[Freeware] Japanese Game Translator

Will do! I’ll let you know once i get a chance.

Very very cool, I plan on testing it tonight. Thanks for the link

Looks at the sample
Keeps himself as a translating program

I’ve tried this about a bit - it’s certainly better than the sample image suggests, although the output of just about every line is quite Engrishy and in some cases, the translations seem a bit off. The main downside is the delay of a few seconds in accessing the dictionary for each line. As dodgy as my Japanese is at the moment, I wouldn’t want to use this, but an auto-translator like this program is probably good enough for someone without any Japanese knowledge to make their way through a game.

The download link on your main page is wrong :slight_smile: (there is a typo)

Hopefully someday a corporation will make a product like this, with updates and a large dictionary.

i still prefer OGAT if only because i don’t have to be online to translate it. OGAT is harder to setup though. It can be a pain-in-the-ass. This one is much simpler, but the requirement to only use online translation… :frowning:

I ran a fairly simple game. Not sure how it would fare with an rpg or stat-raiser or a game that used some newer engines.

Is OGAT better translation-wise?

Most of the time, yes, if you have ATLAS (preferably v14). Othweise it’s the same. BGTA also seems to have some problems with special games as well.

Another option is to just use AGTH & a program called WinPin. You have to be careful with that program though as it can cause CTDs on programs and must be stopped manually by going to “processes” and forcibly shutting it down. Bad implimentation, i know, but when it works, it works well.

Really there is no absolute solution to playing games with english text displayed (and good grammar, but that’s beside the point) without having it in window mode or task switching.

A bit late, but could I get download links for the various tools? It’s hard to find info on some of them with just abbreviations.

yeah I searched for the programs, and I cudnt find them. So please :slight_smile:

AGTH: http://agthook.googlepages.com/index.html

Atlas on the other hand is a VERY expensive translation software which is aimed at businesses rather than eroge players.

Yea… it’s like $600 a copy for Atlas: and that’s not including the language module - which is like anther $200 IIRC…

Honestly the Google and Excite online translators do a better job IMHO… and they happen to be free.

Don’t know if you can use them for that translator thing though…

From what I can tell, part of the reason that the Google translator does so well is that it allows you to put your cursor over a translation and see the original text. For those who do know the language being translated, it gives the option to suggest a better translation.

What about a link for WinPin?

You can download a trial version of ATLAS 14 at the fujitsu homepage. It’s only good for 30 days, (after the install) so I’m basically holding off on installing my trial until some ridiculously fantastic MUST play japan release only ero comes out.

I don’t know why but I got really curious about finding translating programs online. Prices range from $1500 to $20. I’m assuming it’s a “get what you pay for” type of deal. After I get my tax refund back, (it’s money I never had anyway right?) I may pick up a few translation programs… maybe I can review them or something for the “I want to play but I can’t speak or read Japanese” crowd.

To be honest, pricing doesn’t reflect quality of the software, but it’s purpose.

For example I’ve noticed that Atlas works best for engineering and technical enviornments. It translates a large library of kanji in a literal fashion, yet becomes probmatic with hiragana/katakana. It also has a disappointing failure rate with grammical objects like adjetives and verbs. On the other hand, Systran functions better in a teaching environment that uses minimal kanji or conversational style transliteration. It performs better than Atlas when it comes to hiragana and katakana, and with a bit of tweaking throws out sentences that read like actual English. However it sucks, sucks, sucks with kanji.

No matter what the price, no translation software beats learning the language yourself. I tested out the trial versions of several program for a friend, but none of them seemed all that better than the freebies on Google and Excite. Of course my opinion is probably biased against paid translator software, because I only found faults with them, rather than positives that a non-fluent person would see as a Godsend.

I’v got Atlas and the best part that i find about it is the fact that you can add your own words.
I add things such as names or character catchphrases to it, and it makes things alot clearer.

So if someone took the time to put in more words that we commonly see, then export the dictionary for others to use it would be alot better.
People on Hongfire have started doing this, the current version adds 8976 words/translation.

This. I’m still new to running the pure Japanese software, and I’d love to actually know what’s going on.

Right now I just unlock the h scenes and replay them for the sound and graphics. Satisfying, but lacking compared to what I COULD be experiencing.

So whatever set-ups you guys use, software, tools, post them all, with links if possible.

Seems to me that a combination of the two would be pretty great. For eroges, I think that something like systran, but with an extremely large dictionary of common words, phrasings etc*. might be acceptable for playing fairly simple games. I don’t know anything about systran; how much it costs, or if it even lets you create a dictionary etc. but that might just be the way to go.

Of course, it’ll break apart on trying to play anything slightly more complex than Triangle Heart, so the best solution would really be to go learn Japanese after all!

*specifically targeted towards eroges, too, because they have their own writing style compared to books and webpages, with a fairly large set of common phrasings