Favorite Bishoujo Game (Revisited)

Originally posted by Benoit:
Brave Soul had typos and grammatical errors on many places... But it was still understandable.

Hmmm... I didn't catch too many other than an inconsistancy in name spellings (for example, the temple was called "Rambalt Temple" the first time it was mentioned, and then "Lambult Temple" most of the rest of the time).

Originally posted by Benoit:
Personally, I shudder at such things, though. I'm a perfectionist, and such errors in games doesn't look very professional.

Unfortunately, the task of editing a project on that scale and staying on schedule for release pretty much garuntees that errors are going to slip through, no matter how thorough the editors try to be. I know from experience that trying to edit my own writing for game notes can be a bitch--I'll carefully edit the text for errors that spell checking won't catch, print out several pages of document, and then on a read through of the document find several errors that I still managed to miss. And that's on a project that is ten pages or less, with no deadline.

Still… I always see them when they pop up, and I play the game normally. I saw it already from my first play through…

Well, personally, I thought that Brave Soul had relatively few editing problems compared to a number of other games that I have played through.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Quality Control, I think...

Yeah Quality Control, I was being lazy and typing quick. I don't even think my sentence made any sense [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] So to rephrase, The faster the better as long as the quality control is high. So we don't get another adam the double factor translation [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Yes, definitely quality control... an important aspect of any type of marketing--and (you'd think) especially a struggling market like bishoujo games where you want to make sure that your customers keep coming back.

That's what the subliminal messages aren't for.

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Yeah Quality Control, I was being lazy and typing quick. I don't even think my sentence made any sense [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img] So to rephrase, The faster the better as long as the quality control is high. So we don't get another adam the double factor translation [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/wink.gif[/img]

Ah, yes, Adam: the Double Factor... so full of typos and translation errors that I wondered at times if I was reading English. I was very disappointed after having played Eve: Burst Error. Benoit, if you think that Brave Soul was riddled with QC problems, pick up a game like Adam, and you will be impressed at how well the English editing was done for Brave Soul.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
That's what the subliminal messages aren't for.

Hmmm... subliminal messages... I knew that something kept me buying these things; maybe that's it [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

Since we’re going to talk about bad misspellings in bishoujo games, in my opinion, the best one has to be in Divi-Dead, when Miki says, "The heroin has come to save the day!"

To date, I still love that line.

Heh… I’ve only run through Divi-dead once, so that one didn’t stick in my mind, but it’s pretty funny

Originally posted by Wolfson:
Hmmm... subliminal messages... I knew that something kept me buying these things; maybe that's it [img]http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubb/tongue.gif[/img]

No, of course not, because there are no subliminal messages. At all.

*cough* *cough*

Some girl paths have many of them, though. Even lines that break of… multiple times. It makes me wonder if the editor even pursued those girls.

Hmmm… I’m not sure how many games you’ve played, but I’ve seen so many worse that it didn’t seem like there were that many. There’s a Lamuness thread somewhere where he talks about the difficulties involved in porting English text into those text boxes–which were originally set up for Japanese text–and making sure that the text breaks occur properly. Essentially, every line has to be checked word by word, and given the sheer volume of text in the game, some of them are bound to get missed.

Yeah, I’ve read that too. But misspellings have nothing to do with that.

Ruby’s route especially is littered with errors…

And when a monster talks, he is always named Monster Cat. o_O

I personally haven’t seen worse. Even Lufia: The Legend Returns wasn’t.
“THIS is what I call frue destruction!” :stuck_out_tongue:

cough cough Zero Wing cough cough

Sorry, must’ve had something in my throat…

I so have to buy that game sometime. They have it at my local mangashop. :slight_smile:

Someone set us up the bomb!

All your base are belong to us!

Originally posted by Benoit:
Someone set us up the bomb!

No, no. You're misquoting the incorrect English. It's "someone set up us the bomb", and -- er -- hey, that looks shar -- OW

Okay, okay, I won't - hey, cut it out


OMG a typo of a typo!

Hmmm… hadn’t heard of that game. Sounds absolutely… well… I don’t know. I also hadn’t noticed any monsters talking in Brave Soul and being labeled as Monster Cat… at least when the Goblins talk (such as they talk, “Gob, gob!”), it seems like it says “Goblin.” But then, I don’t remember any monsters talking, for that matter…

Try taking on the boss in the “Recover Art” mission, or do one of Ruby’s first events where you fight a demon.

Next time I run through it, I’ll try to pay more attention. Of course, maybe I’ve been inured to relatively minor infractions by some of the more horrendous cases. I only seem to notice the really bad things any more…