Final Fantasy XIII

Well… ahem… this title has some unique character designs, eh? Since Lightning is pretty easy to find (and she’s been proven to just be a female Cloud), here are the other three I’ve seen. So basically what we got so far:

#1: Red haired “Flower Power” trailer trash. :expressionless:

#2: Comedic token black guy (that Chocobo lives in his hair… no I’m not kidding). :roll:

#3: Thrift store surfer bum. :frowning:

Sheesh… makes me wanna cancel my preorder. Japan has setback any positive gains they made in race relations. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

hmmm…can i ask you waht is so bad about the red haired girl after all she doesnt seem redneck like yopu portrayed ?

Actually I look foward to versus XIII the most . I was hooked when I saw the quote- “nothing is inherently good or bad only the mind makes it so” - Shakespeare

now theyre saynig that versus may be the darkest FF yet . Moral relativism for the badass win.

I’m not sure what to expect but based on some recent sequels I bought, I will totally be waiting (with lowered expectations) a bit after it comes out to see what it’s like. (I am hoping for the best :p)

Faux-cowgirl boots. Daisy Dukes. Indian Beads. Porno trailer park shirt. She’s dressed just as terrible as the others. Just cause she’s a cute girl, doesn’t make her immune to ugly fashion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh… anyone can quote Shakespeare. It takes real effort to match up to him.

I’m cancelling my preorder and waiting to see what the final game looks like. Not all FF are gold, and there are more I’m disappointed with than I agree. The “philosophical conjectures” that each Final Fantasy tries to project, aren’t all that appealing to me.

As far as FF13 is concerned, the earliest media material showed it being dystopian cyberpunk: much like FF7 was. Now I’m seeing these I-don’t-know-what-the-Hell character designs, that I could produce by randomly pulling clothes off the rack in a flea market. Good Lord they’re ugly… It’s like Tetsuya Nomura took every cool character design idea he ever had, and did the complete total opposite of it: I can’t wait to hear what direction or inspiration he was told to follow. In any case, this isn’t coming across as cyberpunk to me. And if that’s the case, I’m going to pass. I can get thought provoking plots (and often times far more original) elsewhere.

It’s not that I hate Final Fantasy: its just that out side of FF4, FF6, and FF7 (including their various add-ons if they have them) I don’t like 'em.

I have to say that I like the character design of this game. Obviously, Final Fantasy VII was far ahead, but well…there are really few games that can match Final Fantasy VII.

Like the characters from Final Fantasy XII (well, except for Penelo of course), these ones look “average”, “normal”. You couldn’t find Cloud walking the streets, while on the other hand you could go out and actually meet a girl that looks like the red-haired girl from FFXIII (well, I guess you’ll have to be a bit lucky to meet a hottie like that :mrgreen: , but you get the point). So, since this chapter’s setting seems to be more sci-fi than fantasy, I don’t dislike the choice of putting normal people on the stage.

Besides, FFXII went really close to being a masterpiece in my opinion, after the not-that-great eight, ninth and tenth chapters of the saga. So, I’m surely looking forward to this game. Too bad it’s coming out for xbox too. I feel delays incoming :x

There’s a Demo movie that shows a bit of the gameplay and Story: … 12909.html

and actually she’s more like Squall from FFVIII, You can see the Gunblade in the Demo movie…

Loved VII, Thought VIII was all right even though they copped out on the ending (Quistis Ruled talk about “Hot for Teacher” lol), IX couldn’t get into the Story, X ditto, X-2 was a boatload of fun (Tara Strong as Rikku FTW!) and I’ve been playing XI for almost 5 years now. XII I have but haven’t started yet.
Never played I-VI

Heh… I don’t know what city you live in, but in the ones I’ve been too, anyone dressing like Oerba (the girl) or Sazh (the black guy), would draw a few “WTF” expressions. :stuck_out_tongue:
Oerba would still get passes from guys of course (cute is cute), but Sazh might get shot and mugged in some parts of the city. :wink:

Yea. I got a chance to see that. However mecha and cities do not automatically make cyberpunk. points at FF8

Also the Spirits Within movie and FF10 have taught me, that Final Fantasies can easily look prettier in cut up pieces, than they do in full servings. :expressionless:

Cancelled my preorder this morning. Going to wait until release date, or I see further than this title is closer to FF7 (which I greatly enjoyed for the setting material).

