Does Manga Gamer seriously expect us to believe

Why not?

What is wrong with non-ero?
I know plenty of b-games that are non-ero and quite enjoyable - starting with the Galaxy Angel and Sakura Taisen series!

Both of which feature heavy gameplay components! And neither of which are otome games.

I am perfectly aware that non-ero games can be just as good as if not better than their eroge counterparts, however I have yet to be convinced that this also applies to otome games. Practically all of the non-ero otome games I’ve looked into are pretty terribly uninteresting!

I don’t think all ages otome games are that bad. I love them but I do get dissapointed that there are more all ages otome games announced for PC :confused:
I recommend the the games made by Quinrose. The art isn’t good but I consider their games to be highly entertaining. If you want something a bit more darker then Crimson Empire is a good pick. Their games are all ages but there is definantly a lot of “implied” stuff going on (some Cg’s are really suggestive. And there’s a LOT of Cg’s to collect) and since you like yuri. It’s in their games as well. Be warned though. their games are rather lengthy.

D.C.G.S is quite sweet though but it kind of lacks the Cg.
Will also added another otome branch (Icing Candy)…but they, compared to Sugar Beans seem to release an all ages game…sigh :confused:
As for Garnet Cradle… (Carnelian illustrated) it’s kind of dissapointing. The illustrations are beautiful though. As Expected from Carnelian.

heh. I hope Mangagamer will release an otome game sometime.
I bet the first candidate will be D.C.G.S

Maybe it’s because they serve a different demographic? After all, the typical (non-explicit) shoujo manga is probably uninteresting to most men.

At any rate, the vast majority of otome games are non-ero, so that’s clearly the focus for both consumers and content creators.

Well, non-ero doesn’t have ero… :roll:
Ok, I’ll go back to my hole and leave you people alone… :oops:

just noticed this a few minutes ago
for some reason manga gamer pulled suck my dick or die completely from their site no release date and no reason given
my only guess is it got pulled for the rape game ban

I doubt that it is directly related to that as Mangagamer’s server isn’t in Japan.

Mangagamer is directly operated by the japanese side so they may be concerned about causing any more trouble. Also my sex slave is a classmate has been removed. The queen and princess as your reward is still up so I do not think it is fully about the rape game ban. Could be a name change or something.

I can still download My sex slave is a classmate so a name change seems likely. Hopefully they will announce something about this.

They also pulled “My Sex Slave Is A Classmate”. If you don’t already own it, you won’t be able to buy it. Just not listed.

So I also think it is a reaction to the “rape games” ban.

I think that a lot more of their games is going to disappear though, if they are removing games that include rape or look likely to have it in the game.

On the H-Game MMO side thread— there are already sex MMOs out there. Several, actually. They just don’t have “pretty girl” graphics. No clue how bad they are— never bothered to investigate any of them.

Humm— and I think it would be easy to do a proper H-Game MMO. It is simple. You set it high school (cause, after all, most are). You can then have various realms off the HS setting— so that you can grow the content. Open up a basic fantasy world and a giant mecha (team) world, and of course, have basic HS stories in the school itself. Each connected realm would have its own skills and crafts, and you could easily span years on it. For all worlds OTHER then the HS setting, the players could even keep some to all of his “wins”. Imagine, in the mecha world, you battle fellow mecha warriors (and giant aliens). To gain new team members, you have to either soft romance the targetted NPC team member or beat them in combat and then enslave/train them. After you’ve paid them enough of the proper attention, you now have that as a full win, and they are part of your team. As your team grows, you could have intra-team troubles, yadda yadda blah. In the fantasy setting, you can kill and— with the right skills, crafts, or items, CAPTURE. Any creature captured has the potentional of being trained as a pet/war companion, and if they have suitable builds (dark elves, succubi, harpies, centaurs, whatever) can be more interesting then just a basic pet.

There are tons of ways of actually doing it. The problem is picking a base that will be broad enough you can get by long enough to continue to provide new content (new quests, new activities, new content in general) until you are truly profitable. The basic infrastructure costs (servers and bandwidth), plus having to maintain the basic art and initial content while growing it so your base doesn’t get bored and wander off. Same basic problem all MMOs face, really, but challenged in having to provide for a LOT of one handed adventuring, as well as write a LOT of enganging scenarios.

From EvoSpace on the Mangagamer forum.

