Eroge Review

Because Baldo would complain I didn’t say anything, if I didn’t say anything, I might as well say something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea… I posted a new review after months of inactivity. Upgraded the Wordpress to the newest version, got locked out of my own site. :lol:

Turns out it did something screwy with the alphabetizer for the review titles. Need to fix that, once I hack myself back into the system.

Evidently I also had a massive backlog of private comments on the blog… was supposed to route them to my email account automatically, but its obvious that never worked like it should. My appoloigze to those I might have ignored. Will reply back to them individually.

No idea how my new update schedule will be like, although I have a review or two already finished, so maybe once a week for at least this month.

Going to rewrite that Kissing!! under the mistletoe review… it’s like my worst written one… and it’s Christmas. Plus my opinion of the game has slightly mellowed a bit, so looking back, maybe I was a bit harsh.

I’ll try to not exclusively focus on brutal, violent, dark eroge as much as I used too. :wink:

Yeah, Baldo is a pain :stuck_out_tongue: , but what’s the point in writing if no one reads it :wink: ?
Too bad that Heterogeneity is a loser, this time (I had hopes for this game) :roll: .

Let’s tempt you :stuck_out_tongue:

When it was being updated i used to check it everyday.

I hope one of those reviews is Saiminjutsu 2 :slight_smile: … :evil: . Do take care wont you -mind control has always been a fetish of mine for as long as I can remember.

Unlocked myself. Hopefully the hosting service won’t ban me, for hacking my own SQL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really a new review, since I reviewed on my old site once, but Nukenin was something I had on the backburner for awhile.

Ah… 2009 won’t disappoint. :smiley:


You don’t have to look that often. :oops:

I’m thinking of every Friday or Saturday, if I can get the ball rolling again. If not, then perhaps once every two weeks: 1st and 15th… something along those lines.

I liked it too! I’ve got a whole slew of dark titles that are further along the review assembly line, but I’m hope to get to that one. :wink:

Your reviews brought me into the world of Black cyc :slight_smile:

Might i request a review of the new X-change game?
This one seems pretty story-centric so I’d like to see your opinion of it

Heh… I’ve never owned any of the X-change titles: not really into the Ranma thing. However if I can get my hands on a copy, I’ll give it a whirl. :o

Currently I have reviews for Gun-Katana (last of the great BCyc titles IMHO), Toppara (from Caramel Box’s new Strawberry subgroup), and Konayuki Fururi (from Broom Handle), going through the motions to get finished. Gun-Katana was something I’ve been promising for a long time, while Toppara and Konayuki are 2008 titles devoid of the sweet darkness I’m trying to review less frequently. Might have one ready by the weekend, depending if I can get home early from work tommorrow, but I can’t promise anything. After that list is through, I can start on a new set.

I had a finished review for Yume Miru Kusuri stashed somewhere, which was supposed to be posted with the Nukenin review (thus knocking Ayyo’s post off the front page :P), but I can’t seem to find it… probably saved it under a weird file name. :?

For those curious, I’m currently playing Kansen 3 (awesome game btw; superior to the first Kansen), Yosuga no Sora (twincest is best), and randomly picking tiles in Konboku Mahjong. Sometimes I get lucky in the later, and get to score a girl, but I haven’t gotten any of the endings yet. At least I’ve taken the oh-so-sexy Azuma’s virginity. :twisted:

I’ve actually resorted to monitoring the memory values in Konboku, and using that to “see” my opponents hand. Yea… I find it easier to read code, than playing mahjong. I so suck at that game. :expressionless:

I should start writing eroge reviews >_> If I’m not going to work on a translation with any kind of reliability, I might as well review something. After all, playing eroge is something I can do =p

Yes! Yes! Do so! If you review a different game, then it means more titles are getting covered. If you review the same game, then it means a second opinion. Win-Win for everyone. 8)

I’ve just found myself invested with a LOT of free time for the next two weeks, and will be using it to catch up my back log of promised reviews.

The mundane Konayuki Fururi and the much more appealing Gun-Katana are now up.

This weekend should see Yosuga no Sora (yummy true twincest) and Mayu to Mana no Yuketso Hako. Both are 90% done - I’m mostly spellchecking them (also won’t be reviewing another Cyc title after that, to get more variety). For next week I’m trying to assemble a massive Ijitte Princess review (the entire series in one article; because there isn’t enough story in a single title to fit a paragraph).

My review for Toppara is going the be delayed, because I’ve kinda gotten bored with the game. :?

Great to see Eroge Review back in action :D.

