They don't have to hide anything, because they did not draw anything. ^_^

Well, as Lady Pheonix and Doug have stated, I’m going to put my support behind “Doesn’t mind the mosaicing.”

For me, the big problem with demosaicing something is that it edits the original picture. Could you really imagine Elf’s doll-like pictures with genitals?

I also picked up the Special Edition Critical Point. It came out a month quicker, and the mosaicing was so minor that a strategically placed band-aid would have covered more than the mosaicing did.

Originally posted by Mike Thomas:
For me, the big problem with demosaicing something is that it edits the original picture. Could you really imagine Elf's doll-like pictures with genitals?

I have a question. I find myself perpetually confused at the issue of mosaicing/redrawing/editing, etc. When you say thre removal of mosaics "edits the original picture", what do you mean?

I also picked up the Special Edition Critical Point. It came out a month quicker, and the mosaicing was so minor that a strategically placed band-aid would have covered more than the mosaicing did.

You seem to be inferring that there is some detail underneath the mosaic which isn't really hidden by it. If this is the case, surely it is censorship forced upon the original Japanese artists?

Just now I visited the Trabulance homepage and had a look at their Tottemo Pheromone CG. I have this game without the mosaics and the Japanese CG clearly show genital details that are, as far as I can tell, no differently drawn than in the English release. Why would these images need to be redrawn and how can this not constitute censorship in the Japanese version? Of course, I'm not making a blanket statement that all Japanese artists draw genitals only to have them censored, but everytime I see a mosaic-related topic everyone basically says all unmosaiced games are edited/redrawn.

Help! Me no understand! [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 09-26-2003).]

just my 2 cents here based on observation and speculation, no professional/industrial backup

redrawn…it might be true for much older games (dos?), like ones by elf where most of the time there is no vagina in the first place; it’s just nothing but “blank skin” between her legs. If the “original” drawing is like that in the first place then ya you have to “add” something hence the redrawn issue. I think that’s what Mike Thomas was referring to. But of course that’s not the case for all images.

Honestly, I think times have changed regarding what/how people draw. I have yet to see a recent game that still has the “blank skin” thing. So it kinda boils down to how the original artist draws the pic, and when the pic is drawn. I guess nowadays people are more open than say a decade ago and start to draw “more”; hell many japanese manga pretty much ignore the censorship laws and just release it fully uncensored in japanese.

my opinion of the topic? I don’t really care about mosaics since for the most part I actually skip through the Hscenes in the first place…

again, just my 2 cents

Back to the original question, yes I do have a problem with mosaics. Why? Because they’re enforced by a frankly ridiculous law - if the artist chooses to obscure detail then fine - but I cannot say for certain whether they use mosaics because they want to or because they’re forced to. Could be either one, but as I mentioned in my previous post artists are drawing the details and using seemingly ever finer mosaics to cover them with.

If the artist wants to draw images that don’t show gentials by way of altering the angle of the drawing (think live action soft-porn) then I’m fine with that - it’s more artistically attractive that a block of pixels IMO.

And if mosaics are covering areas where no detail existed originally, then I’m OK with that too - despite my feelings about Japanese censorship - because in those cases I’d rather mosaics than redrawn images.

Originally posted by Interzone:
Back to the original question, yes I do have a problem with mosaics. Why? Because they're enforced by a frankly ridiculous law - if the artist chooses to obscure detail then fine - but I cannot say for certain whether they use mosaics because they want to or because they're forced to. Could be either one, but as I mentioned in my previous post artists are drawing the details and using seemingly ever finer mosaics to cover them with.

But whenever the law is ridicilous or not, or if the artist would really want them demosaiced or not isn't really the question here, is it? The question is, as far as I can see, if we here in the west would still be able to accept the games with mosaics or not, since we're not subjects to the mosaic law here in the rest or the world. Most of the customers of Peach Princess would probably say that they don't want to see the mosaics because of reasons similar to yours or for their own reasons.

As for my own opinion in this matter: Mosaic or not doesn't matter much to me. As a player of japanese games, I'm fairly used to see them anyway, so... and if ignoring the mosaics and leave them as they are could bring us the games even faster, thne I'm all the more okay with it ^_^. Besides, "removing" the mosaics often just messes up the art.. -_-.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
But whenever the law is ridicilous or not, or if the artist would really want them demosaiced or not isn't really the question here, is it? The question is, as far as I can see, if we here in the west would still be able to accept the games with mosaics or not, since we're not subjects to the mosaic law here in the rest or the world. Most of the customers of Peach Princess would probably say that they don't want to see the mosaics because of reasons similar to yours or for their own reasons.

Well, the question was "Do we need our games to be de-mosaiced", the answer is of course "yes", though I didn' actually state that [img][/img]

The obvious reason is that without their removal it would be commercial suicide. My comments on the law and artists preference were just explaining my own reasons.


Besides, "removing" the mosaics often just messes up the art.. -_-.

As Lamuness explained, this would apply to mainly older games where no detail was orignally drawn in. But what about new Trabulance and ZyX games (even Casual Romance Club) that do very clearly depict genitals and mask them only with an ultra-thin mosaic? Do the artists not have the presumably uncensored pre-mosaic CG? If they do, what is the problem?

