Download games

I like artwork though. I have to have a cd with artwork.

Also CD-Rs are NOT the original cd color of a pressed cd.

Plus I gotta have my artwork in a shiny dvd case.

Then I need a glossy warranty card!

I want it all and I probably will pay for it too!

This game is a bit small to bother with a whole CD setup for. It’s going to take hours of play to get all the endings, but a single playthrough can be pretty short. (And also, for a one-person organization, it would cost a LOT more to have to do physical stuff. I will be making my own CD double-pack of this and one other game to sell on ebay, but it’ll be home-burned home-labeled CDs, not shiny art and cases and stuff. I just don’t have the ability to produce them.)

grin Of course, I can be optimistic that my much more interesting RPG project will be maybe picked up by a publisher? Maybe?

Originally posted by papillon:
well, if you're willing to try a demo... *grin*

my stupid short "Look, it's NOT hard to make a b-game engine!" project is finally finished-ish. [img][/img]

As mentioned before, gameplay is similar to Snow Drop - you will NOT get a girl your first time through, you will have to pay attention to who is where when and slowly figure out how to find your roommate's path. However, you're almost guaranteed to run into SOME character at every time period, so the more you play, the more you know...

Now, back to work on my RPG!

Tried the demo and it looks interesting. I'm interested in purchasing the full game. If I burn the game files to a cd after I finish playing it, will there be any limitations if I try to reload it on my computer at a later date(ie if I upgrade my computer, make any changes to my computer.)Thanks for the info.

Nope. Remember, I was one of the hardcore screaming anti-vmate people. If you’ve got a copy burned you can reinstall it all you like.

I’m in the middle of preparing an update (nothing important, just adding the facility to put ‘Change my resolution for me!’ in the ini file because some people asked for it) so if that matters to you, hold off a day.

One thing I wonder is how does the game require a 16 mb graphics card? Isn’t that kinda high for a Bishoujo game? Especially when a 16mb graphics card is what’s optimal for the Quake 3 engine?

The requirements aren’t so much for the particular game as they are for the development system I’m using. With the tool I’m working with at the moment, even writing ‘Hello World’ on the screen would require that much, or it will crash. It’s just the way the drawing code is structured.

So, in other words, commercial bishoujo games work on my PC, but an indie bishoujo game wouldn’t work on mine?

has a 4MB graphics card

Oh. That’s kinda cheap. Laptops have no upgradeable video cards for the most part. I was always going to count on Bishoujo games to never take more then a Pentium II processor at 400 mhz unless the game was 3d.

Originally posted by Smoo:
Oh. That's kinda cheap. Laptops have no upgradeable video cards for the most part. I was always going to count on Bishoujo games to never take more then a Pentium II processor at 400 mhz unless the game was 3d.
Shows you what you get for assuming.

Often its more to do with the way its programed for a particular system and to use certain routines in the software and hardware that require certain base chipsets.

Well, there’s a different system in use by some fangames that I think has lower requirements (also ships much larger exes, I don’t know if that’s related). And I’m personally planning to switch to a different system with lower requirements (and possibly some portability!) after I finish my RPG project. So this isn’t necessarily the fate of all indie bgames, just this one.

The system you used for your first games worked fine on my PC.

Shows you what you get for assuming.

Hey now, it was a 100% valid assumption for English bishoujo games.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 06-21-2005).]

[quote] Shows you what you get for assuming.
Hey now, it was a 100% valid assumption for English bishoujo games. [/quote] [img][/img] Maybe about 10 years ago.
Maybe about 10 years ago.

10 years ago Pentium II processors of 400 Mhz, and graphics cards of 16 MB RAM didn't even exist.


Even recent English bishoujo games still run on the PC he has. His assumption was correct.

Actually my laptop is a Athlon XP 3000+ with 512 mb of ram. I have a older laptop that I use for relaxing and playing Bishoujo games. Though I have them on both of them. The old one is just for the DOS-Win95 era of the games.

Benoit is right. 10 years ago people were still using 486 processors. Pentium II processors didn’t even show up until late 97 and didn’t even reach 400 mhz until around 98. And also 3d cards didn’t even come close to 16 mb until late 99-00. Infact back in 96 3d cards if you had serious money only had four megs of texture memory. OHHHH! Look at how GOOD Tomb Raider looks on my NEW VooDoo card! Four Megs of Texture memory is AMAZING!

And also 3d cards didn't even come close to 16 mb until late 99-00.

In that time, 2D cards were more widely used, and 3D cards were an extra card.
OHHHH! Look at how GOOD Tomb Raider looks on my NEW VooDoo card! Four Megs of Texture memory is AMAZING!

I have that game.

Tomb Raider runs on VGA, and you have the option to run it on SVGA, which looks much better, but somehow isn't as fluid on my PC, despite meeting all the requirements.

I bought my PC in 98, and for not much money I bought a 3DFX Voodoo card with it. Voodoo II was already out, but very expensive, and I wasn't planning to play much games anyway, so I thought a regular Voodoo card would do, which it does. [img][/img]
However, Tomb Raider can't be run with the Voodoo card unless you have the patch that was made later. Despite being 4 MB VRAM, it makes Tomb Raider look quite good. My only problem with it is that it makes certain places quite dark. :/

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 06-22-2005).]

Originally posted by Benoit:
[quote] Maybe about 10 years ago.

10 years ago Pentium II processors of 400 Mhz, and graphics cards of 16 MB RAM didn't even exist.


Even recent English bishoujo games still run on the PC he has. His assumption was correct.[/b] [/quote] I said about and 10 yeara ago.

Yea, back then 3-D cards were extra but anyone who played games had one. Not having one was just not heard of if you wanted to play games.

"just not heard of"

Except for those of us who, y’know, LOATHED 3d with a passion?

I don’t remember the years exactly but I do recall one game that’s probably about 10 years old that was almost entirely 2d but decided to try to use 3d for the inventory screen to show how cool and modern they were… which meant, of course, that it ran just fine right until I opened the inventory and then crashed. ARGH!!

I remember how amazed I was at tomb raider back when it came out. I almost shaqed my pants. And Quake and Duke Nukem 3d. Wow what a era 96 was. Man I loved it.

Bishuojo was just emerging then and I didn’t even know that those games were out then not to mention it would be illegal for me in that day and age.

But now I’m legal and can purchase all the poonography games I can! YATTA!