Female view of h-games

I know there are females on the board that play these games, and I can understand why they play and enjoy games like Ever 17, but what about the hentai games?

It seems that in order to like eroge, they clearly have to 1) like anime, and 2) like porn. I would imagine an interest in yuri or BDSM would help, but doesn’t seem necessary to me.

So, to the females on the board, What do you like about h-games? Of course all genders are welcome to share their thoughts, it just intrigues me that a genre that is so hostile to women can have women that enjoy it.

From what I know, ladyphoenix (haven’t seen her lately), is one, and she did play, and gave rather a good review, of Hitomi ~ My Stepsister.

Also, from what I know, Heart De Roommate was described as a game ‘one could play with his girlfriend’.

And, the main author of Hentaineko, unless she’s playing an evil, machoistic-masochist trick on us, is a female psychologist.

There’s no way I can give a definitive or even close to approximately good idea of the average female perception of hentai games, but I name the ones that I do know who play b-games AND are female.

As for b-games thata re directed towards females… no idea actually (I really wish there was one where the female is the dominating force, and dominates the men… or maybe a reverse harem, ala Ouran. Or something like that)

Well, yes, I sort of fit all of the mentioned categories.

I like anime.

I like porn to an extent - real-people porn often gets a bit on the icky side, I generally collect stills. This actually started when I was trying to teach myself to draw. Artistic poses of naked people are helpful for practicing lines!

I like yuri and whine constantly about the lack of yuri-focused games. I don’t really care for yaoi.

I like BDSM to an extent. There’s a huge list of things I’m not into, but at the same time it’s a lot easier to deal with nasty things in hentai than in real porn. Even when a girl is being squeezed into a bloody explosion with organs flying everywhere by an evil demon - this doesn’t viscerally disgust me in artwork. It just registers to my brain as ‘a drawing’. (Yes, horror films have been known to make me gag. I know in my HEAD it’s all fake but my body reacts anyway. With anime it doesn’t.)

What don’t I like? The writing in the sex scenes in most h-games. It’s DREADFUL. I have read good smut. That is not good smut. :slight_smile: But then, good smut is generally written by women, in my experience…

And, of course, I liked Ever 17 a lot better than the sex stable. :slight_smile:

is somewhat astonished


Papillon, you have my utmost respect. For somehone who is not only a female eroge gamer, but is also interested on working on such games is an extreme rarity.

(Just wondering, noting your preferences… are you… erm… are you hom or het ? SOrry I asked)

But I have to agree… womena re better at writing sex scenes

Isn’t it the same between Females and Males?
It’s just a question about preference likely ^^

Neither. I fall into ‘other’. :slight_smile:

I 'm a gay guy who plays bishojo games , which is probably also a little weird . I like anime , and I can enjoy a good story . Plus even in the straight bishojo games you sometimes get a look at the guy . I would imagine women playing bishojo games would probably play for the same reasons I do .
When given a chance , I prefer yaoi , and I 'm glad to see more yaoi games come out. I 'd also like to see more games geared toward women , with bishonen harems , etc.
The bishojo games I have played are mostly gender benders like X-Change . I guess the sex change adds a queer dimension to the game that I can identify with . A well told story with beautiful art and complex characters should transcend all boundries .
I am sometimes disturbed by the rapes in both bishojo and yaoi games, but I admit to be more disturbed by het rape scenes that homo rape .
Am I the only gay guy on this board ? It would be interesting to compare notes with somebody else of my tribe.

There is straight, gay, bi, and celibate. The question is, what sex do you sleep with and what category do you fall into (if applicable)?

(I know that I can get very pointed with my questions and statements and that often makes others uncomfortable.)

As for myself, I thought about going bi a few years ago, but men just aren’t my thing. I’m not homophobic and I even have a couple of gay friends, but men just aren’t my preference.

And thank you for the reply papillon. I have been very interested as to what women think about b- and h- games for some time now. (I think you are an interesting person, BTW. You’re so kind-- I’m not used to it.)

This makes it sound like being bi/homo is a choice, which I’ve been thinking about lately…

It’s both a choice and not a choice, in my opinion - there’s a certain amount of taste that people are born with, but plenty of people are born NOT strictly one or the other and can choose what impulses to act on, and this is obviously influenced somewhat by your surroundings… if you’re hanging around in a group that’s very gay-friendly, you’re more likely to contemplate it or experiment with it, even if it turns out to be not for you. Still, that’s getting off-topic. :slight_smile:

While I do appreciate you putting celibate as an option, plenty of people would be offended if they were told they weren’t straight because they were virgins. :slight_smile: Personally, I hate labels. I don’t want to go around calling myself a -sexual because that makes it sound like it’s a really important part of my life, and it isn’t. It’s not my identity, and I am not comfortable hanging around in clubs whose primary focus is sexual identity. I mean, I guess it makes sense if you’re looking for dates to join clubs that are full of OTHER gay/bi/religious/furry/kinky/poly/whatever people so you can get someone who matches your preferences… but I’m not looking for dates, so. :slight_smile:

I tend to be involved with men. I tend to enjoy looking at women. I’m really not interested in looking at a naked male unless I have a personal relationship with him. :slight_smile: (And that’s probably part of what puts me off yaoi) Women tend to be much rarer in my social circles than men are - how many other porn-friendly RPG-crazy programmer girls do you know? The right girl for me hasn’t come along.

I don’t agree with women writing better sex scenes at all. Just because they may have a better experience doesn’t mean they can write it better. Writing it better falls directly into writing talent (and maybe experience). Unless you’re sexist then yeah then I guess you would believe that.

grin I’m mostly teasing based on my personal experience. When I’ve read smut I liked, it was usually either female-authored OR aimed at a female audience. Which probably means we tend to like different things in sex scenes. Or at least that I like different things in sex scenes than whatever men think men like in them. Or something.

I know when a gay male friend of mine read a passage from a story that I thought was great, he thought it was ridiculously laughable. (it WAS a male/male scene being written by a female (not me) and probably bore little resemblance to actual gay sex) And then the stories he pointed me at as being things HE read were, much like h-game scenes, pretty bad in my opinion.

[ 11-21-2006, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: papillon ]

Once again, to each his/her own, I suppose.

I wouldn’t be offended if I said ‘celibate’ myself, but I dislike the label. Maybe I’ll just use the term ‘reserved’. I’d never know who’d I end up with.

Phineas, I knew that there were female h-gamers out there, I was just more interested in the reasoning.

Papillion said a lot of stuff that I agree with, such as how stuff in anime is more palatable than in real porn. BDSM isn’t a problem for me in anime, and I find it revolting in RL.

I hate labels as well, but “reserved” sounds kinda classy. :slight_smile:

That sounds really harsh. Sorry about that, no insult intended.

Your statement doesn’t sound harsh to me. Putting a “however” in there and getting rid of “just” might help convey your message more clearly though.
Like so:

Hey Lamuness, how 'bout adding underline and strike-through coding to the boards?

[ 11-22-2006, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Slaydin ]

Virginity & Celibacy mostly I believe bottoms down to the fact that noone is even remotely interested in you so that you aren’t allowed to have any t_t

Which in turn makes you think about what your doing wrong, or what is wrong with those. Can also make you think about decisions you’ve thought about before and decide to do that instead.

coughs and points to bloglink in signature

Turns head to the left and says this with eyes glimming dark green

Un… Hontoni desu.
Do not you think it’s so too?

Closes eyes and says this with a smile
We can’t really know how far we’ve gone…unless we stop and look back…