Eroge Review

See this earlier post. Following on from that, the average length full-price eroge would probably be at least 8 hours of reading even for someone who’s 100% fluent. As the general length/amount of text in an eroge is so much larger than other comparable media, I’d argue that the story/characters/quality of text are more important than the other elements, even for an eroero game (and although it’s very much open to debate/personal opinion, on the whole I’d suggest that the quality of the writing/scenarios etc. for most eroero games isn’t as good as it is for the story-based games which dominate the top 5% of EGS rankings). At least, that’s my attempt at a possible explanation. :stuck_out_tongue: [Edit: On the other hand, the market for low-priced eroges (4000 yen or less) is dominated by eroero games, and arguably because of the much shorter length of the stories, the other elements of the eroge become more important. Then again, these titles for the most part don’t rank very well on EGS either.]

Feel free to disagree with this post (very much personal opinion). :stuck_out_tongue:

lol… I accidently hit “publish” instead of “save draft” while editing an article. I was about to retract it, but then RSS Feeds launched it out before I could… so… meh…

You get a Devils Devel Concept review then.

I reserve the right to adjust the score 2 or 3 points without warning. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ore no Megamisama is now available on dlsite for 2940 yen.

If anyone is interested, there’s a short review for Snow Sakura here. :roll:

I see you re-uploaded two of those reviews you deleted because of the EN storm :wink: , does this mean that the danger has passed :smiley: ?

On a unrelated note, a few days ago I’ve bought Gun-Katana (yes, your reviews ARE good :slight_smile: ) from Comshop (I’m using , of course), but I’ve a doubt right now.
Do I need a joystick to play the FPS part of this game?
Because I’ve also preordered Kansen 4 with the same order, I will get the game only next month, therefore cannot be sure if the usual mouse+keyboard combination is enough here.
Can you/anyone help :slight_smile: ?

A joystick isn’t necessary. The keyboard and mouse combination works fine for Gun Katana.

My last experience with FPS is the OLD Turok series for N64, I quitted joysticks for mouse+keyboard games since then (besides, I fully agree that “The N64 controller is the best game controller I ever played with”, another reason I started avoiding joysticks), thanks for reassuring me :smiley: .

lol… rather it’s because I moved to a safer state. :slight_smile:

They were also reposted to test my improved code. For example previously, I used invisible “.” between paragraphs to make an open space. However now I the template can use the actual Wordpress code for an empty space. It actually came about from working on the TM4 site, since I stopped blogging for a long while. Ran a script to make the replacement through the whole database, and was testing to see if it worked right.

Just renewed another year of hosting for the site… I really need to start updating it again…

IMHO, the keyboard + mouse is better than a joystick setup. Reason being: the way the sword works in Gun-Katana, is easier to swing like a madman with a mouse ,than it is with a control knob. :lol:

Ain’t that the truth. I remember how irritated I was getting with the guns and then suddenly I started swinging my sword around and anything within a meter of me was dead. After that I always just carried two swords and ran straight through groups, literally leaving a clear path through the middle. That combo worked especially well on bosses for some reason.

Has erogereview been dropped? :frowning: With the new MinDeaD BlooD Complete Edition out, maby you could finish your reviews of the original + expansion? :slight_smile:

If I remember correctly, a week or two ago he posted saying he needed new hosting, and he had a bunch of new reviews but nowhere to put them cause his registrar might just eat the site anyway.

In the middle of switching registars and hosts.

Site will be up and down for the next few days, then once things are stable, I will begin updating and adding new reviews. :slight_smile:

will there be any new reviews
since there haven’t been any since early this year

Decided to try and resurrect my eroge reviewing activities:

Sacred†Vampire from Silver Bullet Automatic

Will follow a pattern of updating once every two weeks. Not all posts will be an actual game review… some might be an observation related to eroge. For example a thesis on what makes good twincest or perhaps a detailed recounting on the rise and fall of Black Cyc. Stuff of that nature. I’ll also be going back, doing some grammar and spelling checks of old reviews, maybe even updating them a bit for better clarification.

As before: I’ll focus on ero other review sites overlook (no point in talking about something everyone knows about) with a strong focus on my regular fetishes: twincest, vampires, yandere, girls with eye obscuring bangs, and rabbit albinos (red eyes/white hair).

If you leave a comment, try to avoid posting URL’s. My spam filter is set a bit agressively, until I tweak it right. Next review should be for Sakura no Reply from onomatope or Bure Bure from Wheel. Somehow I’ll shoehorn Haruka na Sora in there. I’m also eyeing Yume Kui from Tsurumiku, because they’re filling that evil void in my heart that BCyc once held.

BL review when? :smiley:

Glad to see ErogeReview is back. :slight_smile:

Heh… damn it. I was experimenting with the new Wordpress, and hit the publish button for a review by accident. Was going to unpublish it, but the thing went into the RSS feed before I could recall it… so… yeah… On the bright side, I got mouse over for the images to work again, so bad humor campy comments for everyone.

Saishuu Chikan Densha 3 from Atelier Kaguya.

I wish JAST or MangaGamer would hurry and get a license with them. They’ve got a huge and awesome library to choose from.

I have two BL reviews in the pipe. I was toying with posting them last April’s Fools, and have it look like the site was under new management. But then I realized I didn’t have the time to finish them, and that no one would have probably noticed since the site was inactive for so long. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not quite finished with the unfortunately. Need to finish the second game, and I should replay the first, just to be sure I’m not forgetting anything.

Nargrakhan wanna review some of alicesoft stuff?

I need moar agony.

Yeah Narg, review Only You!

Wordpress ate my euphoria review when I hit publish.


I still remember what I wrote, but I gotta do it all over again. :cry:

From now on, writing my stuff in Word first…

This week review is a backburner thing I had for [url=]Tsuki Possession[/url]. Old as rocks, and not what I wanted, but it’s the only article I had on hand that could be fixed up in less than an hour…

Locked in schedule is euphoria, Sakura no Reply, Yume Kui, and Bara no Ki ni Bara no Hanasaku (a BL game) in that specific order.

I’d probably have Sakura no Reply finished first, but I wanna get euphoria out there because I think a lot of people have a misconception about why it’s epic and only see the violence. There’s more to it than that… but the violence helps… :stuck_out_tongue:

Waiting impatiently.