Doushin - Same Heart... any news?

My DVD of Casual Romance Club is probably squashed then, since it’s been in shrinkwrap since I bought it. But I find it hard to believe shrinking wrapping can crush the solid CD cover. Come to think of it, I haven’t unwrapped the JAST Memorial Collection either. I should probably move it away from the window where it regularly gets baked by the sunlight too…

I agree with both sides when it comes to which Japanese ero-games I’d play. I don’t want to play a complex game like Kimi ga Nozomu Eien with my lack of Japanese literacy, but I also don’t want to play mindless sex romps with little in the way of meaningful content. I find that Studio e-go games fit the bill nicely. They usually have gameplay you can enjoy without knowing Japanese, the dialogue isn’t too hard to get understandable tidbits from, and lastly they’re not the epic stories you feel you’ve wasted by not being fluent.

It seems like a lot of the members here study the Japanese language to some extent. That’s interesting. The way things are now, that’s going to be the only way to experience bishoujo games. Although, I don’t think most people would have use the time, effort, and money to learn a whole language just to play b-games. I think that just taking a few classes can make even the English games more enjoyable. (assuming they have Japanese spoken diolauge)

I did apply for a university course in Japanese last year (amongst several other things), but settled on a more local education in Network Administration. Didn’t really feel like moving down south and putting myself further in debt. I wanted the Japanese course, but I have to think about my future too. I’m 25, I’m not getting any younger and really need to get a paid job soon. Reality can be so cruel

Anyway, I just dabble in the Japanese language from time to time. Can read Hiragana and Katakana, plus maybe 20-30 kanji. Pick up words here and there from anime and ero-games. I’ll probably be almost fluent by the time I turn 150. Hopefully there’s a viable market for translated bishoujo games before that time.

Originally posted by woodelf:
[quote] Originally posted by Unicorn:
[b] So, my CDs of Air are still shrink-wrapped.

Remove shrink wrap from all packaging ...
Shrink wrap still reduces in size over time...
I have a warped LMM mouse pad here because of that. [/b] [/quote]

It depends on the wrap and also what is wrapped. If its a CD/DVD case don't worry about it. If its cardboard or some other flimsy material then yeah you may have to start worrying after a few years.

[This message has been edited by Laslow (edited 04-30-2005).]