Gun Katana is pretty much what I was hoping MinDead Blood would be - so far I’m finding the cast (particularly the sub-characters) to be much stronger and the story-ero balance is a lot better too. Also, the FPS component of Gun Katana is the best gameplay feature I’ve come across in an eroge (although this may change once I play some more Alicesoft or Eushully games). It’s well integrated into the plot, and the character talk during the scenes is great, but at the same time they haven’t ‘overemphasised’ it, as all the levels are relatively short, and they can be skipped after they’ve been cleared once, which makes the replays a lot faster and less tedious.

There’s one small point I have to disagree on with your review - although there are 44 ero-scenes in Gun Katana, not all of them are dark ero, although the game definitely invests more care/CG variations etc. in the darker scenes. Out of the ones I’ve seen, one or two are pretty much plot advancement scenes as the dialogue in them is mostly non-sex related, and there are quite a lot of light scenes as well. Having finished around 50% of it so far, it feels like all the other elements of Gun Katana really set it apart from the average eroge, not the ero.

Yeah, I’m looking forward to getting some of the titles I’m playing finished so I can play Gun-Katana (Got it as part of the FMB, which I mainly got for that, the Extravaganza fandisc and Mushitsukai)

Discovered&Read your new reviews only today, I hope to regain my Free Time soon :cry: .
It’s good to see that your Writer’s Block does not apply here, I’m right :wink: ?

lol… you jinxed me… :wink:

Despite getting it finished, I didn’t like how the MinDeaD expansion review read, so I rewrote it again… which was worst than the original draft. So that ended up delaying my review for the other promised twincest. Heh…

I did finish it however, so that’s up and active. As I promised two reviews from the weekend, expect a second one to get posted around this same time tomorrow. I wanna sleep on the score I gave it, to be sure it’s not personally biased. :stuck_out_tongue: It will be Minzoku Injou from Akatsuki Works Black incidently… the MinDeaD suppliment will be later this week.


Oh look… J-List has the official Yosuga no Sora mouse pads:

Maybe someone can convince them to negotiate for the game too? :wink:

Much thanks for getting Konayuki Fururi up, even if you didn’t really care for it. I was rather surprised when you started off saying that it had a figure skating theme to it, since the only sport that I saw shown while watching the demo movie, as well as being part of the title graphic, was curling. Not to mention the little subtitle with “???” in it.

I thought the same thing too. Not to say curling isn’t in the story, because it is. However that sport becomes less and less important as things move along, and eventually figure/competition skating takes the forefront. Especially in the case of Koyuki (who I believe is the default girl for this title) and Saeko (who got her own fan disk). It has an odd sense of direction really. :lol: I would argue that Iori uses curling the most. Asami and Tomomi also take part in it, but eventually give the entire ice rink thing some “back burner” treatment after awhile.

The game scenario was written by the same person as Snow Sakura / Yuki Zakura if I recall correctly, right? If so, then it seems a track record of being involved with games with misleading aspects or losing focus during the course of writing the scenario is being built. The description for Snow Sakura made it seem as if the story had a strong supernatural aspect to it involving the Snow Sakura. However, playing the game you find that the story really doesn’t involve the tree very much at all (in fact, the tree really is only a true factor in Saki and Misaki’s scenarios) and the closest thing to a supernatural aspect in the game is the little bonus bit involving a snow fairy. In the case of Konayuki Fururi, it seems that initially it was thought that a romance story involving curling would be interesting, but then as the story was written, interest was lost and figure skating (which I can definitely see as appearing more beautiful and romantic) was brought in to replace it.
There is one thing I’m quite curious about that you didn’t mention in your review. That being, did it seem to you as if the main girl (like Misaki in Snow Sakura) had the most boring scenario? If so, then that is yet another thing to add to traits the scenario writer has.

Counter-argument: Princess Frontier. That is to say, I don’t think the game exhibited any of the attributes of this scenario writer you describe. It is interesting, though, because Yukizakura is one of the scenario writer’s first works and both Konnyaku and Princess Frontier are far more recent, so if flaws in his style are showing through even now (yet bypassed Princess Frontier and who knows what else)…

Perhaps have you thought of reviewing some of Mangagamers titles?

Or as with the case of Princess Waltz, reviewing the English version also and then comparing the 2.

I’d be interested in seeing a Yaoi review also :slight_smile:
I’m a fan of yaoi so i can recommend some story-based titles if you are interested ( one came out recently that actually has some blood/gore you might be interested in ).

The problem is, to review a Yaoi game Nargrakhan would have to PLAY a Yaoi game.

People will only go so far to write reviews… is that too far for Narg? Even if it had a particularly feminine-looking futago in it…
For MangaGamer’s titles, I could possibly write a review for Suika… I haven’t played most of the other titles, though, and I am unable to write a review for Da Capo (that isn’t a one-line sentence along the lines of “Da Capo is crap. Do not buy this game.”)