Eroge Review

Well after a looooong time, I’ve finally got an eroge review site back online. Sorta… :smiley:

Wow, it’s too bad about that game. It sounds like it could have been awesome.

It’s good to see your site up again :slight_smile: . Are the score weightings always going to be fixed for each title? (For example, I could conceivably see the Erotica score being 20 instead of 30 out of 100 for a story-driven title with minimal sex, or the audio weighting being reduced for an older title with no voice acting etc).

Wow, your new site shows great promise, I wish you the best :smiley: !

You know, the plot was blatantly obvious (and the resident twins in dire need of a kick in the butt :stuck_out_tongue: ), yeah, but (me, at least) I liked the humor in it…

Aye, you are correct. The new scoring system is maxed at 100 points, but the values for each variable changes depending on the game and the genre it’s marketed for. A “typical ero” is 30% scenario (story and characters), 20% visual (paper dolls, event cg, backgrounds), 20% audio (music, voice acting), and 30% erotica (quality, quantity, and variety).

However a “pure rapefest” would rate 15% scenario (because there is not story), 20% visual, 20% audio, and 45% erotica. Something like To Heart 2 would have 50% in scenario and reduce erotica to a mere 10%. Everything is proportional.

Mechanics is a wildcard bonus or penalty factor: if your typical eroge use the “pick a response” menu system, then it gets a no pain/no gain value of 0 points – because that’s the common thing for them. However having a unique feature (good or bad) can influence it.

Like it’s done in video game review magazines, legacy titles are never compared with newer titles. DOS generation titles are only rated against other DOS generation titles. On that same respect, English translated titles are only rated against other English translated titles. For Westerners who can’t understand Japanese, Virgin Roster is a great dark eroge – but compared to something like Mayonaka wa Ware no Mono it’s second best… however Mayonaka is generally not available outside Japan, so rating it in comparison is unfair on the English side.


Ha-ha! The site is finally Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional! If you’re still lurking Benoit, you can now call off the hounds and death squad. :smiley:

[ 12-26-2007, 11:46 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]


Sick for a day and I miss the biggest site launch of '07. It’s great to see that you’re finally back online!

An improved MinDead review, how nice :frowning:

That review of MinDead Blood was awesome - I just wish I could download Japanese into my brain somehow… :slight_smile:

I think the scoring system you’re using is excellent and very flexible - in most other eroge reviews that I’ve read, the reviewers are very biased towards certain genres of games and unfavourably contrast other genres with it. To use the example of Virgin Roster, most reviews I’ve read of it just dismiss it as a zero-story dark rapefest with an utterly evil protagonist, without aiming to consider it in the context of its’ genre, as it’s the antithesis of the games they prefer.

Your page looks awesome Narg. It’s so good to see your reviews back up.

I’m in comms with Ayyo. Hopefully he’ll be posting soon. The site might get a new look first though. Won’t be going down - since wordpress templates are just a click to change.

As I said: site is live, but still on a test run too. :smiley:

On that note, just posted a new review for the tentacle fetish Tokumei Sentai Sirenger. Its an okay title… but not exactly uber or anything.

Next review will probably be an old title I’ve reviewed (new and improved of course), so there won’t be an announcement for it. I’m going to this new-old-new-old pattern, since it lets me get reviews out faster. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s strange, it doesn’t seem SO bad :wink: ?

Yeah, all the reviews posted on the initial page is a bit too much :wink:

You should get better bandwidth. :stuck_out_tongue:

Naw… that was mistake. I forgot to use the <–more–> function in those posts. It’s supposed to show the latest three reviews, but the older two are shortened.

I just fixed it.

I might change it to only show two reviews: a full new one, and then the preceding review in abbreviated format.

Nice Site, i’m looking forward to the Gun-Katana Review. I want buy it but i wait for your Review first :slight_smile:

Excellent site.
I love it how you drool on Mindead Blood:D.
But you dont have a review of Gore Screaming Show yet?

[ 01-02-2008, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Nero Blackheart ]

I’m actually interested in your review of Shikigami as well. I remember you saying that it’s pretty good…

I’ve never tried any of the other branches of cyc-soft, but I’m debating on this one.

Ya know… there’s an irony in all this. :slight_smile:

However just so you know, GSS actually rates higher than MinDeaD in my scoring (due to the perfection plot). Gun-Katana is on par with MinDeaD (because it’s an FPS for the win). Shikigami, while a good game on it’s own right, is not quite on the same caliber as the others: and its actually from the White brand. Blood Transfusion is an expansion that’s HEAVILY dependant on the main game being played first (sorta how the Lord of Rings are counted as a single film), and thus won’t get rated through the normal system.

After that though, I’m gonna have to do a flood of pure love titles to offset the balance… because Cyc titles are sorta dark. :wink:

[ 01-03-2008, 01:04 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

And GORE is also fun - in a very unique manner, but fun! :wink:

You mean - you really have played other games in that direction besides “Futari de hitotsu no koigokoro”? :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 01-03-2008, 02:25 PM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
[b]You mean - you really have played other games in that direction besides “Futari de hitotsu no koigokoro”? :o

Posted. But for some reason I’m still not happy… probably will tweak a word here or there - but it’s done for the most part.

Next review will not happen today obviously. :wink:

Bump, GSS rulz.

If not YOU, your improved reviews at least are awesome :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: .
Can you reveal your plans regarding the other two sites, however?