Things could get interesting, I guess this now rules out quite a few liquid games from being licensed.

I had a feeling something like this might be coming.(Though I didn’t think MG would actually be smart enough to do it.) While yes it could potentially generate some hype from any negative response they got via media when such titles were singled out, it wouldn’t be worth the risk or the hassle for such a small increase in sales.

Sad to see it happen as there are a lot of fans of those game types (I personally don’t care for them, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less sad for those who do), it’s in their best interests if they wish to continue struggling to stay alive in the current market.

manga gamer is saying the problem is with the copyright holder … /#more-534

Most likely the former head of NEXTON didn’t want any heat so asked for the titles removed. Which is a catch 22 of sorts, either piss off the fans or the people who you licensed the game from.
Now I am wondering if Queen and princess as your reward is safe from being removed in the future. Doesn’t that game have rape in it.

Going with the definition that rape is unwanted sex, would be unwanted if the person was mentally sound, or would deny having sex if they were in a position of equality: it’s almost nothing but rape.

what makes a game a rape game
is it just games with rape in them or just games that have lots of rape scenes or can it be one rape scene and the last question is tentacle rape

But that’s not what matters. Does the title sound like the game is about rape? Arguably yes, but it’s also conceivably innocent-sounding. Unlike “Suck my Dick or Die!”, where there’s not really any room for interpretation.

Noisy uber-feminists don’t actually play the games to find out if there’s rape in them. Titles and advertising (i.e., box art and game intro) are all they see, so that’s what ruffles their feathers. The word “rape” in the title in particular tends to set off circuits akin to primal rage in their minds, e.g., Rapelay, Battle Raper. Cover those up and you should slip comfortably below their radar.

People in general are amazingly shallow when it comes to things outside of their personal expertise–a fact marketers and politicians are keenly aware of.

According to the new Sofurin regulations:
Words such as “training” (??) or “slave”, among others, are not allowed in the title or packaging
HCG involving sexual violation cannot exceed 20% of a game’s total HCG count (ie: can’t try to build this up by having lots of everyday life CG events)
Even if it’s below 20%, anything that is promoting a criminal offense is not allowed
Anything that promotes rape, confinement, stalking, domestic violence, and portrays it in a way that the offender gains something out of it is not allowed
New games that have already passed the review process by the EOCS are considered “safe” from this
Source: … -sent-out/

Note: These regulations are binding to Sofurin members (a subset of Japanese erogame makers) only.

Well a title with 100% rape in it, is unquestionably a rape game. The way things are, we can practically tell if a title is a “mindless rapefest” just from just a few sample pictures and the absurd lack of creativity in the story. A title that has a rape scene, doesn’t make a rape title.

Devils Devel Concept from Atsuki Works has a single rape scene, but it’s a long stretch to call it a rape game.

EXTRAVAGANZA from Black Cyc has an amazing story, but you’d be deluding yourself to not call it a rape ero.

Well, from the perspective of the person making the decision, it’s kind of a no-brainer. The US market is miniscule. It has the potential to become a viable source of income, but right now, it just isn’t, compared to the return on investment you would get for spending those resources on the Japanese market (the bread and butter). So there are not, right now, a lot of customers to alienate.

Versus the very real downside that comes when some political group decides to use you as a punching bag. Supposing the blowup doesn’t die down? Suppose even one person in one of the feminist groups involved were to find out about MangaGamer? When they see a game called “Suck my dick or die!” for sale, what would they do? And unlike RapeLay, you can’t say “This was not intended for your market, it was only supposed to be sold to Japanese people”.

The regulations EOCS is implementing now will have a definite negative effect on the market. (Clearly, being told you have to stop making games in a very popular genre will have that effect.) If the issue doesn’t go away with this new self-regulation, though, all bets are off, government regulation might result.

It’s just incredibly stupid. The games are ALREADY an adult only product. And its not like the majority of women have not engaged in their own rape and subjagation fantasies.

Besides, this band doesn’t affect manga, books, or videos, does it? So I don’t see how it would do any good in the first place. And with internet distribution, won’t Korea just supply all those PC games from now on, and just sell “direct” ?

I just don’t see the Japanese eroge companies accepting this. They’ll just start calling “training” games “teaching” games, and no longer call it rape— they’ll probably just call it a “French Hello” and go on as they had before.