English translation question

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Actually, that sentence doesn't turn out that clear in my browser that still doesn't support japanese characters.
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!!! It's a shame for a bishoujo gamer such as you, Unicchan!!!

As for "Gin'iro"...

Well, needless to say, I loved the game, .sgnidne fo dnik das eht referp yllausu I hguoht
.pool eht gnipool dna sretpahc suoiverp eht lla gniyt fo boj doog yrev a seod retpahc kniht I tuB

My only "sorrow" ( [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img] ) would be about the raison d'etre of retpahc driht eht. I mean...

.sirI fo noitanracni )?-er( tnereffid eht dna egalliV eht ,reviR eht dna dleif emayA eht :bew sti edisni thguac esoht fo etaf eht tuoba dna daerht revlis eht fo yenruoj eht tuoba llet ot :erte'd nosiar owt noinipo ym ni sah yrots hcaE
...ylluf t'ndid sirI esuaceb mossolb dluoc emayA eht eveileb su tel tI .rafa ti koot tsrif ezuK retfa ,sirI ot dna emayA eht ot kcab emac daerht eht woh su sllet yrots tsrif ehT
.)noitadnuni erom on( hsiw eht pots ot dedeen saw rehtona ,)niar ot( hsiw a no llac ot dedeen saw efil a fi taht su swohs tI .kcab ti dnuof anusI retfa ,egalliV eht ot kcab emac daerht eht woh su sllet yrots dnoces ehT
.nekorb saw etaf fo elcric eht ,depool saw pool eht sa tuB .srehtiw emayA litnu mossolb t'ndluow erutuf eht ni sirI eht eveileb ot su sdael os dna derehtiw sirI litnu mossolb t'ndid tsap eht ni emayA eht ezilaer su sekam tI .dedne ti erehw dna morf emac daerht eht erehw tuoba sllet tI .dne eht dna gninnigeb eht tuoba su sllet yrots tsal ehT
.irigaS ot ariaT morf tnew ti woh dna desu tsrif saw daerht eht woh su sehcaet dna anusI dna ezuK tuoba su sllet ti sa ,erte'd nosiar owt esoht osla sah yrots-retni ehT

?yrots driht eht tuoba tahw ,tuB
...reviR on ,egalliV on ,sirI on ,emayA oN
...sesseug tub era yeht tub ,egalliV eht raen erehwemos si iet-iasaS eht dna "sirI" deman saw rehtom s'anasA dna anuuY tseggus nac eW ...woh tub ,yrots htruof eht dna dnoces eht neewteb knil gnissim eht s'ti sseug nac eW

..."ksidnaF okeNokeN" eht ni seirots eht ni tub ...emag siht ni ton era srewsna eht ,)uoy fo emos rof ,llew( sala ,esuaceB ^^;;;;;;;
...emag siht ni nrael uoy tahw tuoba uoy llet ll'I ,IYF ,oS [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

.deneppah tahw gnihtyreve fo elbasnopser gnieb rof flesreh dna ...retsis reh dellik gnivah rof uorihS gnimalb flesreh tneverp t'ndluoc anasA ,revoerom ,dna ,)iet-iasaS eht eganam ot noitidda ni slliks gnikooc reh evorpmi ylireves ot dah ehs sa ,anasA rof tsomerof( krow fo tol a saw ti sa drah erew sgnihT ...saw ti sa suomaf sa iet-iasaS eht ekam ot deirt uorihS dna anasA ,htaed s'anuuY retfA
...yawa tnadnep s'rehtom reh worht neve t'ndluoc dna ,esoht fo lla revo teg t'ndluoc ehs dnA
...tnadnep eht yawa worht tsrif ot dediced anasA ,oS .og traeh reh ni nedrub eht lla tel ot gniyrt otni reh klat ot elba saw uorihS ,tsal tA .)krowrevo morf( kcis llef anasA litnu ,esrow ot dab morf tnew sgniht ,llehstun a ni ,lleW
...ereht tnadnep eht werht yeht dnA .emayA ,rehtom reh sa ekaseman emas eht htiw srewolf ,revir llams a raen ,gnimossolb erew srewolf erehw noitacol a ,"devol rehtom reh noitacol laiceps a" ot uorihS koot neht ehS

...yad gnimossolb reh rof gnikool saw sirI elihw ,gnitiaw detrats dna derehtiw emayA eht ,niaga ecno demriffa saw dnob rieht sa dnA .reh ot flesti delaever ti nehw ,nrob)er( saw sirI litnu ...detiaw daerht eht ,reviR eht fo mottob eht ta ,ylbaborp ,os ,dnA

.demossolb sirI eht lla ,reh htiw ,os dnA .mossolb ot reh rof rehtiw did emayA rehto eht lla esuaceb ,rehtiw ot mossolb t'ndluow ehs ,emit siht tuB

"What is love if not painful and tragic? It's just boring."
- Elaine Barlow -