Doushin was NOT properly tested

All the text is bunched up on the screen and overlaps on the right side.

This is practically unreadable…

It looks like sentences are getting smashed together.

OK looking at the box i see the error.

All the text is moved too far over to the right and starts under the clock number.

[ 05-30-2006, 02:54 PM: Message edited by: SailorDh ]

Don’t automatically assume it’s the company’s fault for not testing these games because you just had an error. It could be an isolated incident. You could’ve been nicer to ask for technical support instead of put the blame upon someone else.

I just bought my copy in Fanime 2006 Convention and the game works fine after 8 hours of play. You probably didn’t set your Unicode to Japanese in Windows.

The game is in english what unicode are you talking about?

Do you have 98SE or any Win9X based OS?

Win XP seems i’m mistaken i didn’t read the box that popped up during instilation thought it was just a UELA.

Heh sorry bout that i fixed it with XP disc.

[ 05-30-2006, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: SailorDh ]


Well at least it was all sorted without blood being spilled ^_^;

Another reason why i don’t like people who can’t take time to atleast read instructions and manuals…

Now look what you did, SailorDh.
Thanks to you, our poor Lamuness felt it necessary to insert this under the help forum link:

“Please refer to your game manual and our tech support page for help first before posting.”


trscroggs, i dont have win2000 myeslf but i will take alook in a bit at my bro-in-law’s place regarding 2000’s regional settings

I see what sailordoh is talking about, yes some words are overlapping but not that bad to the point that a paragraph is one sentence, and there are some gaps after words and a litle bit of a word or two is cut off at the end of the message box, but its not that bad, I know some people might have a major problem with it, but this game took alot of time, this is the first game I have played where you are switching from one main character to the next and EVERYONE is talking with a voice and there is more reactions and body lanuage, so IMO dont tear into people because the game is not flawless. Besides if you put this game on an older computer it would most like not play at all or go real slow.

ugh my apologies, i was too busy configuring wi-fi for my nds that i forgot about checking on win2000, will do it tomorrow :stuck_out_tongue:

Why bother configing it when you can get a DS Lite in about a week?

coz it cost at least 50% more? size isn’t an issue for me so i would rather go for the cheap one

nah its just that i didnt bother with its wi-fi function until a japanese friend of mine (a rather popular bishoujo artist) asked me to play metroid prime hunters with him in wifi (the jp version was released this week) so i need to know what i need to setup wifi for nds (but 2 issues bother me: do people from jp use the same wifi server as we do, and will a jp metroid game card work with an english one…)

now back to topic, for win2000 users you can refer to this page for starters and see if this works (it’s basically the same principle, but yes different buttons on win2000):

courtesy of kagami :stuck_out_tongue:

doing partA alone (system locale) should suffice

[ 05-30-2006, 09:24 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness - BBS Admin ]

if it were just size i’d agree…but the ability to change backlighting in 4 modes (plus off), making not only brighter than older DS, but also being able to make it lower when you need it and actually save battery power cannot be so easily tossed aside…

And 50% more? Have you seen the price on ebay for used basic white DS systems? Good luck getting one for under $100…used!!!

  1. Don’t know, but I would assume so or atleast you should be able to acess it someway.
  2. Yes. The handheld systems by Nintendo have been regional neutral and will continue to be, unlike their console systems.

[ 05-30-2006, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: Jinnai ]

Yes, I apologize that it was necessary to have you turn on the Asian fonts in Windows 2000/XP. There are likely other ways around this, but this is the “official” way to install the game. We’re looking into an alternate way to use the game, perhaps without changing the settings in Windows. Just for the record, this change will affect all three recent Crowd games, Doushin, XC3 and Yin-Yang, so the setting is “set and forget” (i.e., if you install the Asian fonts in Windows, there should be no reason to ever worry about this setting again).

Pure ignorance.

  1. Have you checked the system requirements? It says Pentium 200 Mhz.

  2. ADVs aren’t that demanding when it comes to processing power.

Please note that installing Asian fonts in your system is a PERMANENT Computer System change which (I believe) can cause some reduction in speed with slower Systems.
Read my reply here for my experience (on a side note, the onescrappysite Link has been deleted, but I still have the original text -see below-).

I hope that this OLD article is still useful.

Didn’t mean to offend the staff but you shouldn’t have to permanatly alter your PC to make a game run correctly.

Luckily i’ve been upgrading my system to play third generation mmorpgs so it’s not too much of a hassle.


still complaining… I am sure that in future games they can have it done automagicly for everyone if they haven’t alreayd done so … but if you already have it done then what’s done is done … and they have stressed the fact to read the manual… I am sure Benoit will say something later as well as Lamuness (about the complaining).

[ 05-31-2006, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: ms308680 ]