Final Fantasy XIII

FF7 was the last one for me. FF6 before that. And then FF4 before that. FF10 gets points for a neat ending though.

The other FF aren’t interesting to me. I just played 13 to see what all the hype was about, and take notes on where next generation RPG’s were heading. Personally I’m only lukewarm about everything, but I’ll give credit where it’s due.

However I think Kingdom Hearts is a better franchise now.

Well, VIII was my first, so it gains serious nostalgia points … and I haven’t been much impressed with anything in the line since, so that pretty much sums up my case.

That’s okay, I’m giving all my attention to Mass Effect for the next couple weeks - that will wash any residue of that video from my mind.

It looks like we’ll be getting a sequel: … sy-xiii-2/

If this is true, I think this could be a good thing. While I thought XIII was good overall once its plot finally started to move along and I enjoyed the battle system, it could have been a lot better. Here’s what I hope to see in the sequel:

  1. We don’t have to read a datalog to understand plot details or learn more about the world the game takes place in. There’s a reason the “show, don’t tell” rule was made.
  2. Better NPC involvement in the plot.
  3. More Sazh

Despite the Over 9000 complaints about how FF13 sucked, the game sold like crack. Obviously FF13 was a good game for million of gamers, so naturally Square is gonna milk 'em for it. :stuck_out_tongue:

After all… SE has gotta do something to offset the dead sales of FF14.

I dunno … didn’t the price drop on XIII much more rapidly than it did for (say) FFX? On the other hand, if my choice was between milking FFXIII, and throwing all my money on FFXIV - I might try to milk Thirteen.

It could also turn out like Chrono Break - the trademark was registered, then allowed to expire and nothing happened.

FF9 was decent and FF5 had some interesting stuff, but other than that I agree with that statement. In general though I think games have gone downhill since SNES. FF7 was still great, but I didn’t care for the ability to replace anyone with anyone and save for their special attacks and a few who had ranged attacks there was nothing to make them different from anyone else. It was also the beginning of the overemphasis on melodramatic characters over good story telling principles. 9 at least tried to cut back to some of the SNES era. Then 10 started the idea of a rail type game where the player cannot go exploring the world much, just move from point A->B->C and finally 12 changed the whole combat system so it wasn’t really RPG-ish anymore.

That’s why I don’t buy them anymore, but still buy DQ titles.

It seems the third time is not the charm :? : … e-decline/

Why is Square pushing FF13 so hard? There’s other games in the series that people actually like if they have to make more spinoffs, and if not, work on the next main series title or make another SaGa game or something. I don’t remember any SaGa games on the latest generation (PS3, 360. that social media bullshit doesn’t count) I know SaGa games don’t sell well, but they’ve all done better than Lightning Returns.


Bravely Default/FF Tactics Character Designer Leaves Square Enix

I’ve been hearing rumors that people have been leaving Square Enix. I figured it was due to profit loss, and the classical trend of dropping people when that happens. However it seems some “big name” individuals are doing it too.

Are we seeing a prelude of what happened to CAPCOM? Are the old veterans departing and leaving their old company a shadow and shell of it’s former self? Are the people with the $$$ overruling people with the ideas, an explanation why the company is cash cowing certain IP’s into the ground and totally ignoring others? Are the mistakes of CAPCOM not being learned?

I wonder if he’ll join up with some of the other Square vets on a kickstarter like this: … aaa-talent

One question, this possibility kind of worrying me, but do you think it’s possible SE might stop making story based games and turn Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest into MMOs?

I doubt it. MMO’s generally don’t very sell well in Japan. Eventually Dragon Quest will have to return back to it’s console and handheld roots. DQ10 is making profit, but it’s not making as much profit as prior flagship releases. Final Fantasy is getting it’s reputation thrown in mud as of late. Failure of the MMO and failure of Lightning Returns being the most obvious. There was that press release that Square Enix was making a new QA team for future Final Fantasy projects…

Plus the foreseeable future of MMO’s is F2P. Square Enix isn’t in to that format, and I can’t see how any MMO of theirs could compete with the big boys if it’s not F2P.

My prediction came true :shock: … … f=activity … ts-Success

Sure sounds nice, but guess what day it is (or about to be were I’m at)?