How about the animation scenes in ZyX games? Do ZyX have them re-animated simply for western release? If so, it seems a lot of trouble to go to and they did it pretty seamlessly. Let's not forget recent adult anime such as Bible Black and La Blue Girl, both of which do not look as though they have been redrawn to me.

To me it seems that the Japanese are far more likely in recent times to draw/animate their works explicitly, then slip on a barely noticeable digital mosaic to appease the law and which should be easily removed. Of course I do acknowledge that there are older games that require re-drawing and I re-iterate that in those cases mosaic would be a personal preference - but would be a hard-sell.

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 09-27-2003).]


Because they're enforced by a frankly ridiculous law - if the artist chooses to obscure detail then fine - but I cannot say for certain whether they use mosaics because they want to or because they're forced to.

The law was originally put into place during the American occupation and rebuilding of post-WWII Japan. So, blame us for the law. Now, at first, the artists were pretty much forced to conform (whether they wanted to or not.)

Now, so they conformed... but they did so in a pretty "up-yours" way. They would use the idea of glowing genitals (where there was a big glow where the penis or vagina should be) via shadows, tenticles, doll-look, mosaicing, bodily positions, shilouwets, only rough outlines that hinted at a shape, etc. All these ways still pretty much told you what was going on, even if you didn't see it.

But, as time went on, more and more artists became more and more risque with getting around the law. Bed sheets became thinner and thinner. Arms and legs were more and more likely to show parts of the vaginal and penis (and just barely cover up something.) Black-bars became smaller and smaller. Glow-spots shrunk in size. Mosaicing became less and less. It almost became a game to see who could draw the most erotic and bishoujo of images, with the least amount of self-censorship, and still be within the confines of the law.

For example, pick up one of the adult-bishoujo, DOA doujinshi's. The black bars that are often used in it are barely a pencil-lead width in thickness. If you pick up some of the older (1980s) doujinshi, the self-cenorship was more.

Originally posted by Interzone:
As Lamuness explained, this would apply to mainly older games where no detail was orignally drawn in. But what about new Trabulance and ZyX games (even Casual Romance Club) that do very clearly depict genitals and mask them only with an ultra-thin mosaic? Do the artists not have the presumably uncensored pre-mosaic CG? If they do, what is the problem?

Problem I see with it is this. Okay, lets say artist X did draw in the genetalia (both male and female), and then chose to put in even the thinest of mosaicing (whether it be black-bars, glow-spots, or whatnot). It was the artists choice.

Now, if you ask me, if you want to remove the mosaicing, you have to ask the artist first, as you are changing their work. Regardless of why the artist put the mosacinig or self-censorship into the work to start with is moot.

By just flat out removing the mosacing (or repositioning the arm, drawing in genetalia, removing strategically placed bed sheets, etc.) you are alterting something that really isn't yours. Now, if you say, "Hey Artist X, mind if we translate your game into English and remove the mosaicing?" And the artist says, "Sure, no prob" then it's fine. But you have to get permission first.

Now, yes, in most newer manga and games a band-aid, or a black line 2 pixels wide would cover more than the artists own mosacing, and it would be no effort to remove it; however, the artist put it in there in the first place. It should be there choice to remove it.

For example, Kondom (who does the Bondage Fairies Series) was specifically asked if his art could be changed to show genetalia. And he said, "Yes." In fact, he actually redesigned his own characters to look much younger than they originally did.

Anyway, I don't mind it when mosaicing or self-censorship is present or not. I have a ton of laser disks and region 2 DVDs (not to mention artbooks) where the self-censorship is present, and a ton where it is not. Both have their bonus'.

I guess what I really get bothered by is when the art itself is changed without getting permission to change it from the original artist.

Don’t care too much either way except when it’s silly - for example, I’ve seen pictures in some games where a girl is being molested by multiple guys at once, and with all those peens everywhere at least a third of the picture is covered by mosaics… That’s just frustrating, the picture feels “damaged” with that much distortion on it.

Of course, I prefer more softcore stuff anyway, and the mosaicing doesn’t tend to bother much in those. And yes, I bought the special edition Critical Point.

Originally posted by Mike Thomas:
Problem I see with it is this. Okay, lets say artist X did draw in the genetalia (both male and female), and then chose to put in even the thinest of mosaicing (whether it be black-bars, glow-spots, or whatnot). It was the artists choice.

Now, if you ask me, if you want to remove the mosaicing, you have to ask the artist first, as you are changing their work. Regardless of why the artist put the mosacinig or self-censorship into the work to start with is moot.

I agree that ideally this permission should be sought - perhaps it is (or am I just being naive)?

My point though was that the removal of mosaic is cited by many as a reason why games aren't released in the west in greater numbers and more quickly. Just looking at some sample CG of Japanese versions of recent G-Collection games suggests that little or no re-drawing is necessary. I mean, if it was wouldn't they have the "invisible penis" scenes in Kango/Tottemo redrawn to make the penis, um, less invisble? [img][/img]

Surely translation, testing, fear of oversaturating an already nichÈ market etc. are more likely reasons that we don't see more bishojo games.

EDIT: Some interesting info in your post Mike, thanks [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 09-27-2003).]

Hmmm I’ve got a feeling of deja-vu about this subject. Think I read something like this before …

Hardcore is best suited for music and xxx-movies, not games