Doushin - Same Heart

We’ve posted Doushin - Same Heart to the site now. It’s a really fun game, and we’re going to be happy to have it out finally. The game is all translated and is entering beta testing soon, so it shouldn’t be that long to get the game out to people.

(checking out)

YAY! that’s true!

Interesting plot indeed…
cant wait to see it out… (too bad i never was a lover of Crow art, but they DO make original stories :P)


Have i missed something in this forums?
This game is going to use VM? Should i assume that now PP is also going to use it?
Ok, now i’m officialy out of b-games?
(Smashing head against the wall ouch! ouch! ouch! ***)

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 04-16-2005).]

… VM? Oh great. So I have to abandon this company as well.

Thanks guys. It was NICE being able to buy games instead of having to pirate them… but I guess you don’t want that.

Peach Princess may not use VM for this new game.

Little My Maid did come out without VM codec while G-Collection games did come out.

Did you look at the game listing? It says it there. Although NOT in the nice little game requirements blurb up top, but buried down in the fine print.

Originally posted by The Unholy Avenger:
This game is going to use VM? Should i assume that now PP is also going to use it?

...Therefore, Logic says that VM-games are a great commercial success... right?
Hmmmhhh, however, I can say that I don't have problems with VM, technical or whatever (forgive me for ignoring your specific thread, Dark_Shiki... [img][/img]Laziness Rules [img][/img]...).

PP using Vmate?

that was… unexpected to say the least

"This game will utilize a version of the online registration system called VirtualMate"

A version of v-mate?

is it different from the gc version
e.g. only having to connect to net when registering, not everytime u want to play?

[This message has been edited by SpidiB (edited 04-17-2005).]

I’m…stunned. PP is adopting V-mate after it arguably put GC out of business? I’m on the fence about V-mate myself–I can deal with it but I don’t like it. But I can definitely empathize with people like papillon and Unicorn who are now locked out of English b-games.

I think I’ve lost my faith in the b-gaming industry. I hope this “version” of V-mate features some improvements that remove some of the restrictions and bugs, at least. Otherwise…I’m not sure I’ll care enough to keep buying the games.

V-Mate, What the beep!!! I vowed never to buy a G-Col game with V-mate, with hopes that PP would not follow the same fate. Apparently I was wrong. So much for an English game market. Good Bye PP.

Before saying that i will not buy any more games from PP, first i’ll wait for what the have to say…
After all, it said “a version”, so i still have some hopes that it’ll not use the “same version” as GC. Just conecting a first time to register and not conecting anymore, i can handle that, i can even understand that. Now, conecting everytime i want to play… that’s way beyond what i’ll tolerate…

(Waiting for a Lamuness or Peter Payne post explaining themselves a bit better… )

I’m concerned with something “Why did they needed to put it at last on the listing?”.
I got myself an international credit card finaly and i was going to pre-order, what would have happened if i hadn’t read ALL of the text?

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 04-17-2005).]


Quit grumbling and buy the game!

Yes! I *love* buying things I can't use. Why don't I buy a bunch of airplane wheels while I'm at it? No use to me whatsoever, but hey, why should I grumble? BUY BUY BUY!

And you know perfectly well not everyone here is in the US/Canada. Or has a net connection *in the place where they play games*.

But hey, since me not buying the game and me pirating the game means the exact same amount of sales to the company, it means I'm completely free to take a cracked copy if someone offers it to me. After all, I don't matter. I'm not an important market.

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I'm...stunned. PP is adopting V-mate after it arguably put GC out of business?

I have to give the people at peapri enough credit to know not to adopt a system that put their rival company out of buiness. We know that Peapri and GC talk to eachother about business issues. GC asked peapri what they thought about the idea of v-mate before it was implemented. At that time Peapri was waiting to see how it worked out for GC. This leads me to believe that v-mate was actually a sucess, but too little too late. I think that GC was struggling and V-mate wasn't enough to save them. It's too bad that Peapri is a business, and they do need to improve their income. Obviously they believe that v-mate will accomplish this for them, based on what it did for GC. Even if it locks some faithful players out, that's not important. More money for the company is the bottom line. Remember that everyone here is only a very small population of gamers. I'm sure that peapri knows some hardcore fans will be locked out. Another thing to consider is that GC really kept the English b-game market alive. Even if you personally were unable to play their v-mate games, they were still bringing the games to the general English speaking population. If it's true that they are finished with translation there will be a loss of interest in the market. Peapri might not be able to sustain that. If you look at it this way, they have two choices. Stop operations, or use v-mate. Maybe you will be locked out, but others will not be. If operations are stopped, nobody will experience these games. I'm not saying that v-mate will be able to save them. It appears to not have been enough for GC. It'll be interesting to see how things turn out.

As I said. I am not an important market. Therefore I should just go pirate the games - clearly it doesn’t matter to them whether I buy or not.

It’s not like I’m threatening to go throw firebombs at them or anything. Just following through on the logical suggestion to take the only course left open to me. If I don’t matter, then there’s no reason not to.

Hi, thanks for your comments. We hoped that writing “a version of V-Mate” would make it clear that some changes were coming. Please wait for these changes before you assume anything.

See? This is what makes PP different from GC, they DO answer your doubt…
Sadly, in an “empty” way…
Let’s wait and see

(Still dreaming about a chance of a "one time register only")


I do not complain about PP will set any new games with VM codec.

Please support Peach Princess, G-Collections, and others. They work hard and earn great time. We must pay them for making them to be happy.

Originally posted by RonXE:

I do not complain about PP will set any new games with VM codec.

Please support Peach Princess, G-Collections, and others. They work hard and earn great time. We must pay them for making them to be happy.

Sorry no can do.
Like others here I do upgrade my computer from time to time, and I do uninstall games that I am not currently playing, and I don't have reliable internet access all the time. If I want coasters, I have plenty burner underrun ones. I don't need to be paying $40.

Hmm, gc already lost 50 dollars I would have paid them for lets meow.

[This message has been edited by smog (edited 04-17-2005).]

Originally posted by papillon:
Therefore I should just go pirate the games - clearly it doesn't matter to them whether I buy or not.

No, you shouldn't.
Nor should anybody else.
Not in order to keep Peach princess or any other company in business, but because it goes against what you believe yourself in.

We just have to ignore the V-mate games that come out and wait until this phase has passed - hoping it does!

But I beg you and everybody else: please don't believe that piracy is the solution and pirates are the saviours out of this misery: they aren't.
They are the main reason for it!

Originally posted by Peter:
What is the full installment in MB please, don't tell me it's 99MB only cause I won't buy the game.

Nah, make that rather 600-700 MB (at least in the japanese version).
Most of it are the voice- and BGM-files, though.
Plus: the second CD holds also the CD-DA-variation of the BGM, just like it was in TCI and X-Change2. That might give you a total beyond 1 gig.
But actually, the things that make a game really good in IMHO are the resource-files that are usually the smallest ones: the script-files. And they become insignificant if compared to the resource-mountains of BGM, voice and CG.

The story is a nice tangle of three storylines and even just switching between them at different times can have a grave influence on the outcome.

I would certainly recommend it to everybody who can accept V-Mate... [img][/img]

... and can stomach all the dark events during one of the three storylines.
OL no seikatsu ga taihen deshou...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 04-18-2005).]