No. She’s a female Cloud. Topic has been beaten senseless on 2chan and 4chan.

Some time after that pic made it’s rounds on the Interwebs, the developers went on the record for it.

So there ya go. Lightning is a female Cloud: both in appearance and design concept. They even recycled the same wireframes for their heads.

What movie? I swear, each of those words makes sense individually, but put them together, and I have no clue what you’re talking about. The only FF movie I know of is “Advent Children”. I’m pretty sure I’d’ve heard if there were another FF movie. Unless, of course, it were to be some sort of hideous, vile, thing, so bad that, like the Necronomicon, it is best left forgotten and woe befall any who dare seek it out.

But then, if such a thing existed, I would have spent the years since its release attempting valiantly to forget that it had ever happened. So I know one of the other board regulars would never interfere with this process. Now let us never speak of this again :smiley:

Well, clothing changes in accordance to setting. But I don’t think you could easily find a man with the same spiky golden hair that Cloud easily shows in any circumastances. Or a “vampire” like Vincent Valentine. Or a walking hat-and-coat like Vivi. Or Kimarhi Ronso. That’s what I meant when I said they were “normal” people.

LOL! I know what you’re saying. Afterall there is no Tsukihime anime. :wink:

Ah… gottcha. :slight_smile:

Well that’s true. However some of the FF7 cast had “realistic” outfits. Aeris for one - if she took off that mini-jacket thing. Rufus was alright too (basically most all of Shinra really… business suits and all that). FF7AC changed everything to The Matrix fashion. Honestly I don’t mind realistic or unrealistic outfits… just that they look appealing. These characters look like they came from Shibuya Tokyo… which I’m honestly thinking is the truth here. And trust me: that’s not a compliment. :?

There’s a reason why the loligoths go to Harajuku. :stuck_out_tongue:

Even if you found the story and such horrible in Spirits Within, you must admit that given when it was made, it was a fantastic technical achievement. I remember reading about the huge amount of computers that were in the render farm they built and other technical aspects regarding the production of the movie in an issue of Computer Gaming World back in the day.

And even though the movie bombed (I liked it though), They used the Animation techniques etc. For VIII and on plus “Flight of the Osiris” on the Animatrix DVD

From a pure technical standpoint the movie was a major breakthrough for the CG field. I’m told a lot of animators who worked on the movie, ended up getting good jobs with various studios: Pixar and Disney among them. Square picked up a lot of experience from the project, which set the groundwork for Advent Children - not to mention expert CG’ing in their games. It did a lot of damage (near bankruptcy even), but provided a lot of knowledge as well. Nearly killed the Square-Enix merger, if past rumors are to be believed.

In the end Square came back stronger and more learned than ever - so in the long run it was a positive. However it also taught the company that they weren’t invincible, and truly humbled them: loss of the Honolulu offices especially.


LOL… it took me a bit to recall where I thought the “Chocobo lives in hair” idea for Sazh was stolen from: Duck King from the Fatal Fury and KoF series. :lol:

Well, some new pictures have been released in a magazine and I have to admit that the game does at least look nice.

They’ve also shown two of the summon spirits (whatever they’re called in this game), Styria and Nix. They’re shown together both in and out of battle and since they kind of look alike…summon spirit twincest maybe? :smiley:

Still, there’s one picture they released that, well…I’m sure it’s unintentional, but still. Have a look for yourself and see: … ff1341.jpg

Insert whatever sex position related joke you want after seeing this

After FFXII, I will never pre order another FF. I’ll wait and see and probably play it from one of my friends before deciding. Square has been releasing bullshit titles on the home consoles in this gen. They do okay with handhelds but so far SOIV, LR, IU, all havebeen underwhelming. I’ve been reduced to playing 6th (persona, Raidou) and even 5th gen (Xenogears, Lunar, Tales of the abyss) RPG’s instead of the new “revolutionary” square-enix games thats been so touted but utterly sux donkeyballs in content, story, character development or value. If FFXIII can prove to be as engaging as say xenogears I’ll buy it, otherwise, there is always FFXIII versus or a whole host of RPG’s thats coming out latter this year/early next year that I can look forward to from companies who’s record is just as good if not better than squares (bioware comes to mind).

