Dragon Quest

Well it was developed by a whole different team and it has now been liked as an offical sequal.

However, I was more talking about a DS remake of CT.

A DS remake would be like printing money.

However, political factors are apparently preventing them from revisiting Chrono, to the point that they’re even unsure of a port. Square Enix and Yasunori Mitsuda won’t elaborate, but someone important probably doesn’t want to see the property again (maybe a key employee or collaborator? We only know that Yuji Horii wrote the initial script before Square’s writing team redid everything, so I wonder if there’s some dissatisfaction there. With the merger, the opinions of Horii and Toriyama have become important, whereas that wasn’t an issue when they were Square).

On the other hand, I think Dragon Quest will get a big push.

I love Dragon Quest Swords - Setia (Fleurette in the English version) is so detailed. :stuck_out_tongue:

Of course Japanese cos-players need to get the exact details right too. :twisted:

As much as I like the Dragon Quest, I’m not getting a Wii. Really none of the systems piques my interest with only 1 game out for xbox i might play and tenatively 1-2 games out for ps3 as well.

Had to get a 360… looks at his copies of DoA4 and DoA Xtreme 2… :mrgreen:

I actually find the XBox360 uninteresting, with the exceptions of Conker and the upcoming Fable 2. :expressionless:

PS3 has only gained my interest with the new releases of 2008: Devil May Cry 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 specifically. However I’ll check out the new Final Fantasy when it hits shelves, just to see how “revolutionary” the jump is in the RPG market.

So for that reason, Wii has been the source of my next-generation entertainment. Dragon Quest Swords, the Mario games, My SIMS, Pokemon, Zelda. I suspect as Sony begins to gain more steam, and the third party support really picks up, then my attention will shift to the PS3. But until then, the Wii is King. :mrgreen:

Blue Dragon was the only title of interest for me with Xbox360, PS3 has nothing out atm, but Rot3K will be moving to it and the rumor going around is that Star Ocean 4 will be for it as well. Wii really only has zelda, which is better played on the Gamecube & DQ Swords as well. Which is why none of the 3 are really that exciting to me. The Handheld market is more interesting.

Either I don’t care for them or I have them the games for PC.

Actually there is 1 other game for the xbox360 i’d like to play, but that still leaves only 2 games for each system, 1 if you count i play Zelda on a GC for the Wii,…that’s not really worth blowing my money on.

Been a month now since DQS and nothing, not a peep, on a DQ4 NA release. This doesn’t look promising…

I did some poking and asking…

While DQS did not break any sales records, it sold within the expectations of the company. Also DQ Joker did fairly well on the handheld market. Situation as it stands:

[list]* Currently the NA branch is focused on hyping the next Final Fantasy.

  • Two DQ titles have been released in succession (Swords and Joker).

  • Several DS titles have been released in relative fast succession (various Final Fantasies, Dragon Quest, Front Mission, Mana, etc)[/list]

There’s a tactic of “cool down” when dealing with the console market. If you release so many titles too fast, it has a bit of “stress” caused with customers. Ideally, you want your customers to buy every title you release, but releasing a boat load of titles at the same time (or too close together), will often force a customer to “pick and choose” what they buy, because they can’t afford it all. There’s also the whole over saturation thing.

Cool down period.

Expect DQ4 release for DS in the Fall time frame. Also there’s a Final Fantasy 4 remake for DS. Marketing will most likely announce both at the same time. DQ4 and FF4 will make RPG’ers with a DS go gaga with joy… and pretty much seal Square-Enix position as King of RPG in that arena. Both are also fairly “bling-bling” for a DS system, so it will draw new people in as well.

Be patient Young Padawan.


Anyway thanks for the info. And yes I fully understand the idea of a cool-down period. Was just surprised no announcement was all with a tentative release date, but I guess they don’t want to overwhelm their DQ fanbase.

EDIT: Might have to get a new DS as I got the frist model DS Lites and my L & R buttons are worn out. My games that use them do not seem to accept when I push down them. It hasn’t yet gotten to the point I can’t eat in Rune Factory, but i’m worried that I won’t be able to soon. :frowning:

Personally, I think Square-Enix is just trying to milk more sales out of Sword and Joker. Usually when that company is “done” with a release, they stop supplying them to stores. However DQS and QDJ are still listed on Gamestop order rosters the last I heard.

Once they make the DQ4 announcement, the distributors for such companies will most likely cease wanting more shipments of the “old” games and saving their inventory space (and pocketbooks) for the upcoming announced titles. This probably influences the whole “stop supplying” thing, more than the game company refusing to send older games to store shelves. :stuck_out_tongue:

The whole “economic scheming” is ugly on poor fans waiting for the official word. :frowning:

Indeed, though with the dollar continuing to weaken and inflation continuing to rise a lot of people are putting off stuff like that a bit longer. The irony is that it is exactly that kind of mentality that might actually cause problems if transportation prices continue to rise because of dwindling energy resources.

The DS remake for Final Fantasy 4 has been announced for US and Canadian release on July 8th. Final Fantasy Tactics A2 is set for June 24th.

DQ fans are still waiting for the DQ4 announcement, but with the FF lions out the gate, DQ should be in the August to October batch, seeing as how Square Enix doesn’t have anything major to release for DS in that time frame except for DQ4. :mrgreen:

Aggghhhh!!! Why must I wait even longer for DQ??? Not that I’m complaining too much…FF4 is my favorite FF.

Awesome Dragon Quest article:

http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3 … _quest.php

Ten pages. Deep detail. 8)

Well after reading the entire thing (yes, i do mean reading all 10 pages and not skimming) I find I have to agree with most points. I’m kinda surpised at how they say DQ2 sold so poorly when almost everyone I knew was talking about it as the most anticipated game for the NES… (DQ3 as the title says came a bit too late and too few copies…and DQ4 even later and fewer copies…somehow though I managed to get and play a DQ4 game…not a rom!)

On a side note…i noticed they didn’t cover the twins, Nara and Mara, very long…despite probably being the longest chapter (unless you really took your time with Torneko/Taloon) before the “real” game began.

I’m also hoping DQ7 gets a remake. This was a game with a lot of good potential…poorly executed. The poor artwork, which was, as the article says, worse than DQ6. I think just doing that, updating some stuff on the immigrant town, making some extra sidequests and using the battle system based off of DQ8 and it might do well. Not much can be done about it’s pacing really without drastically changing stuff, maybe increase movement speed. Maybe also convert some of the longer sequences into FMVs or cutscenes like those in DQ8.

You know reading that article made me realize something: why Square-Enix is being so “quiet” about DQ4 for DS. The PS1 DQ4 was promised in English, but cancelled due to the development studio closing down. I suppose after that embarrassing fiasco, they’re being more “conservative” with the announcement this time around. This also explains why the English script being hidden in the Japanese version: if for some reason Level 5 closes down (incredibly unlikely, but just for argument’s sake), Square-Enix can still release it in the West without their dev tools.

And yes, I agree: he spent WAAAAAAY too little time with the twincest tale. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Kill. :evil:

Oh… and since I’m harping on DQ - just a copy/paste of something I wrote on my personal blog: the world needs a Dragon Quest Ren’ai. The dialog menu for the series already has the look and they have a “pick an answer” system in place. Use the girls from the DQ titles as the heroines.

DQ1 = Princess Gwaelin
DQ2 = Princess of Moonbrooke
DQ3 = Female Fighter and Female Priestess (hentai doujin community loves 'em most)
DQ4 = Princess Alena and the twincest Mara/Nara
DQ5 = Bianca and Flora
DQ6 = Mireyu and Barbara
DQ7 = Maribel and Aira
DQ8 = Jessica
DQS = Fleurette

You’ve got it all: tsundere, twincest, submissive, dominatrix, girl-next-door… :mrgreen: Square could then make a Final Fantasy Ren’ai too.

Possibly. I am also wondering if they put it in knowing the fan community would likely find it and helping to spread some low-level buzz about it as basically free advertising. The translation isn’t enough to play the whole game really and the script used with the Japanese ROM has problems so it wasn’t like they were handing out a free translation.

DQ4DS is unofficially confirmed:

SEI Filed a patent for “Chapters of the Chosen”, which kinda fits the Japanese subtitle.

Search http://www.esrb.org/ratings/search.jsp for Dragon Quest, It confirms that a title called “Dragon Quest IV:Chapters of the Chosen” has been rated for the DS, Theres proof enough. SEI Hasn’t given a release date though. Oddly enough, FF4DS has been announced but not yet rated by the ESRB, so this may indicate that the DQ4 will come out sooner than expected…