Favorite Bishoujo Game (Revisited)

Hey! I resemble that remark.

I said that about the dog food because Wolfson called you perigree instead of perigee. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

The best bishoujo game that I’ve ever played in terms of storyline and fun would be Utawareru Mono. It has tactical battles that are easy to understand but not too easy to win. Then the other half of the game is AVG. It goes back and forth so you don’t get bored. All of that, and the game has the best looking female AND male characters that I’ve seen in a bishoujo game. Very good artwork. I actually have two copies of it! ^^; I bought a second one from Himeya to give to my friend for her birthday but my other friend got there the same thing so I can’t give it to her and I don’t know what do do with it.

My favorite humor/sex-based game is Inukko Puni Puni. It had the stupidest comments on purpose, too. It doesn’t have any deep storyline, that’s for sure. If you’re looking for something funny in kind of a, er, different way and a game with lots of sex scenes then you’d like this.

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Sorry, my Japanese IME doesn't appear to be working well [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img]

Duh... I just hadn't enabled IE's Japanese Encoding [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img] [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Warning. Kango Schicyauzo 2 is EVEN MORE fluff than KS1. It really IS just a nookie game. The game pops up "character selection" boxes and all you have to do is make sure you always pick the same character. (The game does ask you questions occasionally but the answers are really obvious.)

Then I definitely won't buy it... I wasn't too thrilled with the original anyway--I've never even finished it. I didn't like the artwork, the story bored me, and... well... suffice to say I don't highly recommend it [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
This is exactly the reason I am cautiously optimistic. We've seen pretty much exactly this behavior before. The anime market used to be teeny. By the time I had gotten into it, it was fairly self-sustaining and there had been some big-name releases; but DVD hadn't hit yet and there were still plenty of good shows being passed over - the avalanche hadn't hit yet.

However - realistically - you really can not aritrarily generalize in this way. Just saying "oh well something isn't popular right now so that must mean it will be popular later on!" doesn't quite hold water. It is possible that bishoujo gaming will peak out and we won't see the market get much bigger than it is now. It's also possible that the Religious "Right" could take aim at us and crush us because we're easy pickings. (Then we'd have to sacrifice a few goats...)

Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying that just because anime went that route, then bishoujo games will go the same route. I share your cautious optimism in that it is a potentially similar trend in a potentially similar type of market. One could argue that the hentai content of bishoujo games makes them vulnerable to moral attack, but on the other hand, if you consider the content of a great deal of anime--some of which made it over here before the avalanche--I think there is room for more hope. Besides, the fact that bishoujo games are such a small target may actually work in their favor in terms of being attacked by the Religious Right.

Originally posted by Benoit:
I said that about the dog food because Wolfson called you perigree instead of perigee. [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Oops... [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/redface.gif[/img] I thought I had checked the spelling better than that... sumimasen.

W00T! Thanks to the voices of Brave Soul, I can figure out that word! It means “sorry”, doesn’t it?

Essentially. It’s one of several variations on “Pardon me,” or “I beg your pardon.” I haven’t mastered the language well enough to know the subtleties of when to use which one, though. ¬ç√è¬Ç√ù¬Ç√ú¬Ç¬π¬Ç√± or sumimasen is fairly colloquial, I think. Someday, I’ll know more than a few words and phrases But listening to the voices in bishoujo games and on anime videos is good for practicing picking out words and sentence structures.

Yeah bishoujo gaming is stil in it’s infant stages here in the US. But with luck it will get more popular and we will have more games released instead of the measly 1 game a month pace we have been going at

On the other hand, if the market went much faster than that, I probably couldn’t afford to keep up with it

What’s wrong with 1 game a month?
I already can’t keep up. But then again, I still go to school, play/buy other games, and surf the Internet… And I don’t have a job. Money is sparse.

Originally posted by Benoit:
What's wrong with 1 game a month?
I [b]already
can't keep up. But then again, I still go to school, play/buy other games, and surf the Internet... And I don't have a job. Money is sparse.[/b]

Heh... Having a job, not going to school or playing other games, and only spending a limited amount of time on the internet doesn't actually help the money situation much [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] On the other hand, if the publishers can put out more games, that means that there will be more to choose from, meaning that we won't have to take that bishoujo title that might be good, just because it's the only thing available at the moment--we will be able to afford to pick and choose what we want, and topic threads like this one will become all the more important, since there will be more English titles coming up [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Benoit:
What's wrong with 1 game a month?
I [b]already
can't keep up. But then again, I still go to school, play/buy other games, and surf the Internet... And I don't have a job. Money is sparse.[/b]

Nothing is wrong with 1 game a month. That is perfectly acceptable, considering it is a far greater release rate than we've seen before in this industry.

It is only that the kinds of games I really like are the plot-heavy ones and those are more correctly about one every 4-6 months. Furthermore none of the games coming over are named Kanon, or Air, or Pia Carrot, or To Heart. Neither of these looks set to change anytime soon.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Nothing is wrong with 1 game a month. That is perfectly acceptable, considering it is a far greater release rate than we've seen before in this industry.

It is only that the kinds of games I really like are the plot-heavy ones and those are more correctly about one every 4-6 months. Furthermore none of the games coming over are named Kanon, or Air, or Pia Carrot, or To Heart. Neither of these looks set to change anytime soon.

Exactly my point, more or less--it means the industry is potentially picking up, and it means that there will eventually be a greater likelyhood of games more to a given person's taste being available sooner than, say, two or three times a year.

I say the more and faster the better as long as they their QC high

That’s a truism. I was very pleased with Brave Soul, all things considered, but, as an example, when Himeya Soft released Adam: the Double Factor, just before shutting down their American opperation, they apparently did a rush job on it. The English translation is crappy… it’s full of typos, misspellings, and all sorts of grammatical errors, and it only served to lessen my enjoyment of the game. I was never sure of cause and effect–did Himeya Soft do a lousy job because they were shutting down, or did they shut down because they were doing a lousy job? Anyway, if companies, like Peach Princess, keep doing good work on projects like Brave Soul, it can only do good things for the bishoujo market.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
I say the more and faster the better as long as they their QC high [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/smile.gif[/img]

What's QC?

Originally posted by Benoit:
What's QC?

Quality Control, I think...

Yes, definitely quality control… an important aspect of any type of marketing–and (you’d think) especially a struggling market like bishoujo games where you want to make sure that your customers keep coming back.

Unfortunately, the amount of editing that goes into the translation of bishoujo games pretty much garuntees that small errors will always creep in (like when the sentence gets too long for the text box, or the word breaks up in some odd place), but the idea is to check for gross problems like spelling and translation errors (one of my favorites is in Chain, when the characters are describing the suspect as wearing a business suite!).

Brave Soul had typos and grammatical errors on many places… But it was still understandable.

Personally, I shudder at such things, though. I’m a perfectionist, and such errors in games doesn’t look very professional.