
I’m no connoisseur of Clock Up games, but Euphoria looks like the best title of their lineup, and first serious eroge they’ve tried to produce. It also looks really, really dark, the likes of which I haven’t seen since Black Cyc’s glory days (drowning, knife-play, electrocution, whipping, scat/urine/vomit, injections, ect ect). :twisted:

The OP impressed me, the heroines are cute, and the drab color scheme is a nice change of pace; I’m highly anticipating this title, what do you guys think of it?

I liked the art style and the OP design but need more reassurance that it’s not going to be a plotless torture eroge. Wait and see.

From Clockup, my favourite title is probably Eroge!, which is a nukige, but a funny (and educational!) one.

Like you see, I’m also interested in the game :twisted:

The game could turn out to be something more than a nukige, and that would be great (it remembers me of the Saw movie, and I liked it). Even if it turns out as a nukige, I’m fine with it. We could have a serious contender to Tsurumiku games as king of dark ero :twisted:

Same. Already preordered. :twisted:

Dark Ero Goddess, I really do hope so. Clock Up has proven they can do mindless dark sex, but if they can add a quality story to “justify” the events, I’ve found my new studio to worship for more. 8)

Oh man this looks awesome. I’ll wait and see

Just finished playing the trial. There is indeed a gore filter, along with the options to remove scat and ahegao. Two neat features are that you can make the window any size you want, and you can drag the textbox to anywhere on the screen. The former is especially nice, since if you fullscreen it, the graphics look condensed and jagged. The karaoke version of the opening theme is godly, and while the rest of the soundtrack isn’t particularly pleasant to listen to, it does create a heavy atmosphere of suspense.

As for the actual content… as I suspected, Miyako was just a throwaway character, although the rest of the characters are interesting; Nemu is a cunning and cruel villain, Rika is fragile and childlike, Kanae is self-sacrificing, and I’m curious about the reason behind Rinne’s mysterious migranes… You can pick which girl will be the victim in each round of the game, but what follows isn’t necessarily violent; it seems the more she struggles, the worse she’s subjected to. Everything was fairly straightforward: introductions are made, the rules of the game are explained, and there are two H-scenes per heroine. After that, it either immediately ends, or there’s a talk between the protagonist and Kanae, or Rinne. It was shorter than expected, and while I wish there had been more content, it definitely didn’t feel like a mindless nukige.

Narg agrees with Erodere: this game has the potential to make ClockUp what BCyc used to be. The setting totally sets up the dark and morbid with greatness. Now if only the plot gives a good exploration of negative human nature and/or a paint a creatively awesome reason why these events are happening. That’s always been the key factor ClockUp has been missing so far (it’s always been something half-assed or unimaginative with them).

I wish the music was better though… OTH: I’m looking very forward to see what this title offers. I’m keeping my preorder. However I’m a bit wary about ClockUp: while this could be what MinDeaD was for BCyc, they’re not known for heavy plot devices or deep character exploration. I hope… oh I hope… this is finally the one.

The lack of depth is what I’m worried about. Although ero of that nature is infrequent even in insult eroges, I’ve still seen everything in the sample CGs before, and assuming Banya Izumi is writing those segments, read it all before too in his Black Cyc eroges, so that side of the title doesn’t hold any particular interest for me. The comment from the director on gamestyle’s preview ‘"???¬Ö¬Ö"???’ is rather ambitious, and aside from the sadistic (???) elements, I’m not sure how the game will manage in other areas.

Apparently Euphoria is getting an OVA. :o

Story could be interesting and I love the art. I’ll be watching this one.

Euphoria is now Golden Master! I can’t wait, just a few more weeks… :twisted:

I’ve always had the suspicion that Nemu swings both ways (NSFW). If there’s guro AND yuri content, this may just be the best dark eroge of 2011.

Ladies and Gentlemen, CLOCKUP has delivered: euphoria is fucking great. It’s all about violent sex, betraying trust, breaking people’s spirit, and the psychological deterioration of others in desperation. The Dark Ero Goddess will be so proud.

Easily the best game from CLOCKUP in my most humble opinion… and I’m only 55% complete so far. Fucking rawks. :twisted:

Naturally: keep away if you’re frightened by torture or having zero mercy on the innocent. :wink:

Surprisingly tame actually. There’s some scat and no “authentic” guro. Killing here and cutting there, but generally conservative. Only ran into one gurotastic image so far. Haven’t ran into any yuri yet. Most extreme torture I’ve ran into so far is fisting, electroshock, and surgery without sedation (that one gurotastic image I mentioned previously).

A bit of femdom as well, though it’s obviously very rare.

That’s great to hear. My copy still hasn’t arrived yet, but now you’ve got me really excited. :smiley: Any specific order I should play the heroines�� routes in?

So how’s the story?

in other words- looking good!

The game looks really good. The art is nice, the musics are good, the girls are well’-assorted, the plot is solid and the ero looks really good so far. Narg made a good description of the game, but I would like to add the fact that the characters will make a deep impact on you - Nemu is a cunning bitch, and Rika is just one of the most hateable (in a good way) character ever created. It seems like every character has its own route (or at least, I think I’m in Rinne’s route right now), but I think the game can branch out in more different and creative ways (not sure yet, though).

So, definitely a good game for lovers of dark-themed eroge, and a game that could make a good candidate for localisation. I think the english-speaking community should really ask for this game, and the fact that Starless just got announced means there’s a solid hope that we could get this title :smiley:

Okay, better start saving for the import.

Made me laugh. Silly non-Japanese gamers only do half of it. :wink:

If I didn’t like Saw , is there a chance I’ll like Euphoria?

Sure, why not? I didn’t like it either but that was mostly because it wasn’t a very good movie.