Don't kid yourself: What games do you play *only* for t

It has come to my attention that some people probably aren’t owning up entirely their reason for playing some Bishoujo games. Sure, it’s true that I play most of my games for the story, but when the games has [next to] nil story, how can I honestly justify playing the game over and over again other than for the sweetest anime booty? What other games do you play purely for the Bishoujo booty?

The game I play just for the anime booty is Viper Paradice; that is, when I’m not playing it and just ogling the movies. When I’m playing the game I actually have to pay attention! Because of the damn gameplay bugs that Sogna has yet to fix, I have to work 120% in order to maintain my lead, or catch up to the leaders should I fall behind. Once the movies were all collected, I just hit it. HARD.

For me that would be dor and fatal relations. Those ‘games’ have no gameplay what so ever. but the scenes are interesting.

Tokimeki i bought because of the very nice graphics and relatively amount of freedom you have. Gloria because it has so many endings. I bought viper (the shooting game) for the action and i expected to see also some nice graphics in there but i think i do something wrong cause after playing for hours i still haven’t seen a single graphic.

When I first got into Bishojo games, it was pretty much for the naughty stuff. But some context - back in 1999 the fact that I could buy uncensored adult anime material off the shelf here in the UK (our over-zealous censorship board had no jurisdiction over the games of Otaku Publishing because they contained no moving images) was a novelty in itself. Of course, I didn’t realise how bad the likes of Ring Out and Paradise Heights would seem this far down the line. Nowadays, there is not one game I would buy strictly for the sexual content - never again will I purchase a single-path ‘game’, for example, no matter how nice the visuals are. That’s not to say the graphics (and, indeed, ecchi content) aren’t important to me when choosing a game, but they need a certain degree of depth to compliment the pretty pictures.

That is all

Originally posted by Interzone:
When I first got into Bishojo games, it was pretty much for the naughty stuff. But some context - back in 1999 the fact that I could buy uncensored adult anime material off the shelf here in the UK (our over-zealous censorship board had no jurisdiction over the games of Otaku Publishing because they contained no moving images) was a novelty in itself. Of course, I didn't realise how bad the likes of Ring Out and Paradise Heights would seem this far down the line. Nowadays, there is not one game I would buy strictly for the sexual content - never again will I purchase a single-path 'game', for example, no matter how nice the visuals are. That's not to say the graphics (and, indeed, ecchi content) aren't important to me when choosing a game, but they need a certain degree of depth to compliment the pretty pictures.

That is all [img][/img]

It may surprise you to know, that Ring Out! actually has multiple endings. I know I was surprised. ZyX's old save game feature wasn't too friendly so I didn't feel compelled to go over the game again.

Well most people here know that I am famous for going crazy over Cronus games because of you-know-what.

Sometimes you do need a “break” or so…but honestly since it’s your money you are spending you should really pay for a game that’s most worth the money you spent (ie good balance over everything), which is what I do most of the time to be honest.

i can honestly say i don’t have any bishoujo games that i play just for the booty…story is more important to me than any h-scenes…the only titles i have that are pure sex (Return to Paradise Heights, Fatal Relations) I played once and went ‘uh ok, that was stupid’ and haven’t touched them since…

Actually most games I play for the h-content. While I enjoy the stories for most of these games I truly buy them for the combination of story and “anime booty” as you put it . The only game off the top of my head that I actually did not care about the H-content was Kana. I sped through the scenes so I could get back to the story.

Well, by their very nature, stuff like Love Love Show and Paradice don’t have stories. Regular games are like that to. I mean, who ever played stuff like Mortal Kombat for the story?

But for those games (adventures, digital novels) that are supposed to have a story but don’t have much of one, I really don’t replay them normally. Why do I play them at all? I’m a little demented when it comes to having knowlege on a subject. I want to have first hand knowledge of the game and be able to either review or help people if they have questions on it. Pretty much the only time stuff like Paradise Heights, Ring Out or Love Potion ever get replayed is if I researching an answer to someone’s question.

And to tell you the truth, I really don’t play Paradice or Love Love Show (the Japanese game, not the dinky English ones) for the “anime booty” either. They’re just games that I can kill some time with or just have fun with. The “booty” is just part of the game, but doesn’t hold any special significance to me. Just like if I play Solitaire, Madden 2002 or anything like that. Heck, I still play Graduation (II) every so often, just because it’s fun.

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, by their very nature, stuff like Love Love Show and Paradice don't have stories. Regular games are like that to. I mean, who ever played stuff like Mortal Kombat for the story? fun. [img][/img]

What! You didn't play Mortal Kombat for the story? We need to have a one-on-one talk, boy, something involving the honey and the bees.

But seriously, I think Mortal Kombat has the worst fighting engine ever. King of Fighters is the undisputed King of Fighters still because 1. Innovation every year and 2. AMAZING story.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
King of Fighters is the undisputed King of Fighters still because 1. Innovation every year and 2. AMAZING story.

Amazing story? I'll admit that it's above-average compared to most games of its genre, but the last...two? disintegrated into a complete mess story-wise. (On the other hand, which fighting game hasn't? )

Originally posted by Interzone:
Nowadays, there is not one game I would buy strictly for the sexual content - never again will I purchase a single-path 'game', for example, no matter how nice the visuals are. That's not to say the graphics (and, indeed, ecchi content) aren't important to me when choosing a game, but they need a certain degree of depth to compliment the pretty pictures.

