Eroge Review

Maybe Narg would review a yaoi eroge if had twins… :roll:

Anyway, thanks Narg for the great reviews.

Even thought i’m not very interested in twins or this incest thing, if the eroge has a great story and beautiful graphics to boot, i will definitely give a try. Konayuki Fururi looks very charming too, even if the story is nothing excepcional.

I think the main girl - Matsushima Koyuki - has the best route. Sure the old “former athlete with a leg injury” thing is clichÈ and overused with American soap operas and daytime specials, but it was sorta interesting as an ero. Not to say I enjoyed a lot; but it’s not the worst scenario: that honor would go to Nakahara Asami. Which is kinda sad, because I liked her appearance and personality the most (NGE fanboy blurb: Rei > Asuka). Unfortunately, saving the cow farmland (which is what her route eventually goes into) works better in Harvest Moon.

I’m actually not all that fond of Mangagamers. I buy their dark eroge titles because the market needs all the support it can get, but the translation sucks hardcore, so I throw them inside the storage cabinet (or backup archive as it were). I might review one of the ones I really like, but probably the original Japanese version.

Not really much to compare though. I mean outside of translation interpretation and the fonts, they’re identically the same. :slight_smile:
Generally PP does a good job with translation. There’s the oddball typo of course (which Japanese versions also have) and sometimes they take liberties with the translation itself (for cultural oddies and whatnot) ñ but honestly it’s nothing I have a problem with. I’m not someone who cares about writing out the honorifics (chan, san, sama, etc) or seeking an EXACT translation word for word (which honestly would sound weird really).

I’ve actually got nothing against yaoi ñ but I’ve got no real interest in it either. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been toying (and challenged) with doing a yaoi review for awhile now, but it will be a long while before I get to finishing it. Also the review would be a “one time” thing… a novelty of sorts. I’m just not a yaoi collector, and can’t see myself spending 5800 to 9800 yen for dozens of copies, when there’s shelves and shelves of non-yaoi titles I want more.

I’ve actually begun keeping track of yaoi twincest titles on the side, just so I can identify them if people ask (their websites, getchu link, etc). :slight_smile:

Afterall, you can’t call yourself a true believe of twincest, if you don’t know about all the possibilities of twincest. :wink:

Twincest musing always gets me thinking of Kaoru Kozue and game ideas that I suspect don’t exist… Would be interesting to see a psychologically-dark (but not guro-dark, not my kink) game with a promiscuous female protagonist, especially if she has an unhealthy obsession with her sweet, innocent twin brother. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… goes digging through collection

A few hours late, but I got that dark eroge finished.

Rather interesting how the creators didn’t bother to translate the other East Asian characters’ names into their native rendering. It’s like they didn’t care enough for them or something. That whole Japan > Rest of Asia thing I suppose. In any case, I cracked open some translation books and managed to get them right.

Ron Feishan should have been Long Fei Xiang (or maybe Leung Fei Xiang)

Guen Chi Zen should have been Nguyen Thi Dinh (100% confident on that… also the name of a famous revolutionist).

Made the site XHTML 1.0 Transitional again… although I really see no difference. However there was at least one person who swore it was important, and I promised him I’d get it done (it was originally validated, but failed after some adjustments and upgrading). :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops… wrong thread… lol…

If you’re curious what this post was about.

I wish there was a post delete option… maybe with a 5 minute restriction or something. :oops:

Try to edit your post, delete all the text you wrote wrongly and put a “DELETED POST” message after that.


Hey padawan, I do know that our mutual enmity is natural :twisted: , but dropping your old, cute avatar for that nerve-grating horror you have now is an outrage :evil: , I wish there was an Avatar delete option :lol: …

Sorry. I just love badass girls far more than i love Moe girls! :lol:

And Momoyo is definitely BADASS! She can fight a grown-up Kuki Ageha equally!! 8)
I can foresee she will be my favorite character when Minato-soft release Majikoi later this year.

Later i will grab another moe character as my avatar. :wink:

You aren’t going to win that one, Baldo! Momoyo is just far too awesome.

Sorry to bump, but Narg: Could you write a review for Sayonara wo Oshiete? I know you like dark stuff, and there isn’t a lot that better fits the description =P

A little step in the right direction, I suppose :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: .

Twincest is nice. I think others should see why too. :o

Also a word of advice: a number of pirate sites have been leeching the hell outta my site for their own nefarious needs. They suck Gigs and Gigs of bandwidth. Therefore I’ve made an alteration to my .htaccess files to stop them. If you’ve ever “leeched” an image of mine, I’d STRONGLY advise you change that link. What Narg has showing for non-site images, is not pretty at all. :twisted:

No review update yet. I hope to get some free time this weekend though.

That almost makes me want to link an image just to see what they are haha, even though my Admiral Ackbar firefox add-on is telling me “It’s a trap!” :lol:

Edit: Also, keep up the good work, oh lord of the sith -salute-

Alright, that’s it, time to link the image. Don’t worry, I’ll remove it right away if it’s anything horrible… after THIS:
(edit: removed. we all know what goatse looks like already =p)

That was SO not what I thought it was going to be :lol:

Naughty. Naughty. I’m actually granting a grace period for someone.

If you really must know, I plan to use a goatse. :twisted:

Just thinking of all the shock faces to come made me laugh pretty damn hard. Good show Narg~ :lol:


Well you might wanna remove those direct link in the previous posts then… cause the stop sign is gonna change in about a day. Don’t wanna give the L-man or Shingo a heart attack. :stuck_out_tongue:

This IS an eroge board. Peapri DOES sell yaoi.

True. But I think the general consensus is to keep the message forums as worksafe as we can, that way people could checkup on the latest posts at Starbucks without worrying about someone reading over their shoulder.

I mean we’re all dealing with explicit material here, but there’s no need to be explicit about it. :wink: