Does Manga Gamer seriously expect us to believe

Default phpBB looks like default phpBB wherever you go =P

PR department? What PR department?

I’m a monopoly now? Say what?

It is kind of sad to see them not doing well, but every time – every time – one of these ventures has been executed only by Japanese people, with Japanese sensibilities and Japanese wishful thinking, the end is not good. The old G-Collections has eight full time Japanese people, living in Los Angeles, to translate their games. Um, not the best use of your resources, there, guys.

mangagamer will be at ax and talk about a new title could it be kira kira getting a streat date or something else\

My guess would be any of the following:

Edelweiss Eiden Phantasia ( this one most likely )
Kira Kira
Kira Kira Curtain call

It has also been hinted at that:
Otome games may be licensed ( I remember someone sending them an email and they expressed an interest in it )

Lilith mentioned about a year ago that they were going to release their games in English. A year ago is when Mangagamer started… It might sound weird, but the time matches up.

Apparently ‘Circus’ wanted their games to be licensed. Perhaps we are getting some more titles in the D.C series? Or Suika Fandisks ( I think I remember reading about one but I’m not 100% on that ).

they could do da capo 2

They could release the D.C. fandisks, so they’ll have stuff to release for the next decade. :wink:

i don’t think mangagamer will last that long

If (when?) they die, I hope they don’t bring down Overdrive and circus with them. :?

These are my biggest hope really.

Well they could always release the D.C. which officially contained twincest. :stuck_out_tongue:

Which D.C. was that?

i think that is the da capo otome game

Da Capo: Girls Symphony

I actually have it. Gotten about 70% complete. Plan to review one day. :o

Twincest is Best!! :twisted:

how much more besides the 2 new routes does eiden phantasia differ from the original game
like do any of the other girls get extended ends or extra cg’s
and what does D.C. P.C. add to da capo

Wait! Even man on man twincest?! :shock: My opinion about you suddenly changed completely, Narg!

Why discriminate? Everyone should benefit from twintopian love. There’s just so many things you can do with two, that you can’t do with one. As the vertically manwiched girl said: it’s like I’m flying! :o

Why should only guys enjoy the benefits of identical love?

On a sidenote: I’m very wary of what you think of me. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

Nothing. Eiden Phantasia is a standalone fandisk, so the original story is NOT covered. Instead, they created comedic sidestories dedicated to Rin and Sakura.

D.C.P.C. adds nearly double the number of heroines/routes. It’s a drastically expanded version of the original game.

who else do you get from D.C.P.C.

Hang on a sec, non-ero? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY