Dragon Quest

Heh… the game is for ages 10+… yet it’s been “negatively rated” with the contents of:

The twincest must be the “Suggestive Theme” thing. Mara and Nara for the win! :twisted:

simulated gambling ROFL…the biggest oxymoron i know of.

They’ve grabbed US trademark legal rights for DQ5 and DQ6 too. :mrgreen:




Let’s just hope this isn’t like “Chrono Break” or better example might be DQ4 remake for ps1 or DQ5 for the SNES.

Yay!!! I am sure that I will get Dragon Quest 4 DS, soon. Also DQ5-6. I got only Dragon Warrior 1-3. I could not find DW4 near my home. ^_^v

On the topic of dragon quest:


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

LOL! The Japanese are so crazy about DQ, they might as well change it. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Japanese audience got the joke… but that one Black guy was REALLY serious about (hand over his heart), and the White old guy has a serious WTF look. Either he knows it’s Dragon Quest and wasn’t told about the joke, or he knows its NOT the Japanese anthem and is wondering what the hell it is.

That’s some serious fun. Ultra conservative America never let people make fun of our anthem (see Roseanne Barr).

That’s not new :stuck_out_tongue:

The DQ are the only game forbiden by the governement to be released on a week day ^^ (except while the Golden Week of course)
because Japanese was ditching Work or School for buying and playing it… ^^;

This proves and disproves you at the same time.

Hey… does anyone think that DQ9 has gone into dev hell, because the game turned out to look like ass? :expressionless:

It’s been two years, and still no release date:


It will come out after all the remake, but it was about to be finished in February of this year (and the system was remade with the more traditional and Old School DQ System.They trashed the A-RPG System ^^ )

Yea i think that would have pissed off a lot of Dragon Quest fans with an A-RPG, without getting that many new ones.

Dragon Quest 4 for DS official English site:


Didn’t get much fanfare, but at least we got it. :stuck_out_tongue:

saw it. It’s hard to get a lot of fanfare when it comes on the heals of a final fantasy title unfortunatly.

Also, advertising for the game has been very limited as it’s a remake.

EDIT: Looks like everything except about is still “coming soon” :frowning:

It’s true that the US branch of Square-Enix treats us DQ fans like step children… but I’ll take my sexually suggestive twins and virtual gambling in any form I can. :wink:

Maybe after DQ9 it’ll change…

The ENTIRE trilogy for the western DS has been confirmed. :slight_smile:


Yea. Square-Enix finally loves us. :o

yes!!! now hopefully they add some extra good content…doubt we’ll see more twincest though. Maybe they’ll do more with the marriage choice in DQ5… they really didn’t make Flora a good choice for the players who wanted to chose her, not only story/plot- & character development-wise, but also mechanic wise by maxing her level until the 2nd or 3rd generation (depending upon how you look at things).

As for DQ6…other than more extra classes, more cutscenes would be nice. Whatever they do they should use some of their one-off mechanics more often and imo have more relation with characters from dream world and real world…i doubt they will though.

Got the game today. I’ll let everyone know how it is in a bit, specifically VA & translation (since Japanese version has been around for a while…including a partially translated English text inside the rom).

I’m just glad it finally made it out here as the last time there was a translation for the this game was the original NES in 1992…16 years ago.

It has twins. What can possibly go wrong? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: