It’d be nice to know what artists doing VNs you like and dislike, preferrably with links to their art.
As for me, as weird as that might sound, I haven’t yet played a single game drawn my favorite artist at the moment, Peko. His work on Konayuki Fururi caught my eye, but the game is not available in English, as well as any of his other works (I couldn’t even find if there are any, actually). I’ve only found this gallery. [size=85]He seems to be drawing a lot of Yuri, which gives him some extra points from me![/size] :mrgreen:
As for disliked artists, the only one that comes to mind is Sendorikun, whose work you all know very well from all those ZyX sexromp titles (which are also not my cup of tea). The way he draws girls puts me off for some reason, something about their faces that I find unattractive…
I’m sure you all know many many great artists I’ve never even heard of, so please share.