Fellow d20 Gamers Here?

On this I can agree, although HETEROGENEITY remains the key to success, in my opinion :stuck_out_tongue: .


I had little respect for Palladium Books because they made crappy games to begin with, but now this takes the cake. On their main site, they ask for PAYPAL donations to stay afloat.

For the love of God…

Maybe if they made GOOD GAMES people would buy them. Now they want me to give my money away so they can continue to produce shit after shit?

Feh… yea… maybe when GOOD COMPANIES like Privateer Press, Green Ronin, or Dream Pod 9 go out of business and Palladium is the only one left… Then again, I still wouldn’t. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, really impressive :smiley: !

Yes I admit it, I am a gamer geek. I’ve even played very old obscure anime systems lol

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Okay, I bought my first D&D books in the old boxed set of three little booklets back in 1976. We started a campaign that’s been going on ever since. It’s now being DMed in three continents by over half a dozen different DMs.

A few of the original characters are still alive. Most have retired and passed the job of saving the world to their kids. I won’t go into levels… never a good thing to argue about.
I’ve lost track of the number of players total, let alone PCs. Our current group consists of two of the original players and several who have since joined. I can’t imagine it actually ever coming to an end.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Hmm, I seem to recall the Fremen doing better even before they brought in the worms.

One cannot go against the word of God.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 10:00 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]

My Dread Necromancer died at level 12. Well actually, the entire party died… an entire continent was cleansed of life as a result of our failure.

Oh well… :wink:

Let’s hope that your hurry in replacing that necromancer isn’t the real cause of your failure, ne :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: ?
However, the best starting class for playing a Thrallherd is the Wilder, not the (Telepath) Psion, in my opinion. Yeah, you lose direct access to a few great telepathic powers (you will need a Feat even for gaining the vital Mindlink power, for example), but the Wilder/Thrallherd combination remains very intriguing/interesting, especially if you also dare :stuck_out_tongue: to pick a few Aberrant feats from here :eek: …

Holy shit this is a fun campaign setting!!!


It’s a dark fairy tale setting, where you play as human children. Archetypes include things like: the Bully, the Jock, the Nerd, and the Outcast (aka Goth). Levels max out at 6, because you’re only kids after all.

Your enemies are twisted versions of classic fairy tale stock… although technically they were twisted to begin with until Disney raped em… :wink:

For example: Little Red Riding Hood has grown-up into an evil and insane (yet hawt teenage temptress) vampire. Of course the 10 year old boys in the party don’t know this, and when she wants to make out… well… let’s just say that she DOES bite. :wink:

[ 06-21-2007, 05:12 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

For what it’s worth, I’ve been GMing D&D3.5 since 2003. I wouldn’t say I like it that much, but I think it’s a major improvement over AD&D 1st Ed.

You cleansed it? Well we just caused an explosion making the largest volcano into the largest valley in existence releasing a Balor which can’t be destoryed into existence. All because my CN Warmage decided to shatter a door and the Psion shot a flaming arrow into a vampire’s lair filled to the brim with methane.

Thought he would be safe. No one would dare light a match…

Anyway no I can make a Frenzied Berzerker aka Gats. Although I might go with Hellfire Warlock.

You cleansed it? Well we just caused an explosion making the largest volcano into the largest valley in existence releasing a Balor which can’t be destoryed into existence. All because my CN Warmage decided to shatter a door and the Psion shot a flaming arrow into a vampire’s lair filled to the brim with methane.

Thought he would be safe. No one would dare light a match…

Anyway no I can make a Frenzied Berzerker aka Gats. Although I might go with Hellfire Warlock.

Unfortunately this may be my last week with the group I’m in. And i don’t live near any other group. I’d run a PBEM one, but no one ever seems interested in them.

Hmm. I’m in a couple of play by message board games and DM another. Here’s the board I use to play them. If you want to DM a game there after taking a look, just let me know and I will create a forum for you.


Waaaaaay badass samurai mini from the Anima Tactics line. :slight_smile:


Today has started out as a good and bad day for me.

The Good? The d20 Modern campaign (Dark Matter) I was in, concluded with a PC victory this morning. :slight_smile:

The Bad? The d20 Modern campaign (Dark Matter) I was in, concluded with a PC victory this morning. :frowning:

On the bright side, my new character has no “below average” starting stats – so my design choices are more open. Once the GM had us roll our new attributes and he jotted them down, we were all left to spend the weekend to distribute the scores and create new ones. Not sure what I want this time around… but I’m going for a ZERO GUN policy on the new guy. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion that our GM will have our new characters encounter the old at least once in the next adventure campaign: and I’d rather not get on my old guy’s bad side if it happens. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Baldo:
[b]Me, I’m a firm believer in the superiority of the psionic classes (my favorite base class is Psychic Warrior), unrivaled even in the Dark Side business… Do you know that a prestige class from the base manual itself -the Thrallherd- has been developed with THIS on mind :slight_smile:

Completed a campaign with an Elan who finished with a Psion 10/Thrallherd 10 (telepath with kineticist via Knowledge Mindlink feat). My ultimate thralls were two CR 17 Fiends of Corruption. Many lulz were had as the three of us subverted an entire kingdom into eternal damnation, without the rest of the party knowing. :stuck_out_tongue: