[Freeware] Japanese Game Translator

i might be trying it with a few games i have

Jim Breen’s Multi-Radical Kanji lookup is pretty good with kanji and phrases, if you already know Japanese grammar. The translation function can provide a definition for all the kanji in a text page.

I use the WWWJDIC all the time. I probably will be heavily referencing it when I try and tackle my first untranslated titled this summer.

Yeah, since I have a few non-translated games I’d love to actually understand.

(Discode 2, Viper series, X-Change Alternative 2)

OGAT and WinPin still need download or purchase links.

I’ll be doing a lot more importing once I have the right tools.

Why do you buy games you don’t understand, though? I mean, that Dreaming in the Red Chamber Chinese VN looks pretty neat and I’d love to play it, but I don’t have a copy because I don’t know a bit of the language.

Where did he say, he bought them?


Because I’m insane. No, wait. No, that’s not what I meant to say at all. Let me try that again.

For a lot of things, you can either buy the game now, or in a year or two’s time, when you’re ready to try, it goes poof, and you can’t really get a legit copy unless you want to go way overboard and pay thru the nose for a copy.

The two Kino’s Journeys PS2 games, for example, that I imported a year ago. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be real hard to find those now. And I found out Crest of the Stars has a PS2 release! Or rather, technically it’s for Banner of the Stars; Crest of the Stars is instead a PS1 title that is out of print. I’d like to buy it, but nobody carries PS1 games anymore.

It’s a calculated risk that in the future, when you actually CAN understand said game, you will be glad you shelled out in the past for something that is now really expensive or simply not available at all.

The thing is, as far as I am aware, umarekawari isn’t trying to learn the language, and is instead purely counting on a translation program to do the work for him.

The little I do know doesn’t help. I’m trying to learn, but it’s hard for me as my brain doesn’t handle the task of learning another language well at ALL.

Unicorn… I’ll ignore that.

get Rosetta stone japanese then

Hah. I wish I could afford to get that. Curse my limited income.

Even with Rosetta Stone and their guarantee, the brains of some people are just not wired in a way that they can learn another language. For instance, when my step-father was in the Navy, he was given a test to determine his language ability. He scored so low, they thought he had purposefully tried to get a low score. After they tested him a second time, they realized that he really is that bad with languages. Since he sings in a church choir, it is always interesting when they sing in another language (such as Latin). He has to get supplementary help so that he can properly pronounce the words, since his brain is so hard wired to English.

I’d recommend using the J->E dictionary from http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/ if you can. I find it to be a lot nicer as a dictionary, and it even has sample sentences to help you figure out the meaning of a word. Though for me, the Japanese dictionaries that come with Mac OSX Leopard provide a useful equivalent.

LOLZ I may sound a little naive but can some please explain how to use agath? I tried running it and it doesnt work at all? Oh and when I close the exe file it gives a error message saying the memory couldnt be read :roll: :?

Links .Nao.please :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

http://www.gamebridge.com.cn/Home/Produ … .aspx?ID=4

I have to wait for the Japanese fan translation patch =p

you only need it if you have atlast v13 or older. And Atlas is cheaper if your a student. TBH though I think google’s translations are, for the most part, getting as accurate or moreso. I still end up using rikachan as a double-check in most cases though.

Wow… um, I hate to bump, but the download no longer works, and this really helped me out.
Does anyone still have a local copy they can upload?

sorry no. I scoured the net for this product.

Use OAGT instead; a bit more complex to setup, but its more comptable (except for the duplicating lines issue) and can use atlas.