Final Fantasy XIII

As far as FFVII, is concerned, Each specific Aspect of the game (ATB, Characterization, Graphics (at that time), Story, Materia)
were ok, but put them all together and it really knocked it out of the park, imo. VIII, was really, Good, but the Dropped the ball on the ending, imo Squall surviving at the end, I thought the writer wimped out, cause of Aerith’s sacrifice in VII, maybe they wanted to have a more upbeat ending. oh and QUISTIS RULES! :mrgreen:
Have them but really haven’t played X, X-2, and XII.

-Being a regular Player of FFXI (75 Paladin, 75 White Mage) It has some really good Stories behind them (Chains of Promathia, Wings of the Goddess) some ok Storylines (Treasures of Aht Urghan) a meh Storyline (Rise of the Zilart) and a rather disappointing mini Expansion (A Crystalline Prophecy) Not so much the mini Expansions Story (which is Decent) but the grindy crappy drop rate item quests you have to go through to get to the one solo and 2 group fights you have to do.
(Finished all the storylines except Wings of the Goddess, but that’s only because they haven’t finished it in game yet)

Well well, you definitely missed something. Like, Ashe is fighting to free her country and avenge her husband, which got kinda killed fighting against Vayne’s kingdom. Moreover, Vayne is a tyrant well ahead on the road to madness…without considering the fact that he signed a pact with the devil.

The main point, anyway, is one. Vayne wants to overthrow the gods making use of godly tools and with the help of a renegade god, eventually turning himself into a god-like emperor. Ashe decides to free humanity from the gods using her own strength (in fact, she refuses to make use of the stone the gods decided to gave her), to obtain freedom for her and for the people she loves.

In FFXII there’s much more than what you said. I would definitely suggest you to play the game again (although I’m sure you’ll never do that).

If Vayne was a tyrant, the first person he would kill after his father would be his brother. He is not mad, his ultimate goal is to destroy the gods and basically let his brother run the empire afterwards which is why he didn’t kill his brother. Vayne is the tool of Vernat and he knows it, and the ambitions of Vernat is to end the age of stones. The Godlike emperor that Vayne became was Vernats doing, as a way to end their existence since their ambitions/goal is now complete. Lets not forget that the people Ash loves, didn’t exactly despise Vayne either, as he wasn’t an incompetent ruler nor a harsh ruler, in all instances, he appears to be a fair person. The death of Ashe’s father is more political than personal. Her husband probably got what he deserved after his idiotic actions on the battlefield, shouting some crap about his father and not paying attention to his surroundings. Its one thing to be shot by an arrow while fighting the enemy, its another if you get hit while acting like a retarded monkey.

As for that there is more than I said, of course there is more, I summarized, but a summary of say Xenogears would probably be 10 times the length of a summary of FFXII’s story which just goes to show how shallow the latter’s story is. I can remember almost everything about FFXII’s story eventhough i played and beat it once 3 years ago, not because its good or memorable, but because there really wasn’t much to it. I could only remember about half of xenogears and i played that 3 times, last being less than a year ago, which just goes to show the difference in depth and content.

So. Ya know. It’s been out for awhile. Scored a 39 out of 40 in Famitsu.

Won’t spoil what I’ve seen so far, but the game has incredible graphics worth millions and a full symphonic orchestra for the soundtrack. Story is everything you’d expect for a Final Fantasy title - but it kind takes this weird turn in the middle, that’s kinda borderline dumb. Still… it’s a top rate RPG that will redefine the genre as it always does. Final Fantasy XIII lives up to all the hype. I still prefer 7 more… but 13 makes a close second in my book. Better than 8 and 9 and 11 that’s for sure.

The character designs for the protagonists still bother me… and Sazh Katzroy turned out to be every bit the moronic idiot I expected… but he does Gun-Kata, so it balances out for him. He’s still moronic idiot though… not moronic cool like Reno and Rude were: they honestly made losing look good. :stuck_out_tongue:

Doon’t you mean 8,9 & !0 Narg? (Since 11 is the MMO)

well 11 can’t really be judged against other FF games cause it’s the mmo. When XIV comes out then you can compare it to that.

The ultimate FF13 spoiler!!! Rawr!!! Can you resist looking at it?

DO NOT QUOTE this post. It will not hide the spoiler. :smiley:

Don’t come crying to me if you peek. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lightning dies.

No. Not making it up. Mwa, ha, ha, ha,!!!

Booya. Another game ruined. :wink:

Narg It makes up for Squall.

Final Fantasy games have been pissing me off for a while now. I can’t really think of a better way to phrase it than this: they’re bloated. They put too much effort into all the optional stuff and minigames, and it drags down the rest of the game. That and quirky ass gameplay (FF8’s draw system, FF10’s sphere grid, FF12’s…3 steals from one boss) that makes me want to tear my hair out. This is exactly why XIII interests me: rumor has it that the game is extremely linear, virtually minigame-less, lacks an overworld for much of the game, and has a very intense, focused narrative.

