Family Project Translation Issues

All right, so now that there’s a proper patch for Family Project to fix the CG and “OVER 9000!” issues, I’ve actually started to play the game.

So far, I’ve literally been blown away by the quality of the story and emotion and thought put into it.

Each character is almost human to an effect, except for the one male side character.

I haven’t finished it, but I’m hoping a path with Hisami Kei will be there.

However… there is one problem.

There was a nice little scene between me and Matsuri. At the end, she cheerfully said “Haiii” in an adorable manner that made me smile.

Then I stopped. I read the translation. I shook my head and read it again. What evil was this? Had they not vanquished the over 9000 demon? Why then, this THIS remain? for those that can’t view it.

Not acceptable! Not only is it obviously not what was said, but it’s so against her personality! WHY?!

Didn’t you hear? Woot is a word now.

Problem being it doesn’t fit the situation, the character, or general Japanese background.

So is the game good?

nah, it sucks

Family Project isn’t a game that wows you, but it definitely has a certain charm. I stopped halfway through the prologue long ago, then picked it up again recently and played through Matsuri’s route. It picks up once you get through the prologue, I think. I suppose it’s what you’d call “slice of life done right”. It’s not amazing in any particular regard, but it wins you over with its genuineness, humor, and engaging storytelling.

Overall, it’s a good story title, but not the best we’ve seen in English. I’d rank games like Kana and Hourglass of Summer over it.

So far I’m enjoying it greatly. It’s certainly different then the other Jast games.

It’s a classic, there’s no doubt about that, but of course, that gives rise to problems considering the game’s age now. The influence Kazoku Keikaku has had on eroge is just insane-- the majority of 2002-2003 work would have been directly influenced by it and a lot of themes in Kazoku Keikaku are commonplace now entirely because Kazoku Keikaku introduced them. I would say it’s done more to shape eroge than To Heart did back in 1997. Of course, the problem is that when you look at it now, it’s easy to forget that a lot of the things Kazoku Keikaku did that were revolutionary are just commonplace now. Kizuato’s rather in the same position, having had unparalleled influence on darker eroge (Tsukihime would be a good example of something heavily influenced by Kizuato).

It’s also in the unfortunate state of being overshadowed by works even by the same writer. When you say ‘Romeo Tanaka’ people think Cross Channel and Saihate no Ima, and that’s not just because of the pseudonym use on Tanaka’s D.O games.

So, when I look at it now, do I judge it as it would have been judged when it first came out, or do I have to consider it next to other modern titles without showing favouritism? Ultimately I have to do the latter to be able to effectively compare it with other titles, in which case Kazoku Keikaku doesn’t look quite so good. It’s still very good, mind; I’d argue that it’s probably better than any commercially localised titles at the moment, but when you’ve got to compare it to things like Cross Channel and Sharin no Kuni…

GC probably should have translated this five years ago.

So it’s a classy game. huh? Well, if I can enjoy Nocturnal Illusion, then I’m sure I can enjoy this.

It’ll depend on your tolerance fluff and repetition.

I guess it was one of first titles to bring Yasujiro Ozu-inspired storytelling (along with Romeo Tanaka’s witty wordplay, much of which was probably lost in translation) to eroge, but the execution leaves something to be desired. Fortunately, the game still has good points, such as the end routes for Aoba and Jun.

I have to disagree. Aoba’s ending was definitely a gem, but Jun’s ending was one of the worst endings I’ve ever had the misfortune of completing.

I still ahven’t picked this game up. I like the concept of misfits forming a family and I’ve heard it’s good, but the term “slice of life” always worries me (Snow Sakura bored me to death and I only ever played one route) and I heard more praises of its greatness before its release than after it. (Although I may not have been paying attention.)

Of course, I delayed a lot before getting YMK and did generally love it when I finally got around to it… but I dunno. I’ll probably get it SOMEDAY but not any time soon

Glad to know I wasn’t the only one. This game gets so much praise, I even gave it a second try. Nope, still a borefest.

Family Project to me was much in the same vein. Some good points, one great ending (Aoba), but it’s too damn long. Actually, let me rephrase that. It’s not that long, it’s just… mundane. I like long VNs as much as the next guy, but when there is nothing of substance going on for long periods of game time, it does tend to become overbearing. And as the game branches out fairly late into the story, the amount of scene skipping involved is huge.

Just finished Aoba route.

My only real problem was the lack of H-content. Really, after all that work, just one sequence?

But the story… my god, the story… flawless.

Oh, hey…


At least it’s not as bad as this one from Amorous Professor Cherry.

Or the ENTIRE INSTALLER for Yin-Yang, which misspells “alternative”.

Really Jast… hire me. I can do cheap grunt work of copy-editing. I’ll work for minimum wage, even.

My guess is that the translator was tired when he typed that. I’ve been known to type out entire sections of a sentence twice when I am tired. Of course, how the mistake was not caught later on is the real question.

I just realized I accidentally had imageshack resizing my images. No wonder they look bad. Are they legible or should I reupload?

I was able to read them OK, but I have a huge montor and pretty good eyesight. They are kinda small, but unless other people say they can’t read em, you’re probably OK.

It’s not the kind of mistake a spell checker will catch. Of course, even though grammar checkers kinda suck, they definitely do catch things like accidentally repeating a word. So I guess this means Peter should run the game script thru a grammar checker before final approval.

Interestingly enough, I had to look at that first screenshot a few times before I even noticed it. The brain is very good at automatically correcting for certain kinds of mistakes.

So where can I get the patch?