Doushin - Same Heart

Originally posted by Unicorn:

The story is a nice tangle of three storylines and even just switching between them at different times can have a grave influence on the outcome.

Storyline and art are the only two things i look for a b-game, and these 2 are the smallest, i dont hear the voices nor the music, i hear my own good music on winamp [img][/img]
But so what? I would still be paying 50$ for those 150 or 200 MB, if they can entretain me, then they are worth it...

The size of a game in MB is hardly a measure of its worth, or even its length. It all depends on how the game is coded and put together, and even how well it’s put together. Good coding is simple and concise, and takes up less storage and runs faster.

I do agree that art and storyline are the main factors that make a good b-game, but I disagree that music and voices are unimportant. Music sets the mood and enhances the experience. Hard rock playing in the background, even if it’s good hard rock, would hardly suit one of the tear-jerking scenes in Kana. Voices are somewhat less important, but they perform a similar function. I’ll never understand people that play games with the sound off. For me, that would totally ruin the immersiveness of the experience.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 04-18-2005).]

Originally posted by woodelf:
Just watch out for the games on DVD like Casual romance club.

Oh! i have that one! [img][/img]
i'm thinking about getting Day of Love, the story just keeps getting my attention...

True. That’s so true…

God! I’d kill someone for a music collection CD from I’ve!!

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
I'll never understand people that play games with the sound off. For me, that would totally ruin the immersiveness of the experience

Nor i'll never understand why do some people think that to REEEALLY enjoy a game, you need to hear the music that gets you in the "mood"...

I like mood music, but in a lot of games the music gets repetitive too quickly - or causes LAG when it’s loading. Such a pain when you’re constantly having to wait because the track takes half a minute to switch…

I remember trying to play Brave Soul without sound to solve the crashing problem. It sucked. Maybe it’s just a pecularity of mine, but that’s how it is with me. To me, a game without sound is a mere shadow of what it could be. It’s just not the same. It’s like listening to a movie without watching the picture, or vice versa. Music is a large part of the aural presentation in these games, and really in just about any modern game. Not listening to the music means you’re missing a fundamental part of the presentation, whether you care for it or not.

Wow go away for the weekend and this is what happens I’m willing to wait and see what changes PP is making to the vmate system. Course it’s not like I didn’t buy any games from g-coll after they went vmate.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Wow go away for the weekend and this is what happens [img][/img] I'm willing to wait and see what changes PP is making to the vmate system. Course it's not like I didn't buy any games from g-coll after they went vmate.

Look on the bright side. Half the week is almost over. And it'll be another getaway weekend for ya before you know it. [img][/img]

Originally posted by woodelf:

Good thing PP does not use my idea for copy protection ... buy the game with the naughty
bits censored ... log-online to get the covered parts sent. [img][/img]

but then again, it would cost PP extra to have Interlex send that bit of data. [img][/img]

I thank everyone for your comments. Look at my other post on the changes to the Virtual Mate system.

I still support Peach Princess, G-Collections, and other h-games.

I do not mind to use VM mode. I am really happy that piracy might have hard time to crack it.

Geez… I own every real Peach Princess, and G-Collections games except Figures of Happiness (I will get it soon as possible when my credit card bill will clean).

Okay, what the heck is going on? I just looked back at the product page for Doushin, and the paragraph about V-mate has been removed.

Again, WTF? Sick joke, change of heart, or what?

Yes, it was April 1 that we posted the game…

No, but that would have been a good idea. See my new post for details.

I’m a bit disapointed the page for this game doesn’t have character profiles.

and about the price, will we really have this game at VM price?

From Lamuness in this other thread:

Originally posted by Lamuness:
well i talked to peter just a few hrs ago about it, and he said he will keep the doushin price the same as posted

i cant say what will happen for future titles, it may go back up to the regular 50 bucks…but enjoy the 40 buck doushin while it lasts

Originally posted by Pierre:
and about the price, will we really have this game at VM price?

Pierre, search around the net a little bit and you will find some anime stores that sell all of these games at VM price (around 40 bucks) or less.

VM games were about $5 cheaper than everything else at bargain sites, including Interact.

We plan to get character profiles up as soon as we can. We don’t have all the art yet.