Thank god.

Square only developed one of those games. Your beef is with Tri-Ace.

As long as FFXIII isn’t FFXII, I should be happy. FFXII is the only FF game I do not like.

Funny thing is, that’s exactly the reason why my hype for FFXIII dropped. A linear, grind-intensive game with crappy dialogues? No, thanks. And what’s with characters fully healing after every combat? And no cities whatsoever? Are you kidding me? This is not a RPG.

As of now, FFXIII has fallen behind Heavy Rain, God of War III and Red Dead Redemption in my wishlist for the next months.

FFXIII is worse than XII… I didn’t like the XII, i found it crappy (not at X-2 crappy level through)… But the XII is not so bad in the end after playing the XIII.
Well i’ll translate a good sentence that the biggest Web Site specialized in Video Game in my country said about FFXIII : its a bad FF and a bad RPG.
And this Website is know to be pro FF ^^; (end they have very good reputation since some of their reviewer work in Video Game Magazine and webiste since the early 90…)

Odd. It’s highly rated in Japan: voted 2nd best game of 2009. DQ9 was 1st place… but then, it’s DQ and Japan. Also sales were insane: some locations were sold out for weeks on end. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a rabid fanboy of Final Fantasy 13 (my favorite game of the year was Tokimeki Memorial 4) - but people are raging over this game like it was gold.

Exactly what didn’t you like about FF13? I disliked the character designs and the weird plot twist about 2/3rd of the way… but everything else was a 10 for me (graphics, music, and battle engine especially). Not my favorite Final Fantasy - that honor goes to #7 - but certainly worth the time and effort to finish… just to see what a AAA game can look like.

But sure… Bayonetta and Darksiders were more my style. :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as it returns to more character and story driven and is not like FFXI or FFXII. I highly doubt any FF game will ever usurp FFX in my eyes, so if it doesn’t match it I’m not going to bitch and moan.

Highly rated in Japan?

Overall FFXII get the worse review of all the FF… The Japanese Player bashed it a lot.

What i didn’t liked in FFXIII? The characters, they suck, All the Battle and “level up” System which is a so-so copy/paste of FFX with a bit of FFXII(I liked the FFX system and hated the FFXII combat but here, really is not as good as FFX)… It’s the most linear FF i ever played, even the X was less Linear than that… And of course Corridor, corridor and Corridor… Wow cool a New Corridor!.. Oh and yeah this poor excuse of SideQuest which reek of Monster Hunter… if i want to play Monster Hunter, i buy a Monster Hunter not a FF.

Basically, i don’t trust the FF Licence anymore… they only produced crappy to average FF since the X-2.
Well i still have the DQ, the Persona and the Wild Arms to enjoy and they never disapointed me.(Well Wild Arms 4 was a little disapointing, since the Western ambiance was gone and it was a little too short)

Um. Yes? :slight_smile:

But you have to remember that only happens after you cross the streams and fail to defeat Bowser so to avoid Nyx showing up and wasting Tycho and Gabe you just have to use the wet noodle when prompted.

Sadly, even if you’re successful, everybody dyes anyway. They can’t avoid the hair bleaching attack used by Ichigo.

Gave you the links.

Didn’t say 12. I was talking about 13.

Forgot a “I”
And yeah your link… Want me to produce dozen of link to Japanese BBS with a lot of Japanese Player Bashing the Game?or you just want a quick version of it?

Even the review of Famitsu was a “disaster” (well you see no?) for a FF… And everybody know that Famitsu ponder the note with the number of ¬• the Publisher/Dev spend on Ads.

Anyway, this FF is a disaster and very far to be welcome.

Give me any major Japanese review site, that calls FF13 a failure.

I can easily find a lot of Japanese player bashing of ANY game. I know an entire thread devoted towards hate on Bayonetta on 2chan. That doesn’t mean Bayonetta sucks - that just means there are people who think it sucks.

What!? Are you reading the article? Famitsu gave Final Fantasy XIII 39 OUT OF 40 POINTS!!! That’s almost perfect!

EDIT - And hey, if you think Famitsu is rigged, that’s on you. But why does FF13 win out on gamer polls? Unless you think those are rigged too…

Dragon Quest 8 got 39 out of 40. So did Kingdom Hearts 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3. That is not a bad score. That’s a badass score.

In your opinion. Which you are entitled to, of course. But for a vast majority, FF13 is a massive success.

I don’t know, I watched the trailer and the dialog sounds awful … I would be embarrassed to endorse those lines by playing characters who voiced them. So far as I can tell FFVIII was the last good FF game they made.