If you passed up on EVE Burst Error and Chain because they're both linear stories, you don't know what you're missing.

This brings me to throw out this general question to everyone: If you knew beforehand that the EVE franchise, Chain, and Fortuna were all single-path "games", would you still buy them?

[This message has been edited by Jeffrey (edited 05-01-2003).]

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance is one of the greatest fighting games as of late,It sure was a suprising game last year (seeing as most of the previous games were utter crap).
And don’t diss the story in MK,it has more twists and turns than your average Soap opera and I actually like it

And Kof…well simple to say I’ve always hated it and I always will (well maybe not if they finaly go 3d and make it decent)

And staying on topic,errr well probably any games for Illusion would qualify for that because the games themselves are so horrid

Originally posted by Kagami:
Final Fantasy 10 is single path also, as far as the story goes. [img][/img]

The entire franchise is single-path. The only way you can get a different ending for any of them is by dying and getting the "Game Over" screen. (That DOES count as an ending--a bad one.)

Originally posted by Jeffrey:
If you passed up on EVE Burst Error and Chain because they're both linear stories, you don't know what you're missing.

Well, I won't lose any sleep over it. Shorter, multi-path games or sims are a personal preference (as is lighter fare) and of course, my budget doesn't allow my to stray too far from my 'must-buy' games.

[This message has been edited by Interzone (edited 05-02-2003).]

Well I definitely got my Sogna Games for the Booty.

I did buy some games only because of the pictures but I never played one only for that. If there’s no story, the game bores me quickly…
As for single-path, etc., well, you know my position: I’m a bookworm before being a gamer, so, of course I don’t mind a single-path with no interaction visual novel. To me, they’re just books with pretty pictures and sound effect thus better than books.

Hmm, well… thinking hard I don’t know, if I’ve ever brought a game for the “sex only” (or something else). But it’s true that often, the games that I pick and add to my “games-to-get-list” often catch my eyes because of the “hard” content in the game. That doesn’t mean, through that I add every game with hard content that I see to my list . but if the story sounds good enough, or if it has anythign that amkes up for the story (like an interestign game syster or so), then I’lls till pick it up . A good story is a BIG “+” through .

But even “hard” games can have good stories and such.

Bear with me, the old guy is going to speak… and I need a bit of an intro.

Hmmm… well let me take you all back to the year 1995, one of the first years that Himeya Soft (for those of you who remember them) was pretty much brand new here on the American/English-speaking market. Now, yes, Mixx had brough over Graduation prevously, but Himeya had decided to do something very pioneering in the American market; introduce an adult bishoujo game.

So, there I am, summer of my sophomore year in college looking at this Himeya Soft website (when they had that character from Re-Leaf as their primary mascot, before the cute little kitty-girl) reading about Divi-Dead. I’m not even sure I remember how I stumbled across Himeya’s webpage. Anyway, to make a long story short, I bought the game out of curiosity.

I had never heard of “bishoujo” games before, and Divi-Dead just sounded like a cool horror game. So I bought it, and enjoyed the hell out of it. Yes, Divi-Dead has some of the best art (both adult and non-adult) I’ve seen, but I was hooked by the game and story, not by the art.

As for visual novels, I’m of the book reading persuasion too. If the story is well done, I really don’t care if it’s more of a “visual novel” then a story. In my opinion, Desire (also by Himeya Soft/Csware) is the best bishoujo game I own.

Now, I have picked up some games, just to support the market, and to have a complete collection, but I can’t really say I ever picked one up just for the “anime booty”. Even Viper Paradice, I started playing more for the weird milton-bradly “The Game of Life” game it was. And Love Love Show does have a pretty excellent connect-five game in it too… though the card-matching game is kinda lame.

As a side note, I will admit that when I was a teenager, one of the reasons I picked up “End of Summer, Vol 1” on VHS was that it sounded etchi. I couldn’t buy R rated movies, but I could get this. So I bought it, brought it home to watch… and started watching the story more than the adult scenes.

Anyway, there’s your trip down memory lane.

Originally posted by Mike Thomas:
Bear with me, the old guy is going to speak... and I need a bit of an intro.

*blink* If 1995 was the summer of your sophomore year of college, we're about the same age. If it makes you feel any better, there's a few others here who are older. [img][/img]

Weird, I really am trying hard to think of any games that I ended up buying for the "booty". Even when I was using sample images to decide between games, I was looking more at general art style than what those images had to offer in h-content. I think I'm starting to overanalyze here...

[This message has been edited by ekylo (edited 05-02-2003).]

I really don’t mind linear games. The more important thing is the story. The better the story the easier it is to overlook some of the games other deficiencies. Desire, Divi-dead, Eve, and Chain are among my most favorite games. My first game Tokimeki I got for the cute characters and the booty I guess. But the interesting stories in Divi-dead and Desire really got me hooked on bishoujo games. Now I basically buy almost every new bishoujo game to try and convince companies there is a market for good bishoujo games.

Hmmm… I have yet to buy a game for the booty… though I will admit, character design frequetly influences my decision. But in the end, games I like most always have the best story. This isn’t to say there isn’t room for a games like Kango, etc. I like fluffy stuff sometimes. I suppose the only game I ever ended up getting only for the “booty” was Viper V16, hehe… and that was another character design influenced purchase, I hadnt played any Sogna games yet…