Eroge Review

LOL! People aren’t really supposed to see my old site anymore. I just threw that up there, cause it was generating a ton of 404 errors on my account. :slight_smile:

On a sidenote, I finally figured out what was bothering me about the Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro review: I never mentioned that it was produced some of the crew who did Clannad (scenario writer especially).

Meh… maybe I’ll try to squeeze that in somewhere later on. :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s awesome! I loved the old site.

Narg, it would be nice if the left menu had a index with a separate link for each review, 'cause if you click the only link, it loads all the reviews, taking some time in the process. (dunno if you’re working into it already).

(I think I still have the reviews (HTML plus pics) from Ayyo’s old website. If you want the material, I think I can zip and upload it. :smiley: )

Aye. There’s a new layout in the works. Since the site is Wordpress, changing the theme is painless… its just making the theme that’s time consuming. :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t it be easier to keep a design/coding style like the one from the old website? (It looked like “simple” table-based html). Creating and applying a CSS style to make all the pages have the same color scheme are easier, IMO.

(a little something i noticed, the new website’s reviews got some pics with ero into it, eh? :smiley: )

Ya know… Come to think of it… I can make individual posts show up without too much problem. I’ll go ahead and give it a whirl this evening. :slight_smile:

The Wordpress has some advantages, because it’s SQL. I can backup all the reviews with one press of a button. It uses CSS functions as well. In fact, I can change the whole layout with nearly any Wordpress template with the same dimensions, and everything looks fine (well… there would be color clashes). Using Wordpress is more of a pain to setup - hence this live testing phase - but once things are in place - total smooth sailing. :slight_smile:

Yea… there’s a little bit of ero stuff here and there. I have to show some samples of the gallery so people get an idea of how much (or how little) sex there is. :wink:

I suppose keeping the site somewhat worksafe is worthwhile. I could just go all out and post the sex… but that’s kinda a double edged sword. Then I’ll need a disclaimer page or something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, for sample pics you could use something like the spoiler tags and then put a warning thing before people click to keep it worksafe (just a suggestion from someone who knows very little about making an internet site so if it’s wrong, sorry…)

Anyway, one question, when you review the MDB Expansion are you going to give profiles for the other MDB characters (though you’ll probably have to put spoiler tags for Saki’s profile)?

I kinda thought about it, and I believe there’s really no need to post actual pics of the sex scenes, because the official sites to the games do it for me. :slight_smile:

I believe I can make a review for the MinDeaD expansion that’s spoiler free, from the expansion’s point of view. I don’t like reviews that give away everything (Aeris dies… the cake is a lie… etc): so I want to avoid it as much as possible. Honestly I think describing something about Daigo and Anima are the huge issues, given who they are.

I may not do a character section, and just refer back to the main MinDeaD article, because all the females remain fairly the same. Its Shizuru who gets the major overhaul in the Vampire Road route. The others change, only because he does. And again: talking about Anima is a MAJOR spoiler if you don’t know who she is.

Still working on how it will be done, since this will serve as a model for future “expansion” type eroge.

You do bring up an interesting point though: sometimes there are REALLY great screen captures I have of a game, that would make a fun entry in the reviews, but I don’t post them because it ruins the gameplay experience. For example the canon ending to the MinDeaD BlooD expansion is on helluva scene… but I’ll NEVER post it because it completely gives up too much information. I spend quite a bit of time, looking over the pics I’m using, to make sure they’re cool, but not too cool. :wink:

I believe I’ll be reviewing Akaneiro-ni-Somarusaka (that’s how the game spells itself) from feng as the next “pure love” title, before I do the Cyc marathon. Got it as a Xmas gift and been playing it since then… should be 100% done with it by Thursday or Friday.

New site layout on the winds. Perhaps this weekend. However I’ll need to resize the images because its a “full page” design, and not a skinny column.

[ 01-11-2008, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

Before Baldo panics… :wink:

I’m currently testing out the new site layout. I was only able to convert two reviews, because I don’t have the other two currently installed on my rig. I’ll load the games first thing tomorrow and fix them ASAP.

I’ve done my best to incorporate as many suggestions for improvement as I could (bigger pictures, not so crowded layout, list of reviewed titles, look more like a normal site instead of a blog, etc).

Along with revising the last two reviews into the new format, I’ll try to get a brand new review on Sunday or Monday.

And yes… I know thats Hisui and Kohaku, not Chihaya and Chihiro, in the banner. Original as Futari is with plot, it kinda “blatantly borrowed” character designs from an earlier set of twincest.

Why mess with perfection, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, if this BBS will “disappear” for a bit, I will need something different for my daily fix :stuck_out_tongue: .

If anyone can’t access the site at its new location, give me a buzz. Hopefully the viewer settings are set right…

I had to change hosting, because I got a nastigram from the previous host (Globat), claiming they didn’t like loli material images. Could have argued the issue, but why bother. Fortunately I had a second account with another host that DOES allow loli images… to an extent of course. :frowning:

However I might be able to edit them back in manually… not too sure though, because I don’t wanna screw up the current database. Anyways… aside from that disappointing hiccup, the testing phase for the site is now over. So nothing to do but make reviews.

New review for Yami no Senou. I know: not a true love title. Don’t worry… it was just an already completed article that I needed to make sure my CSS template works. The true love review is being written. :smiley:

All relational databases are compatible. You just need more or less work in order to go from one to the other, the more painful being the conversion of stocked procedures. ;_;

Hmmm… then that offers some hope. I’ll crack open the database file and see what I can gut, rip, and sew back together this weekend.

On a side note, I’m thinking of adding doujinshi titles to my plate of reviews (primarily those on available on DLSite). However this brought up an interesting thing… what exactly defers a doujinshi from a commercial work.

Honestly the distinction on DLSite is a REALLY blurred line, as there are a handful of “circles” that are actually defunct professional groups and/or contributors to commercial companies… and sometimes a doujinshi is so highly polished, it looks like a commerical product.

Yet because doujinshi DO NOT have the budget of a commercial title, its rather unfair to directly compare the two. Personally, I view eroge that doesn’t have a JAN Code, as doujin… a good measuring stick?

Not completely, from my viewpoint.
The text is slighty garbled on my browser (which is set to Big Characters view), since your writing is closely spaced and the lines are written close together.
Can you tweak it a little more :slight_smile: ?

Using Firefox are we? Deviant. If you were a good little boy like “Big Brother Bill” wanted you to be, this wouldn’t be a problem. :slight_smile:

Here’s the site in Firefox with the text blown up:


I try it with Opera and it works too

Me I’m using IE6 and, although I CAN’T say the text is unreadable, my feeble eyes are a bit uncomfortable (that background color is a great help, however, I hope the next incarnation of this BBS adopts something similar)…

You were supposed to upgrade to IE7 ages ago! Lord Bill does not smile upon those who do not obey the will of the M$ Order. :stuck_out_tongue:

Using IE6 is like playing Russian Roulette with a full auto. On any machine that I didn’t have to use it for work, I’d use a text-based browser before I’d use IE6.

My personal qualification for a “doujin game” is whether or not it’s registered with the EOCS (sofurin) or the CSA; if it’s not in bed with either I call it a doujin game.

[ 01-16-2008, 10:07 PM: Message edited by: Shingo ]

Hey, you changed the layout. (now it looks like the old site hehehe)

I didn’t noticed the Firefox’s “issue” while viewing the site that you pointed, Narg. (I’m on FF, using Shift_JIS encoding. Actually, the site looks like this:

EDIT: image was big.

[ 01-18-2008, 05:55 PM: Message edited by: Leon ]