Dragon Quest

Anyone else been watching the development of DQ9? Not exactly all that “hype” as I thought it would have been. :slight_smile:

Also the recent Dragon Quest Swords for the Wii is fun… and has one hell of a cute goth girl (move over Jessica; you’ve got a rival).

Oh! Here’s something silly I found: this fan tried to make a “family line” with all the DQ heroes. Some if it is just plain weird, but others seem to make sense in a strange way. :stuck_out_tongue:


hey narg, just a quick question since i never really played DQ other than the english ones back on the NES…

  • do they still use the english title “dragon warrior” anymore?
  • as you know the spells in the game aren’t english loanwords like FF spells, how do the spell names end up in english versions?

one of the things that turn me off from playing jp versions of DQ is those meaningless spell names and the older titles never had explanations on their effect so i never know nor remember what’s what

Because TSR owned Dragon Quest rights. I overheard that TSR was no longer running, few years ago. Wizards of the Coast bought all TSR games. It decided that it did not bring Dragon Quest game anymore. Square-Enix decided to revive Dragon Quest to America.


Dragon Quest’s North American name was changed due to a trademark conflict with the role-playing game DragonQuest, which was published by veteran wargame publisher SPI in the 1980s until the company’s bankruptcy in 1982 and purchase by TSR, which then published it as an alternate line to Dungeons & Dragons until 1987. In 2003, Square Enix registered the Dragon Quest trademark in the US, signalling the end of the Dragon Warrior moniker.

Someone beat me to it. :slight_smile:

Dragon Quest 8 on PS2 is perhaps the best one in a loooooong time. While DQ7 got rave reviews in Japan, it doesn’t have the “flash” that other RPG’s do. Most American gamers (myself included) found it bland to be honest. DQ9 is looking more like a call back to DQ7 - which is not good IMHO: at least for sale outside Japan. Dragon Quest Swords on Wii borrows the DQ8 feel (which went more mainstream overall), although it uses the Wii-chucks and is a bit on the short side.

I’m the exact opposite there. I could not get into DQ8 no matter how hard I tried, it was just so boring to me. But DQ7 was absolutely awesome. Think I had at least 200h played on that thing. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by hiro:
[b]I’m the exact opposite there. I could not get into DQ8 no matter how hard I tried, it was just so boring to me. But DQ7 was absolutely awesome. Think I had at least 200h played on that thing. :o

Longest. Game. Ever.

But DQ7 is king in Japan: can’t deny that. It won the Media Arts Festival award. Clearly top of the heap in the Land of the Rising Sun. I don’t think it got a single thing but “rpg nominations” in the US…

DQ8 got attention because of it’s graphics, orchestra BGM, the outstanding British voice acting, and Jessica. More bling-bling.

And Jessica. :wink:

I’m probably the only person who kept Jessica in her original outfit through the course of the whole game. >_>;;

…well, through the point that I’ve played up to.

I don’t recall changing her outfit either. But then I “only” played like 8-9 hours worth. That’s about when it started putting me to sleep and I stopped playing. It’s still on my to do list, but it’s fallen below Wild Arms 3, 4, Persona 3… it’s a long list.

Dragon Quest 4 remake for DS is set for release on November 22nd in Japan.

Official Site:


Square-Enix of America has stated there’s no release set for an English version at this time, however issue #46 of Nintendo Power (pages 82 to 87) has an article about the remakes… so perhaps there’s still hope for DQ fans - else why would Nintendo even bother mentioning it?


[ 09-18-2007, 05:15 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Cool, I really like DQ8 and I still remember the old school dragon warrior games on the snes :slight_smile:

I liked DQ3, DQ5, and DQ8 the most.

DQ3 is just pure win.

DQ5 had the whole “love triangle” thing… and your choice really made a difference.

DQ8 - the English version - for the supreme audio quality, and bringing back the “feeling” of earlier Dragon Quests.

Of course the twincest in DQ4 gets my blood going - but they’re the only real reason why I like it so much. Everyone else can roll up and die. Still… I’m getting the DS remake for them… so I guess the point is moot. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry to the thread necromancy…but DS remakes? When and where?

The Dragon Quest 4 was released last year in Japan. Still no official word on the US release, because Square Enix is still pumping the media for Dragon Quest Swords on Wii. However people (or rather hackers) looked in the ROM of the Japanese version, and found there’s a 80% English translation hidden in it. Thus Japan already did an English version of the game, and the US/European branch only need to finish the other 20%.

Since sales for DQ4 were so high, the Dragon Quest 5 remake has been given the green light for production.

