First Time

I hear Canada is pretty strict on Anime Pornography. A friend of mine actually got his laptop searched they went through his cache and such trying to find out if he had illegal pornography of any sort. Also they searched through all of his Manga looking for illegal material (The Manga’s were brand new too). Anyways Canada is a prude of a country, when it comes to porn.

Also what kind of taste do you have, so we can help you decide?

[ 09-06-2007, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

hi and welcome to the board

i live in canada myself and while i have no idea what your tastes are in terms of character age, there are still a few titles that i feel are canada-safe.

long lovely storylines…i’d say figures of happiness, as well as our upcoming snow sakura which is currently in development.

and although this doesnt quite fit in the category of “long lovely storylines”, but our upcoming title bazooka cafe, which will be released soon, has nothing that, in my honest opinion, canadian customs would frown on :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t honestly think you’d run into any customs issues with most peach princess titles. I’ve done a fair bit of importing myself I havn’t run into any issues even though my tastes arn’t always in the safe zone, but there are always some stories that concern me such as what GogetaSS4 describes (what were the circomstances behind that?). Still, peach princesses lineup is pretty safe I think for import.

Image 1
Image 2

If I can get those into Canada (inspected by customs too), you can probably get anything peapri has to offer. :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 09-06-2007, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Doddler ]

The master of is here. bows down to Dod

That really would concern me…

Wow… I didn’t know it was like that for Canada…

I mean sure - US customs opens things from time to time, but only if they suspect something is wrong or if its a random search. Basically a VERY low percentage (I’d dare say a fraction of 1%).

Do they open everything imported into Canada?


i dont think i have ever gotten my imports searched by customs (maybe once but got through without any issues), although most of my stuff are transformers related and i am not a lolicon like some people in this thread so for myself all my stuff are pretty much safe for searching

anyhow, lets not get too hyped up over gogetass4’s claims and try to keep this thread on topic please and help out our new member

[ 09-06-2007, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

I think they just noticed he had a manga. And they decided to check everything, and I was just mentioning the one incident where they went completely overboard. It’s not an everyday thing, as far as I know.

[ 09-06-2007, 11:28 PM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

based on gogeta’s description it appears to me that it’s more like a search at the airport customs than some sorta search warrant at a home because of some manga in the mail

airport checks are known to be more anal if you are not lucky


[ 09-06-2007, 11:38 PM: Message edited by: Lamuness ]

  1. lolicon = someone who likes young looking girls (aka loli), and something that you should keep a low profile of if you live in canada
  2. like i said before, figures of happiness, and i’d say crescendo as well (both can be purchased via download); all of our games have multiple endings anyways so no need to worry about that, and i would suggest you consider placing a pre-order on snow sakura which will hopefully be out later this year

Depends on what kind of story you prefer:

Emotionally involving, true lovestory? => “Crescendo”
Comedy? => “Tokimeki Check-In!”, “Tottemo Pheromone” (oh wait, I think that has been renamend to “Target: Pheromone”), “Kango Shicyauzo”
Mystery/Crime? => “Chain - the lost footsteps”
Darkness, darker than the blackest pitch? => “Hitomi - my stepsister”, “Gibo”, “Sensei 2”

Critical Point. Well, this game doesn’t have a lovely storyline, it’s more mystery and suspense than love. But it has tons of endings and plenty of replayability.

[ 09-07-2007, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Billybob ]

then my previously mentioned titles still stand, but i would add peach princess’ newest release: yume miru kusuri ~a drug that makes you dream~, and kana ~little sister~ to the list (the latter is available for download purchase)

You can purchase games from both sites.

Japanese-English VN translation database. One of the latest translation patches for a commercial game released was for Utawarerumono, a turn based RPG/VN. does translation patches for some Japanese games, specificly Type-moon games.

They have patches for

Tsukihime (no longer availabe retail)
Melty Blood and Melty Blood Re-Act, fighting game sequal to Tsukihime (Dont think either of these are available at retail)
Utawarerumono, Turnbased RPG (Available at )

They are working on patches for

Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B ( )
Fate/Stay Night ( ) is working a patch for Shuffle! ( ) The translation and editing are done according to the site, but they apparently can’t start testing it untill the translator Heklin gets settled in Japan.

As for recommendations on a game from PP, Heart de Roomate is a long “lovey” game with multiple endings. It’s setup like a 24 episode anime, complete with “Next time on Heart de Roomate” trailers between episodes, and even a recap episode. It’s pretty much a romantic comedy set up for most of the game, though one of the endings is pretty sad. There are 3 main girls, and 2 secondary girls who’s endings you can get after finsihing the main paths of the game. It’s available in download format to.

Hmm…well I wouldn’t suggest people take that kind of stuff to an airport in the US either, lolicon or no.

Glad you asked.

I, myself, have always benefited greatly from the recommendations I’ve recieved others on this BBS. I’d say Crescendo would be your best bet. It has a long, lovely storyline and lots of endings. Plus a good mix of story and interactivity and nice music. Too bad about your situation, tho. I’ve heard other horror stories about Canadian customs. I can’t go anywhere without my eroge, so I don’t think I’ll be heading up north anytime soon.

Well I think Lamuness was saying the stuff was likely at an airport or someplace of a similar nature, not something you ask to be shipped to you or standard border check.

Jinnai, where did you get those cute dancers? I’m totally charmed.