The bolded titles are absolute epic titles that will probably be better than most of the RPGs that come out on the PS3 and 360 anyway.

Well, it’s just my opinion but, Tales of the Abyss > Tales of Vesperia (360) = Tales of Symphonia 2 (Wii). Not to say the other 2 are bad, but I sure haven’t played Symphonia 2 and Vesperia for 300 hours/5 playthroughs, though I have beaten them. The original Xenogears is better than the entire Xenosaga (I think almost ANY game is better than Xenosaga 2) as well, I mean KOS-MOS & Jin are cool and all, but the Fei/ID personality mash up and well, the entire story blows the Xenosaga trilogy away. (Aside from the giant hamster. Screw that thing.) And Lunar is Lunar… I don’t think you’re gonna find to many haters of it, even if the english dub was rather hilarious.

I think I’m one of the few people who LIKED FF12, I thought the Gambit system was ridiculously overpowered, and the option to build the party the way you wanted it built was a great feature. Maxing White Magic party wide was hilarious, and black magic for the most part was never cast in my party. My black mage rocked out Katanas. So, even if Lightning is a confirmed Cloud tranny, I’m still looking forward to the game albeit, I’m not foaming at the mount over it, but I’ll probably pre-order it and play straight through it, though I’d never consider myself a fanboy and don’t care if people bash it. Or any game for that matter, :lol:

When it comes to FFXII, either you love it or you hate it. Personally, I thought it was the best FF since FFVII. The story was amazing, Ashe is probably one of the best female characters in the whole saga, the scenery was utterly beautiful. The combat system was far from perfect, but after all it was their first time with that system, and they still managed to pull out some amazing stuff (like the dragon fight in the forest, or the Pyros lord, or the vegetable gang :lol: ).
Since I hated FFIX and FFX, I had little trust left in Square. They won me back with FFXII. So, FFXIII is one of the game I’m waiting the most at the moment, and I’ll preorder it as soon as possible.

Most of those titles came out late into the development of the PS1 or PS2 (Persona 3 & 4) and/or were by a specific creator during a specific era. Often a lot of quality RPGs come out during the end of a console’s life as before then a company is more worried about overall sales. When they’ve moved on, they don’t care as much. This is why so many titles that probably would not have come out for the PS2. The market has shifted to care more about eye-candy and fast-paced action or psuedo-MMO-style combat (its a poor imitation, and the better ones are ones that don’t try as hard like .hack).

For me, every game since X has gone downhill. X and X-2 were okay. Didn’t care for the very forced world structure instead of roaming around the world. XI - never was much for MMOs. XII - horrible leveling system combined with horrible battle system. XIII looks to be just as bad as its following XII’s lead.

For me, I can forgive bad graphics, interface, even bad combat system in a RPG. What I cannot forgive is if it has horrible story. FFVII was okay, VIII was good, X was good, X-2 i didn’t care for. FFXI is online, FFXII’s story is like Suikoden V’s political intrigue gone horribly wrong. I mean wtf, Vayne is more competent ruler than Ash (which is a very lit version of the Prince in Suikoden V, since she really doesn’t lead any army to free her people, forge alliances or do any political manoeuvrings, her uncle did all that) and wants exactly what Asch wants, so why are they fighting again? There is a difference between a believable villain who wants roughly what the MC wants, (IE Grahf and Fei from Xenogears, both wants to free themselves from the endless cycle but their method is so different that they must fight) than there is Villain and MC wants the samething yet for some untold reason, they must kill each other, the former is a good story telling device, the latter is called stupidity. IE FFXII Ash and Vayne wants to end the age of stones, there is only one way to end it so they could have simply sat down and say: "hay, we want the samething, u get the damn sword and we can rid the age of stones. As Vaynes objective all along had been to ride the stones, as he told vernat, not world domination, the deal could have been, help me end this era of stones and I’ll give you back your country.
I hope FFXIII can actually make a story I give a damn about instead of this half ass political crap that doesn’t make a lick of sense. I appreciate that they wanted to make a story that is less character focused and more on the larger picture but the larger picture had to be pretty damn deep which FFXII’s wasn’t.
As for the other aspects of FFXIII. The graphics looks okay, battle system is action orientated which may not be a bad thing if done right. If character development and story is good, I’ll buy, if not, than imo I’m not missing out on much.