Remake for DQ6 will depend on the sales for DQ5 - which are expected to be higher than DQ4, since DQ5 is the most popular part of the Heaven Trilogy (4-6).

Official Site: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dragonquest/4to6

There’s been rumors that if everything does well, they might do the Roto Trilogy (1-3)… but I kinda doubt that, given how many times the Roto saga has been done (NES, SNES, GBA). Then again… $$$ is always good. :smiley:

Yea…but what about a port to the US? Or have any romhackers taken up to make an unofficial translation?

Look at FF 4-6. DQ is bigger in Japan than FF and that would be where remake potential is decided.

Well officially there’s no word on the US side, however Square-Enix has not DENIED that the port will come over. Also Nintendo Power wasted a few pages some time ago, taking about the DQ4 remake. Then you have the hidden 80% English translation that’s already in the Japanese version. I think it’s safe to assume that the DQ4 port will hit the US this Summer or Fall. However Square-Enix is clearly more focused on Dragon Quest Swords for Wii, and do not want to steal thunder away from it. After the release of DQS, then the announcement for DQ4 on DS will most likely be announced. If it sells good in the US, then the DQ5 and DQ6 releases will follow up. If not, then no DQ5 and DQ6.

Aye. As a franchise, DQ sells better than FF in Japan. However FF is still seen as superior… even if the voting is always close.

http://www.next-gen.biz/index.php?optio … mitstart=1

[list]1. Final Fantasy X (2001)
2. Final Fantasy VII (1997)
3. Dragon Quest III (1988)
4. Dragon Quest VIII (2004)
6. Final Fantasy IV (1991)
8. Final Fantasy III (1990)
9. Dragon Quest VII (2000)
11. Dragon Quest V (1992)
14. Dragon Quest IV (1990)
15. Final Fantasy V (1992)
17. Dragon Quest II (1987)
22. Final Fantasy VIII (1999)
24. Final Fantasy IX (2000)
25. Final Fantasy VI(1994)
30. Dragon Quest (1986)
34. Dragon Quest VI (1995)
40. Dragon Quest 5 (PS2 remake) 2004
60. Final Fantasy II (1988)
63. Final Fantasy (1987)
84. Final Fantasy Tactics (1997)[/list]

Dear Jessica:

You have da hueg boobies, but a nun turned loligoth is even more sexier than you.

Love your DQ fanboy,

  • Narg

PS: Tell Mara and Nara that they can unchain themselves for a few hours, but they’d better be ready for more training when I get back. :twisted:

I usually don’t buy games for DS without testing them first, but a few of them i do. Remakes of games i like i definatly will.

This year is looking good for DS stuff finally though:

Apollo Justice

Worldwide, yea (bur that’s because people don’t know better :D). I can’t believe FFX is at the top…ugh…Anything after 9 is just…

Anyway you’ll notice it’s only the ultra hyped ones that are beating DQ.

English site for Dragon Quest Swords is up and running.


They’ve renamed the characters: loligoth hottie Setia is now Fleurette. She seems to have a French accent. What was sexy, is now even sexier. :twisted:

Well normally I would be sceptical since all the english dialogue from what I’ve heard is the DW4 dialogue. However, the inclusion of other translation stuff beyond menus (ie items) in other languages makes me think it might be possible.

Also Square-Enix, specifically the Enix part which has the controlling shares, has been wanting to push the DQ series since they’ve felt it hasn’t been given a fair shake since it got stripped from SNES consoles and FF took off, but DQ didn’t.

That and since they are remaking FF4-6 for the DS and given that DQ5 & DQ6 have had no non-Japanese release, and are constantly listed among the top most wanted games never released outside Japan and DQ4 is part of that trilogy makes me think it will happen, atleast for the US. I cannot say about Europe, but if sales of DQ Swords does even decent in other language markets it should.

Oh and if you have any good info on stuff that can be sourced I’m doing a panel on DQ next month (one of the reasons I’m bumping this). Any info on the remake would be nice, but right now I think it’s all just speculation.

EDIT: Hmm…might have found a bit more evidence to back this up…not direct evidence though.

And imo the best untapped segment would be their DQ lineup (and more Chrono Trigger).

Unfortunately, Cross took basically everything that made Trigger cool, and chucked it out the window. It was a decent game in its own right, but sorely lacking in most of the areas that made CT awesome. And they completely ignored the really awesome plot hook that was implied by the whole plot of the first game. It left such a bad taste in my mouth I didn’t even replay it to get endings.

I have no interest whatsoever in any future sequels.